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  1. Under Positive Pressure: How Stakeholder Pressure Affects Corporate Social Responsibility Implementation.Diana Ingenhoff, Katharina Spraul & Bernd Helmig - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (2):151-187.
    This study tests a model that links stakeholder pressure to the implementation of corporate social responsibility activities and market performance. Stakeholder groups and competitors might exert pressure on companies to implement CSR, which could lead to positive effects on market performance. Using structural equation modeling, the authors find that stakeholders and competitors exert pressure differently. The effect of CSR implementation on market performance is moderated by market dynamism: It affects market performance more in dynamic environments. The authors discuss implications for (...)
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  • The Institutionalization of Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting.Archie B. Carroll, Ann K. Buchholtz & Kareem M. Shabana - 2017 - Business and Society 56 (8):1107-1135.
    This article presents a three-stage model of how isomorphic mechanisms have shaped corporate social responsibility reporting practices over time. In the first stage, defensive reporting, companies fail to meet stakeholder expectations due to a deficiency in firm performance. In this stage, the decision to report is driven by coercive isomorphism as firms sense pressure to close the expectational gap. In the second stage, proactive reporting, knowledge of CSR reporting spreads and the practice of CSR reporting becomes normatively sanctioned. In this (...)
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  • Corporate Philanthropy as a Context for Moral Agency, a MacIntyrean Enquiry.Helen Nicholson, Ron Beadle & Richard Slack - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 167 (3):589-603.
    It has been claimed that ‘virtuous structures’ can foster moral agency in organisations. We investigate this in the context of employee involvement in corporate philanthropy, an activity whose moral status has been disputed. Employing Alasdair MacIntyre’s account of moral agency, we analyse the results of eight focus groups with employees engaged in corporate philanthropy in an employee-owned retailer, the John Lewis Partnership. Within this organisational context, Employee–Partners’ moral agency was evidenced in narrative accounts of their engagement in philanthropic activities and (...)
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  • What do we know about corporate philanthropy? A review and research directions.Wonsuk Cha & Ujvala Rajadhyaksha - 2021 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 30 (3):262-286.
    During the past decades, academics and practitioners have been extensively focusing on corporate philanthropy as an important part of corporate social responsibility and a vast number of papers have been published on this topic in various disciplines. To have a better understanding of the evolution of corporate philanthropy, this paper critically reviews some 60 years of research covering 228 corporate philanthropy documents (including 214 journal articles, 5 dissertations, and 9 books and book chapters) across and between disciplines, and analyzes their (...)
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  • An Empirical Examination of Firm, Industry, and Temporal Effects on Corporate Social Performance.G. Tomas M. Hult, Charles C. Snow, David J. Ketchen, Aaron F. McKenny & Jeremy C. Short - 2016 - Business and Society 55 (8):1122-1156.
    Research examining firm and industry effects on performance has primarily focused on the financial aspects of firm performance. Corporate social performance is a major aspect of firm performance that has been under-examined empirically in the literature to date. Adding to the fundamental debate regarding firm versus industry effects on performance, this study uses data drawn from the Kinder, Lydenberg and Domini Co. database to examine the degree to which CSP is related to firm, industry, and temporal factors. The results of (...)
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  • Congruence in Corporate Social Responsibility: Connecting the Identity and Behavior of Employers and Employees.Debbie Haski-Leventhal, Lonneke Roza & Lucas C. P. M. Meijs - 2017 - Journal of Business Ethics 143 (1):35-51.
    The multi-disciplinary interest in social responsibility on the part of individuals and organizations over the past 30 years has generated several descriptors of corporate social responsibility and employee social responsibility. These descriptors focus largely on socially responsible behavior and, in some cases, on socially responsible identity. Very few authors have combined the two concepts in researching social responsibility. This situation can lead to an oversimplification of the concept of CSR, thereby impeding the examination of congruence between employees and organizations with (...)
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  • “Managing” Corporate Community Involvement.Judith M. van der Voort, Katherina Glac & Lucas C. P. M. Meijs - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 90 (3):311-329.
    In academic research, many attempts have been undertaken to legitimize corporate community involvement by showing a business case for it. However, much less attention has been devoted to building understanding about the actual dynamics and challenges of managing CCI in the business context. As an alternative to existing predominantly static and top-down approaches, this paper introduces a social movement framework for analyzing CCI management. Based on the analysis of qualitative case study data, we argue that the active role of employees (...)
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  • That's not what happened and it's not my fault anyway! An exploration of management attitudes towards Sri-shareholder engagement.Wim Vandekerckhove, Jos Leys & Dirk Van Braeckel - 2007 - Business Ethics: A European Review 16 (4):403–418.
