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Binocular rivalry

Psychological Review 16 (6):410-415 (1909)

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  1. (1 other version)On the use of continuous flash suppression for the study of visual processing outside of awareness.Eunice Yang, Jan Brascamp, Min-Suk Kang & Randolph Blake - 2014 - Frontiers in Psychology 5:91286.
    The interocular suppression technique termed continuous flash suppression (CFS) has become an immensely popular tool for investigating visual processing outside of awareness. The emerging picture from studies using CFS is that extensive processing of a visual stimulus, including its semantic and affective content, occurs despite suppression from awareness of that stimulus by CFS. However, the current implementation of CFS in many studies examining processing outside of awareness has several drawbacks that may be improved upon for future studies using CFS. In (...)
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  • Single units and conscious vision.Nikos K. Logothetis - 1998 - Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 353:1801-1818.
    Logothetis, N.K.: Single units and conscious vision. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London Series B-Biological Sciences 353, 1801-1818 (1998) Abstract.
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  • A Primer on binocular rivalry, including current controversies.R. R. Blake - 2001 - Brain and Mind 2 (1):5-38.
    Among psychologists and vision scientists,binocular rivalry has enjoyed sustainedinterest for decades dating back to the 19thcentury. In recent years, however, rivalry''saudience has expanded to includeneuroscientists who envision rivalry as a tool for exploring the neural concomitants ofconscious visual awareness and perceptualorganization. For rivalry''s potential to berealized, workers using this tool need toknow details of this fascinating phenomenon,and providing those details is the purpose ofthis article. After placing rivalry in ahistorical context, I summarize major findingsconcerning the spatial characteristics and thetemporal dynamics (...)
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  • Scene congruency biases Binocular Rivalry.Liad Mudrik, Leon Y. Deouell & Dominique Lamy - 2011 - Consciousness and Cognition 20 (3):756-767.
    Contextual regularities, that is, objects’ tendency to appear with certain other objects, facilitate the processing of visual scenes and confer contextually incongruent objects with a special attentional status. This study was aimed at investigating the mechanisms underlying this attentional advantage using Binocular Rivalry . In two experiments, congruent and incongruent images were pitted against each other, yielding a version of BR in which two objects rival within a given scene. Incongruent objects predominated in awareness longer than congruent ones. This effect (...)
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  • Identifying words that emerge into consciousness: Effects of word valence and unconscious previewing.Simone C. Prioli & Todd A. Kahan - 2015 - Consciousness and Cognition 35:88-97.
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  • Mountains and valleys: Binocular rivalry and the flow of experience.Diego Cosmelli & Evan Thompson - 2007 - Consciousness and Cognition 16 (3):623-641.
    Binocular rivalry provides a useful situation for studying the relation between the temporal flow of conscious experience and the temporal dynamics of neural activity. After proposing a phenomenological framework for understanding temporal aspects of consciousness, we review experimental research on multistable perception and binocular rivalry, singling out various methodological, theoretical, and empirical aspects of this research relevant to studying the flow of experience. We then review an experimental study from our group explicitly concerned with relating the temporal dynamics of rivalrous (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Empathy and Openness: Practices of Intersubjectivity at the Core of the Science of Consciousness.Natalie Depraz & Diego Cosmelli - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33 (sup1):163-203.
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  • Brain Mechanisms of Visual Awareness: Using Perceptual Ambiguity to Investigate the Neural Basis of Image Segmentation and Grouping.David A. Leopold - 1997 - Dissertation, Baylor College of Medicine
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  • (2 other versions)Empathy and Openness: Practices of Intersubjectivity at the Core of the Science of Consciousness.Natalie Depraz & Diego Cosmelli - 2003 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 33 (Supplement):163-203.
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  • InFoRM (Indicate-Follow-Replay-Me): A novel method to measure perceptual multistability dynamics using continuous data tracking and validated estimates of visual introspection.Jan Skerswetat & Peter J. Bex - 2023 - Consciousness and Cognition 107 (C):103437.
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  • The level of attention: Mediating between the stimulus and perception.Jeremy Wolfe - 2003 - In Laurence Harris & Michael Jenkin, Levels of Perception: A Festschrift for Ian Howard. Springer Verlag.
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  • Cognitive Innovation, Irony and Collaboration.Michael Punt & Susan L. Denham - 2017 - Avant: Trends in Interdisciplinary Studies 8 (T):17-23.
    What seems clear from the experiences of researchers in CogNovo is that the concept of cognitive innovation offered a new vocabulary, and thus a clear space, within which creativity could be explored free from the baggage of prior conflicting definitions. The concept was, from its inception, intrinsically ironic in the sense that Rich⁠ard Rorty developed the term. Although initially we did not fully appreciate the potential this offered, approaching creativity under the rubric of cognitive innova⁠tion led to novel ideas that (...)
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