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  1. Sinanthropus in Britain: human origins and international science, 1920–1939.Chris Manias - 2015 - British Journal for the History of Science 48 (2):289-319.
    The Peking Man fossils discovered at Zhoukoudian in north-east China in the 1920s and 1930s were some of the most extensive palaeoanthropological finds of the twentieth century. This article examines their publicization and discussion in Britain, where they were engaged with by some of the world's leading authorities in human evolution, and a media and public highly interested in human-origins research. This international link – simultaneously promoted by scientists in China and in Britain itself – reflected wider debates on international (...)
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  • All things bleak and bare beneath a brazen sky: practice and place in the analysis of Australopithecus.Paige Madison - 2019 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 41 (2):19.
    The fossilized primate skull known as the Taungs Baby, discovered in South Africa, was put forward in 1925 as a controversial ‘missing link’ between humans and apes. This essay examines the controversy generated by the fossil, with a focus on practice and the circulation of material objects. Viewing the Taungs story from this perspective provides a new outlook on debates, one that suggests that attention to the importance of place, particularly the ways that specific localities shape scientific practices, is crucial (...)
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  • Moralizing biology.Maurizio Meloni - 2013 - History of the Human Sciences 26 (3):82-106.
    In recent years, a proliferation of books about empathy, cooperation and pro-social behaviours (Brooks, 2011a) has significantly influenced the discourse of the life-sciences and reversed consolidated views of nature as a place only for competition and aggression. In this article I describe the recent contribution of three disciplines – moral psychology (Jonathan Haidt), primatology (Frans de Waal) and the neuroscience of morality – to the present transformation of biology and evolution into direct sources of moral phenomena, a process here named (...)
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  • Evolutionary Asiacentrism, Peking Man, and the Origins of␣Sinocentric Ethno-Nationalism.Hsiao-pei Yen - 2014 - Journal of the History of Biology 47 (4):585-625.
    This paper discusses how the theory of evolutionary Asiacentrism and the Peking Man findings at the Zhoukoudian site stimulated Chinese intellectuals to construct Sinocentric ethno-nationalism during the period from the late 1920s to the early 1940s. It shows that the theory was first popularized by foreign scientists in Beijing, and the Peking man discoveries further provided strong evidence for the idea that Central Asia, or to be more specific, Tibet, Xinjiang, and Mongolia, was the original cradle of humans. Chinese scholars (...)
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  • The beginnings of human palaeontology: prehistory, craniometry and the ‘fossil human races’.Matthew R. Goodrum - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Science 49 (3):387-409.
    Since the nineteenth century, hominid palaeontology has offered critical information about prehistoric humans and evidence for human evolution. Human fossils discovered at a time when there was growing agreement that humans existed during the Ice Age became especially significant but also controversial. This paper argues that the techniques used to study human fossils from the 1850s to the 1870s and the way that these specimens were interpreted owed much to the anthropological examination of Stone, Bronze, and Iron Age skeletons retrieved (...)
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  • Characterized by Darkness: Reconsidering the Origins of the Brutish Neanderthal.Paige Madison - 2020 - Journal of the History of Biology 53 (4):493-519.
    The extinct human relatives known as Neanderthals have long been described as brutish and dumb. This conception is often traced to paleontologist Marcellin Boule, who published a detailed analysis on a Neanderthal skeleton in the early twentieth century. The conventional historical narrative claims that Boule made an error in his analysis, causing the Neanderthals to be considered brutish. This essay challenges the narrative of “Boule’s error,” arguing instead that the brutish Neanderthal concept originated much earlier in the history of Neanderthal (...)
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  • Ancient Hunters and Their Modern Representatives: William Sollas’s Anthropology from Disappointed Bridge to Trunkless Tree and the Instrumentalisation of Racial Conflict.Marianne Sommer - 2005 - Journal of the History of Biology 38 (2):327-365.
    During the first decades of the 20th century, many anthropologists who had previously adhered to a linear view of human evolution, from an ape via Pithecanthropus erectus and Neanderthal to modern humans, began to change their outlook. A shift towards a branching model of human evolution began to take hold. Among the scientific factors motivating this trend was the insight that mammalian evolution in general was best represented by a branching tree, rather than by a straight line, and that several (...)
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  • Introduction.Amanda Rees - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Science 49 (3):383-386.
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  • (1 other version)Paleoanthropology’s uses of the bipedal criterion.Mathilde Lequin - 2018 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):1-17.
