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  1. Hegel’s Interpretation of the Sorites.Franca D’Agostini - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2):132-150.
    1. The label conjunctive paraconsistency has been adopted to mean a consequence relation whereby ‘p and not p’ does not imply ‘p’ and ‘not p’ separately, so that Simplification in case of contradic...
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  • Introduction: The Formalization of Dialectics.Elena Ficara & Graham Priest - 2023 - History and Philosophy of Logic 44 (2):115-118.
    The idea at the basis of this special issue is that reopening the old debate about the logical status of Hegel’s dialectics is extremely interesting, for various reasons.1 The first reason is that...
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  • Hegel’s Interpretation of the Liar Paradox.Franca D’Agostini & Elena Ficara - 2021 - History and Philosophy of Logic 43 (2):105-128.
    In his Lectures on the History of Philosophy, Hegel develops a subtle analysis of Megarian paradoxes: the Liar, the Veiled Man and the Sorites. In this paper, we focus on Hegel's interpretation of...
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  • Introduction: Hegel, Wittgenstein, Identity, Difference.Jakub Mácha - 2019 - In Jakub Mácha & Alexander Berg (eds.), Wittgenstein and Hegel: Reevaluation of Difference. Berlin: De Gruyter. pp. 1-21.
    We cannot but begin this volume with Wittgenstein’s famous remark that “Hegel seems to me to be always wanting to say that things which look different are really the same. Whereas my interest is in showing that things which look the same are really different.” (MDC: p.157) This is, however, a casual remark, and it seems that we should not put too much emphasis on it. (For a discussion of how the remark should properly be understood, see Chapter 20.) In (...)
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  • Hegel, modal logic, and the social nature of mind.Paul Redding - 2019 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 62 (5):586-606.
    ABSTRACTHegel's Phenomenology of Spirit provides a fascinating picture of individual minds caught up in “recognitive” relations so as to constitute a realm—“spirit”—which, while necessarily embedded in nature, is not reducible to it. In this essay I suggest a contemporary path for developing Hegel's suggestive ideas in a way that broadly conforms to the demands of his own system, such that one moves from logic to a philosophy of mind. Hence I draw on Hegel's “subjective logic”, understood in the light of (...)
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  • ¿Hegel filósofo de la diferencia? Reflexiones sobre la concepción hegeliana de la identidad 1.Camilo Andrés Morales - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (138):491-508.
    RESUMEN La filosofía hegeliana en general, y en particular la “Ciencia de la lógica” y el tratamiento que en esta se hace sobre nociones como las de identidad y diferencia, generaron desde el momento mismo en que vio la luz, un sinnúmero de posiciones críticas tales como las de Schelling, los hegelianos de izquierda y, en general, de todos aquellos filósofos que, en virtud de las posibles implicaciones prácticas de una filosofía de la identidad buscaron “expurgar la semilla del dragón (...)
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  • Brandom vs. Hegel: The Relation of Normativity and Recognition to the True Infinite.Alper Turken - 2015 - Hegel Bulletin 36 (2):225-247.
    Robert Brandom's neo-pragmatist interpretation of Hegel suggests that Hegel understands normative statuses, and therefore all conceptual commitments, as social achievements based on reciprocal recognition. This is expressed in the slogan ‘For Hegel, all transcendental constitution is social institution.’1An important problem with this interpretation lies in its oversight that Hegel's concept of true infinite is presupposed and operative in Hegel's account of recognition inPhenomenology. This paper argues that Hegel's theory of recognition in thePhenomenologyis based on his logical concepts and therefore cannot (...)
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  • As if a Stage: Towards an Ecological Concept of Thought in Indian Buddhist Philosophy.Sonam Kachru - 2020 - Journal of World Philosophies 5 (1):1-29.
    The interest of this essay is meta-philosophical: I seek to reconstruct neglected concepts of thought available to us given the diverse use South Asian Buddhist philosophers have made of the term-of-art vikalpa. In contemporary Anglophone engagements with Buddhist philosophy, it has come to mean either the categorization and reidentification of particulars in terms of the construction of equivalence classes and/or the representation of extra-mental causes of content. While this does track much that is important in the history of Buddhist philosophy, (...)
