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  1. Beyond Statism and Deliberation: Questioning Ecological Democracy through Eco-Anarchism and Cosmopolitics.Jacob Smessaert & Giuseppe Feola - 2023 - Environmental Values 32 (6):765-793.
    This paper decentres the predominance of statism and deliberation in ecological democracy scholarship. We use insights from eco-anarchism and cosmopolitics to identify democratic configurations beyond capitalism and its entanglement with the nation-state. These configurations are premised on the idea that sustainability transformation not only implies a move beyond capitalism and the nation-state, but might comprise their dismantling. We propose and apply an analytical framework encompassing the dimensions actors, praxis and processes and institution(s) to contrast these three political theories and bring (...)
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  • The Social Specificity of Societal Nature Relations in a Flexible Capitalist Society.Dennis Eversberg - 2021 - Environmental Values 30 (3):319-343.
    Based on analyses of a 2016 German survey, this article contributes to debates on ‘societal nature relations’ by investigating the systematic differences between socially specific types of social relations with nature in a flexible capitalist society. It presents a typology of ten different ‘syndromes’ of attitudes toward social and environmental issues, which are then grouped to distinguish between four ideal types of social relationships with nature: dominance, conscious mutual dependency, alienation and contradiction. These are located in Pierre Bourdieu's (1984) social (...)
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  • The Naturalisation of Growth: Marx, the Regulation Approach and Bourdieu.Max Koch - 2018 - Environmental Values 27 (1):9-27.
    This paper analyses the hegemony of the growth paradigm through the example of its naturalisation in capitalist production and consumption relations. Applying a combination of theoretical elements from the Marxian tradition, the Regulation approach and Bourdieusian sociology, emphasis is placed on how the growth imperative is reflected in people's minds and bodies. It becomes hegemonic because it appears to be the natural way of steering economy and society. As a result, all people – including working people – benefit from the (...)
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  • Questioning Socio-Ecological Transformations.Alex Loftus - 2016 - Environmental Values 25 (5):499-502.
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  • Should Naturalists Believe in the Anthropocene?Morgan C. Tait - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (3):367-383.
    The concept of the Anthropocene draws attention to human activity's impact on the planet at the geological scale. It is tempting to reason that like evolution, a heliocentric solar system or quantum mechanics, climate science compels us to accept as real a radical new ontology, the ‘anthroposphere’, with far-reaching social and political consequences. I wish to argue that this temptation should be resisted. The Anthropocene cannot be understood entirely as a natural scientific phenomenon, although it can be treated as such (...)
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  • Personal Trust and System Trust in the Sharing Economy: A Comparison of Community- and Platform-Based Models.Sabine Gruber - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11.
    Currently, new business models created in the sharing economy differ considerably and they differ in the formation of trust as well. If and how trust can be created is shown by a comparison of two examples which diverge in their founding philosophy. The chosen example of community-based economy, Community Supported Agriculture (CSA), no longer trusts the capitalist system and therefore distances itself and creates its own environment including a new business model. It is implemented within rather small groups where trust (...)
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  • The Spiralling Economy: Connecting Marxian Theory with Ecological Economics.Crelis Rammelt - 2020 - Environmental Values 29 (4):417-442.
    The capitalist mode of production and consumption is caught in a double bind: its expansion destabilises natural systems and fails to curb social inequities, while slowdown destabilises the inner workings of the economic system itself. To better understand what is happening in this phase of instability, this article proposes a System Dynamics representation that combines elements of Georgescu-Roegen's Ecological Economics with Marxian theory. Specifically it draws from a diagram recently developed by David Harvey to communicate Marx's political economy in its (...)
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  • Participation(s) in Transnational Environmental Governance: Green Values versus Instrumental Use.Ayşem Mert - 2019 - Environmental Values 28 (1):101-121.
    As crucial elements of green ideology, political participation and inclusiveness have become indispensable to democratic decision-making as green values gained ground across the world. It is often assumed that through the inclusion and participation of more stakeholders, the global environmental governance architecture has become increasingly democratic since the 1990s. This article asks whether civil society participation in the relevant United Nations platforms democratises transnational and global environmental governance, or simply simulates democratic participation without giving stakeholders the chance to contribute to (...)
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