    Bipedalism is one of the criteria that paleoanthropologists use in order to interpret the fossil record and to determine if a specimen belongs to the human lineage. In the context of such interpretations, bipedalism is considered to be a unique characteristic of this lineage that also marks its origin. This conception has largely remained unchallenged over the last decades, in spite of fossil discoveries that led to the emergence of bipedalism in the human lineage being shifted back by several millions (...)
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  • Language, brain function, and human origins in the Victorian debates on evolution.Gregory Radick - 2000 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 31 (1):55-75.
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  • A Serpent without Teeth. The Conservative Transformism of Jean-Baptiste d?Omalius d?Halloy.Raf De Bont - 2007 - Centaurus 49 (2):114-137.
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  • Progression and retrogression: Herbert Spencer's explanations of social inequality.Thomas Gondermann - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (3):21-40.
    Herbert Spencer was one of the most important contributors to the Victorian discourse on social evolution. His theory of evolution in nature and society has been the subject of countless scholarly works over the last hundred years. Nevertheless, not all of its dimensions have been studied in due depth. Contrary to a widespread belief, Spencer did not just design an evolutionary theory of upward, yet branched development. Searching for explanations for the social distance between presumably civilized and primitive societies and (...)
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  • Science, site and speech.David N. Livingstone - 2007 - History of the Human Sciences 20 (2):71-98.
    An awareness of the significance of location in the production and dissemination of scientific knowledge has brought a new dimension to recent work on the sociology of science. But the importance of speech in scientific enterprises has been less well developed. This article explores the idea of `spaces of speech' by underscoring the connections between location and locution. It develops a case study of how Darwinian evolution was talked about in different sites using examples from Ireland and the American South (...)
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  • (1 other version)Paleoanthropology’s uses of the bipedal criterion.Mathilde Lequin - 2017 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 40 (1):7.
    Bipedalism is one of the criteria that paleoanthropologists use in order to interpret the fossil record and to determine if a specimen belongs to the human lineage. In the context of such interpretations, bipedalism is considered to be a unique characteristic of this lineage that also marks its origin. This conception has largely remained unchallenged over the last decades, in spite of fossil discoveries that led to the emergence of bipedalism in the human lineage being shifted back by several millions (...)
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  • Catholicism and Evolution: Polygenism and Original Sin Part I.James R. Hofmann - 2020 - Scientia et Fides 8 (2):95-138.
    Theological attention to the Catholic doctrine of original sin has a history that extends from the letters of Saint Paul through the Council of Trent and Pius XII’s 1950 encyclical, Humani generis. The doctrine has traditionally been articulated through the Genesis narrative of Adam and Eve as the first human beings from whom all others descend, an account known as monogenism. In the course of the nineteenth century, scientific research into human origins increasingly relied upon polygenism, the descent of humanity (...)
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  • Development and Adaptation: Evolutionary Concepts in British Morphology, 1870–1914.Peter J. Bowler - 1989 - British Journal for the History of Science 22 (3):283-297.
    Bernard Norton's research concentrated on the Biometrical school of Darwinism and the social implications of the hereditarian ideas that began to gain popularity in the closing years of the nineteenth century. In this article I want to look at the previous generation of evolutionists, the evolutionary morphologists against whom the Biometricians (and their great rivals, the early Mendelians) were reacting. Despite the prominence of evolutionary morphology in the post-Darwinian era, comparatively little historical work has been done on it. In helping (...)
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  • Inventing Homo gardarensis: Prestige, Pressure, and Human Evolution in Interwar Scandinavia.Peter C. Kjærgaard - 2014 - Science in Context 27 (2):359-383.
    ArgumentIn the 1920s there were still very few fossil human remains to support an evolutionary explanation of human origins. Nonetheless, evolution as an explanatory framework was widely accepted. This led to a search for ancestors in several continents with fierce international competition. With so little fossil evidence available and the idea of a Missing Link as a crucial piece of evidence in human evolution still intact, many actors participated in the scientific race to identify the human ancestor. The curious case (...)
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  • One Skull and Many Headlines: The Role of the Press in the Steinau Hoax of 1911.Oliver Hochadel - 2016 - Centaurus 58 (3):203-218.
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  • Booknotes.R. M. - 1990 - Biology and Philosophy 5 (3):373-378.