    This paper explores semi‐formal interactions between SRI‐investors that take the governance route rather than deploy a best‐in‐class logic or exclusionary screening. On the basis of a stakeholder typology of the investor and of the chosen topic of interaction, namely compliance with the core ILO labour conventions, the paper formulates 10 expectations about management reactions to the concerns raised by investors. These expectations cover responsiveness, acknowledgment of positions and general attitude. The expectations are then related to the factual discourse by management (...)
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  • Developing CSR Giving as a Dynamic Capability for Salient Stakeholder Management.John Ehsman Cantrell, Elias Kyriazis & Gary Noble - 2015 - Journal of Business Ethics 130 (2):403-421.
    In this paper, we draw upon the emerging view of strategic cognition and issue salience and show that CSR giving has evolved into more than an altruistic response to being asked for support, to one which is embedded in the strategic frames of management and which supports organizational identity. The managerial action as a result of such strategic cognition suggests that modern organizations are seeking to develop CSR giving processes that provide them with a competitive advantage. We draw on the (...)
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  • (1 other version)Resonance tropes in corporate philanthropy discourse.Crawford Spence & Ian Thomson - 2009 - Business Ethics 18 (4):372-388.
    This paper explores corporate charitable giving disclosures in order to question the extent to which corporations can claim that their philanthropy activities are charitable at all. Exploration of these issues is carried out by means of a tropological analysis that focuses on the different linguistic tropes within the philanthropy disclosures of 52 companies, namely metaphor and synecdoche. The results reveal a number of complex and contradictory things. Primarily, the master metaphor of ‘altruism’ projected by the corporate disclosures is ideologically at (...)
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  • (1 other version)Resonance tropes in corporate philanthropy discourse.Crawford Spence & Ian Thomson - 2009 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 18 (4):372-388.
    This paper explores corporate charitable giving disclosures in order to question the extent to which corporations can claim that their philanthropy activities are charitable at all. Exploration of these issues is carried out by means of a tropological analysis that focuses on the different linguistic tropes within the philanthropy disclosures of 52 companies, namely metaphor and synecdoche. The results reveal a number of complex and contradictory things. Primarily, the master metaphor of 'altruism' projected by the corporate disclosures is ideologically at (...)
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  • The Evolution of Corporate Social Reporting Practices in Mexico.Moriah Meyskens & Karen Paul - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (S2):211 - 227.
    This study analyzes corporate social reporting in Mexico as it has evolved in recent years, expanding and updating a previous study. Two sets of Mexican companies were identified, each of whom had expressed a commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR) through social responsibility reports and practices on their websites. One set (" first generation") were identified as early adopters of CSR reporting in Mexico by a previous study published in 2006. The second set ("second generation") has adopted CSR reporting practices (...)
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  • Is the era of the therapy by tailor-made stem cell coming?Miyako Okada-Takagi - 2008 - In Darryl R. J. Macer, Asia-Pacific Perspectives on Biotechnology and Bioethics. UNESCO Bangkok. pp. 1987.
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  • Voluntarily Disclosing Prosocial Behaviors in Korean Firms.Jennifer J. Griffin & Yoo Na Youm - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 153 (4):1017-1030.
    Instrumental CSR perspectives suggest that selective investments in prosocial, voluntary behaviors are largely profit-driven, whereas institutional theory emphasizes legitimacy-seeking as a significant mechanism for explicit CSR disclosure. We test both profit-seeking and legitimacy-seeking mechanisms, derived from empirical findings of Western-oriented firms, in a unique setting to understand voluntary CSR disclosure in an Eastern context: South Korea. By examining voluntary disclosure of the 500 largest South Korean firms’ social contributions from 2006 to 2012, a time period purposefully encompassing the global financial (...)
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  • The Value of Environmental Social Responsibility to Facility Managers: Revealing the Perceptions and Motives for Adopting ESR. [REVIEW]Haylee Uecker-Mercado & Matthew Walker - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 110 (3):269-284.
    This study is grounded in the debate surrounding the perceived value of environmental social responsibility (ESR). Applying the Managerial Theory of the Firm, in-depth interviews were conducted to identify managerial motives, perceptions, and perceived value of ESR. Using sport and public assembly facilities as the research context, environmentally responsible information was obtained from facility managers who were members of the International Association of Venue Managers. In total, 15 one-hour, interviews with key facility personnel demonstrate that (1) internal stakeholder pressure, (2) (...)
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