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  • The Province of Conceptual Reason: Hegel's Post-Kantian Rationalism.William Clark Wolf - unknown
    In this dissertation, I seek to explain G.W.F. Hegel’s view that human accessible conceptual content can provide knowledge about the nature or essence of things. I call this view “Conceptual Transparency.” It finds its historical antecedent in the views of eighteenth century German rationalists, which were strongly criticized by Immanuel Kant. I argue that Hegel explains Conceptual Transparency in such a way that preserves many implications of German rationalism, but in a form that is largely compatible with Kant’s criticisms of (...)
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  • The Non-Conceptual Dimension of Social Mediation: Toward a Materialist Aufhebung of Hegel.Dionysis Christias - 2019 - International Journal of Philosophical Studies 27 (3):448-473.
    ABSTRACTSellars’s relationship with Hegel is complex and itself ‘dialectical‘ in interesting ways. Sellars follows Hegel in recognizing that the normativity essential to intentionality and conceptu...
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  • SUR LA NOTION DE THÉORIE CLOSE DE WERNER HEISENBERG À LA LUMIÈRE DU SECOND WITTGENSTEIN.Frédérique Laurent & François-Igor Pris - 2015 - APRIORI. Серия: Гуманитарные науки 6:1-35.
    Nous interprétons les vues philosophiques de Werner Heisenberg comme un pragmatisme et un réalisme non-métaphysique de type Wittgensteinien. La « théorie close » est une règle (concept) Wittgensteinienne. À la différence d’Alisa Bokulich qui donne raison à la position de Paul Dirac sur la nature des relations entre les théories physiques différentes, nous favorisons plutôt celle de Heisenberg. Notre position interprétant Heisenberg va aussi à l’encontre de celle de Popper: le critère d’une théorie scientifique établie (close) est sa non-falsifiabilité. -/- (...)
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  • What Kind of an Idealist (If Any) Is Hegel?Markus Gabriel - 2016 - Hegel Bulletin 37 (2):181-208.
    In this paper, I first explore Hegel’s own distinctions between various types of idealism, most of which he explicitly rejects. I discuss his notions of subjective, transcendental and absolute idealism and present the outlines of his criticisms of the first two as well as the motivation behind his commitment to a version of absolute idealism. In particular, I argue that the latter does not share the defining features of what is now commonly called ‘idealism’, as Hegel neither denies the existence (...)
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  • Donald Davidson’s “Spinozistic Extravagance”.Knox Peden - 2017 - Critical Horizons 18 (4):347-358.
    This article suggests reasons why Donald Davidson’s work in philosophy of mind and metaphysics can be identified as Spinozist and also explores the significance of using proper names from the history of philosophy to describe contemporary projects. It argues that what makes Davidson’s work Spinozist is not just its internal features, but the role it occupies in relation to other positions identified as Kantian and Hegelian in today’s philosophical terrain. Finally, it suggests that the core animus at the heart of (...)
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  • O projeto hegeliano de Uma filosofia livre de pressuposições.Federico Orsini - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (138):521-538.
    Resumo O objetivo de meu trabalho é o esclarecimento de quatro características distintivas do sistema hegeliano como projeto de uma filosofia livre de pressuposições. Para tanto, pretendo reconstruir a conexão entre os seguintes traços constitutivos do conceito operativo de Voraussetzungslosigkeit : em primeiro lugar, a imanência do real ao pensar objetivo; em segundo, a integração do ceticismo pirrônico ou antigo ao modo de apresentação científica do pensar; em terceiro lugar, a configuração do elemento lógico em termos de um movimento de (...)
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  • Hegel’s Subjective Logic as a Logic for (Hegel’s) Philosophy of Mind.Paul Redding - 2018 - Hegel Bulletin 39 (1):1-22.
    In the 1930s, C. I. Lewis, who was responsible for the revival of modal logic in the era of modern symbolic logic, characterized ‘intensional’ approaches to logic as typical of post-Leibnizian ‘continental philosophy’, in contrast to the ‘extensionalist’ approaches dominant in the British tradition. Indeed Lewis’s own work in this area had been inspired by the logic of his teacher, the American ‘Absolute Idealist’, Josiah Royce. Hegel’s ‘Subjective Logic’ in Book III of hisScience of Logic, can, I suggest, be considered (...)
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