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  • The Gentleman and the Rogue: The Collaboration Between Charles Darwin and Carl Vogt.Martin Amrein & Kärin Nickelsen - 2008 - Journal of the History of Biology 41 (2):237-266.
    This paper investigates the relationship between the eminent 19th-century naturalists Charles Darwin and Carl Vogt. On two separate occasions, Vogt asked Darwin for permission to translate some of the latter’s books into German, and in both cases Darwin refused. It has generally been assumed that Darwin turned down Vogt as a translator because of the latter’s reputation as a radical libertine who was extremely outspoken in his defence of scientific materialism and atheism. However, this explanation does not fit the facts, (...)
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  • The “tribal spirit” in modern Britain: evolution, nationality, and race in the anthropology of Sir Arthur Keith.James J. Harris - 2020 - Intellectual History Review 30 (2):273-294.
    This article re-examines the anthropological scholarship of Sir Arthur Keith (1866–1955), who served as the president of the Royal Anthropological Institute (1914–1917), the Royal Anatomical Society (1918), and the British Association of the Advancement of Science (1927), who wrote prolifically on anatomy, evolution, and the idea of race. While most commonly associated with the Piltdown man hoax, Keith's contributions to the discipline were far greater and more complex. This essay specifically considers how Keith sought to problematize the concept of the (...)
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  • Revisiting the Left-Wing Response to Sociobiology: The Case of Finland in a European Context.Antti Lepistö - 2015 - Journal of the History of Biology 48 (1):99-136.
    This article revisits the left-wing response to sociobiology in the 1970s and 1980s by examining the sociobiology debate in Finland in a larger European context. It argues that the Finnish academic left’s response to sociobiology represents a “third way” alongside the purely negative, often Marxist denial of biology’s relevance, which characterized the left’s response to sociobiology in many European countries such as Hungary and Sweden, and alongside the disregard that sociobiology confronted in most parts of Eastern Europe, as well as (...)
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  • Eoliths as Evidence for Human Origins? The British Context.Marianne Sommer - 2004 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 26 (2):209 - 241.
    In the second half of the nineteenth century, France was the main site of the controversy around the so-called eoliths, supposedly human-made tools of Tertiary Europe. In contrast to the more common situation where scientists have to make sure that an object stabilized in a laboratory is not an artifact of the lab but a natural object, in the eoliths debates the opposite was the case. The eolith proponents tried to render plausible the object's artificial, that is human, origin. In (...)
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  • Booknotes.R. M. - 1990 - Biology and Philosophy 5 (4):403-406.
    Of articles which are submitted for publication in Philosophy, a surprisingly large proportion are about the views of Richard Rorty. Some, indeed, we have published. They, along with pretty well all the articles we receive on Professor Rorty, are highly critical. On the perverse assumption that there must be something to be said for anyone who attracts widespread hostility, it is only right to see what can be said in favour of Rorty's latest collection of papers, entitled, Truth and Progress,.
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  • Booknotes.R. M. - 1993 - Biology and Philosophy 8 (1):403-406.
    There is a rather striking video currently used in police training. A firearms officer is caught on video shooting an armed suspect. The officer then gives his account of what happened, and there is no suggestion that he is tying to fabricate evidence. He says that he shot the suspect once; his partner says that he fired two shots. On the video we see four shots being deliberately fired. Memory, it seems, is an unreliable witness in situations of stress.
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  • Booknotes.R. M. - 1989 - Biology and Philosophy 4 (4):403-406.
    Of articles which are submitted for publication in Philosophy, a surprisingly large proportion are about the views of Richard Rorty. Some, indeed, we have published. They, along with pretty well all the articles we receive on Professor Rorty, are highly critical. On the perverse assumption that there must be something to be said for anyone who attracts widespread hostility, it is only right to see what can be said in favour of Rorty's latest collection of papers, entitled, Truth and Progress,.
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  • Stories of stones and bones: disciplinarity, narrative and practice in British popular prehistory, 1911–1935.Amanda Rees - 2016 - British Journal for the History of Science 49 (3):433-451.
    This paper explores how three central figures in the field of British prehistory – Sir Arthur Keith, Sir Grafton Elliot Smith and Louis Leakey – deployed different disciplinary practices and narrative devices in the popular accounts of human bio-cultural evolution that they produced during the early decades of the twentieth century. It shows how they used a variety of strategies, ranging from virtual witness through personal testimony to tactile demonstration, to ground their authority to interpret the increasingly wide range of (...)
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