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A System of Heterogenesis: Deleuze on Plurality

In van der Heiden (ed.), Phenomenological Perspectives on Plurality. Brill. pp. 175-194 (2014)

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  1. Thinking in Relation to Method: Metaphilosophical Reflections on Philosophy's Orientation to Methodology.Morgan Elbot - 2024 - Dissertation, The University of Memphis
    This portfolio style dissertation examines the relationship between philosophy and method from distinct traditions in continental philosophy. The first chapter presents an exegetical analysis of Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari’s metaphilosophical account of concept creation and Deleuze’s critique of method in the context of the dogmatic image of thought. The analysis explores the various facets and theoretical influences of his critique in order to elucidate the parameters of his rejection of method as part of the creative activity that defines philosophical (...)
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  • Ruins of Time in Words and Images.Heidrun Führer - 2024 - In Miriam de Paiva Vieira (ed.), Imagem & ruina. Campinas: Pontes Editores. pp. 17-44.
    Ruins imply damage and manifest some initial order as loss. Ruins and the process of ruination concern not only material debris but also the process of mediation in time as a representation (copy) of an anterior, an original, a creative imagination, or the facts of reality. On the long run, this leads us to reflect on history, that is, the representation of historical facts outlined in different spatiotemporal units — or periods — on the ground of a conception of chronological (...)
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  • Philosophien der Pluralisierung. Begegnungen des Politischen zwischen Gilles Deleuze und Jean-Luc Nancy.Ralf Gisinger - 2020 - Paderborn: Wilhelm Fink/Brill.
    Das Verhältnis von Einheit und Vielheit als ein Grundproblem der Philosophiegeschichte erfährt in den Werken von zwei der gegenwärtig einflussreichsten französischen Denker, Gilles Deleuze und Jean-Luc Nancy, eine je spezifische Reformulierung mit weitreichenden ontologischen sowie politischen Konsequenzen. Durch einen innovativen, aber dennoch einführenden Vergleich kontrastiert und verschränkt Ralf Gisinger erstmalig Ansätze beider Philosophen, indem er sein originäres Konzept der „Pluralisierung“ entwickelt. In einem Feld zwischen Allgemeinheit und Partikularität lassen sich so insbesondere klassische Kategorien der politischen Philosophie wie Identität, Subjekt oder (...)
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  • Incluir: un verbo intransitivo.Aldo Ocampo González - 2019 - In Repensando la justicia social y la educación inclusiva. Santiago de Chile: Celei. pp. 178-198.
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  • Contornos teóricos de la Educación Inclusiva.Aldo Ocampo González - 2019 - Revista Boletín Redipe 8 (3):66-95.
    Resumen: el campo de Educación Inclusiva es un terreno fundamentalmente disputado por una multiplicidad de disciplinas, teorías, objetos, métodos, territorios, sujetos, influencias, modos de análisis, conceptos, saberes, compromisos éticos y proyectos políticos. Construye un espacio no-disciplinar, viaja permanente y no-linealmente, por cada uno de ellos. En cada nuevo aterrizaje extrae lo más relevante y significativo de cada recurso epistemológico, con el propósito de fabricar un nuevo objeto y saber. Forja un espacio de disposición de disciplinas y una disposición histórica específica (...)
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  • Of Affliction : The Experience of Thought in Gilles Deleuze by way of Marcel Proust.Johan Sehlberg - 2020 - Dissertation, Södertörn University
    The aim of the present thesis is to explicate the experience of thought corresponding to the critical undertaking characteristic of Gilles Deleuze’s philosophy between Nietzsche and Philosophy (1962) and Difference and Repetition (1968), from within the conjunction of Deleuze’s Proust and Signs (1964) and Marcel Proust’s In Search of Lost Time (1913-1927). The importance of Proust for the development of Deleuze’s two major themes at the time, the overturning of Platonism and transcendental empiricism, has generally not been sufficiently recognised and (...)
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