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  1. The Dynamical Challenge.Andy Clark - 1997 - Cognitive Science 21 (4):461-481.
    Recent studies such as Thelen and Smith, Kelso, Van Gelder, Beer, and others have presented a forceful case for a dynamical systems approach to understanding cognition and adaptive behavior. These studies call into question some foundational assumptions concerning the nature of cognitive scientific explanation and the role of notions such as internal representation and computation. These are exciting and important challenges. But they must be handled with care. It is all to easy in this debate to lose sight of the (...)
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  • An interactivist-constructivist approach to intelligence: Self-directed anticipative learning.Wayne D. Christensen & Clifford A. Hooker - 2000 - Philosophical Psychology 13 (1):5 – 45.
    This paper outlines an original interactivist-constructivist approach to modelling intelligence and learning as a dynamical embodied form of adaptiveness and explores some applications of I-C to understanding the way cognitive learning is realized in the brain. Two key ideas for conceptualizing intelligence within this framework are developed. These are: intelligence is centrally concerned with the capacity for coherent, context-sensitive, self-directed management of interaction; and the primary model for cognitive learning is anticipative skill construction. Self-directedness is a capacity for integrative process (...)
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  • Genic representation: Reconciling content and causal complexity.M. Wheeler & A. Clark - 1999 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 50 (1):103-135.
    Some recent cognitive-scientific research suggests that a considerable amount of intelligent action is generated not by the systematic activity of internal representations, but by complex interactions involving neural, bodily, and environmental factors. Following an analysis of this threat to representational explanation, we pursue an analogy between the role of genes in the production of biological form and the role of neural states in the production of behaviour, in order to develop a notion of genic representation. In both cases an appeal (...)
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  • Can robots make good models of biological behaviour?Barbara Webb - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (6):1033-1050.
    How should biological behaviour be modelled? A relatively new approach is to investigate problems in neuroethology by building physical robot models of biological sensorimotor systems. The explication and justification of this approach are here placed within a framework for describing and comparing models in the behavioural and biological sciences. First, simulation models – the representation of a hypothesis about a target system – are distinguished from several other relationships also termed “modelling” in discussions of scientific explanation. Seven dimensions on which (...)
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  • Understanding and augmenting human morality: An introduction to the ACTWith model of conscience.Jeffrey White - 2010 - In W. Carnielli L. Magnani (ed.), Model-Based Reasoning in Science and Technology. pp. 607--621.
    Recent developments, both in the cognitive sciences and in world events, bring special emphasis to the study of morality. The cognitive sciences, spanning neurology, psychology, and computational intelligence, offer substantial ad- vances in understanding the origins and purposes of morality. Meanwhile, world events urge the timely synthesis of these insights with traditional ac- counts that can be easily assimilated and practically employed to augment moral judgment, both to solve current problems and to direct future action. The object of the following (...)
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  • Enactivism, Radical Enactivism and Predictive Processing: What is Radical in Cognitive Science?Robert W. Clowes & Klaus Gärtner - 2017 - Kairos 18 (1):54-83.
    According to Enactivism, cognition should be understood in terms of a dynamic interaction between an acting organism and its environment. Further, this view holds that organisms do not passively receive information from this environment, they rather selectively create this environment by engaging in interaction with the world. Radical Enactivism adds that basic cognition does so without entertaining representations and hence that representations are not an essential constituent of cognition. Some proponents think that getting rid of representations amounts to a revolutionary (...)
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  • Embodiment versus memetics.Joanna J. Bryson - 2007 - Mind and Society 7 (1):77-94.
    The term embodiment identifies a theory that meaning and semantics cannot be captured by abstract, logical systems, but are dependent on an agent’s experience derived from being situated in an environment. This theory has recently received a great deal of support in the cognitive science literature and is having significant impact in artificial intelligence. Memetics refers to the theory that knowledge and ideas can evolve more or less independently of their human-agent substrates. While humans provide the medium for this evolution, (...)
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  • Manufacturing Morality A general theory of moral agency grounding computational implementations: the ACTWith model.Jeffrey White - 2013 - In Computational Intelligence. Nova Publications. pp. 1-65.
    The ultimate goal of research into computational intelligence is the construction of a fully embodied and fully autonomous artificial agent. This ultimate artificial agent must not only be able to act, but it must be able to act morally. In order to realize this goal, a number of challenges must be met, and a number of questions must be answered, the upshot being that, in doing so, the form of agency to which we must aim in developing artificial agents comes (...)
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  • How does the body get into the mind?Wolff-Michael Roth & Daniel V. Lawless - 2002 - Human Studies 25 (3):333-358.
    In this article, we propose that gestures play an important role in the connection between sensorimotor experience and language. Gestures may be the link between bodily experience and verbal expression that advocates of embodied cognition have postulated. In a developmental sequence of communicative action, gestures, which are initially similar to action sequences, substantially shorten and represent actions in metonymic form. In another process, action sequences are based on kinesthetic schemata that themselves find their metaphoric expression in language. Again, gestures enact (...)
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  • The cog project: Building a humanoid robot.Rodney A. Brooks, Cynthia Breazeal, Matthew Marjanovic, Brian Scassellati & Matthew Williamson - 1999 - Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1562:52-87.
    To explore issues of developmental structure, physical em- bodiment, integration of multiple sensory and motor systems, and social interaction, we have constructed an upper-torso humanoid robot called Cog. The robot has twenty-one degrees of freedom and a variety of sen- sory systems, including visual, auditory, vestibular, kinesthetic, and tac- tile senses. This chapter gives a background on the methodology that we have used in our investigations, highlights the research issues that have been raised during this project, and provides a summary (...)
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  • Logic-based subsumption architecture.Eyal Amir & Pedrito Maynard-Zhang - 2004 - Artificial Intelligence 153 (1-2):167-237.
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  • Of robots and believing.C. T. A. Schmidt - 2005 - Minds and Machines 15 (2):195-205.
    Discussion about the application of scientific knowledge in robotics in order to build people helpers is widespread. The issue herein addressed is philosophically poignant, that of robots that are “people”. It is currently popular to speak about robots and the image of Man. Behind this lurks the dialogical mind and the questions about the significance of an artificial version of it. Without intending to defend or refute the discourse in favour of ‘recreating’ Man, a lesser familiar question is brought forth: (...)
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  • The implications of an externalist theory of rule-following behavior for robot cognition.Diane Proudfoot - 2004 - Minds and Machines 14 (3):283-308.
    Given (1) Wittgensteins externalist analysis of the distinction between following a rule and behaving in accordance with a rule, (2) prima facie connections between rule-following and psychological capacities, and (3) pragmatic issues about training, it follows that most, even all, future artificially intelligent computers and robots will not use language, possess concepts, or reason. This argument suggests that AIs traditional aim of building machines with minds, exemplified in current work on cognitive robotics, is in need of substantial revision.
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  • The attentional spotlight.Joanna J. Bryson - 2006 - Minds and Machines 16 (1):21-28.
    One of the interesting and occasionally controversial aspects of Dennett’s career is his direct involvement in the scientific process. This article describes some of Dennett’s participation on one particular project conducted at MIT, the building of the humanoid robot named Cog. One of the intentions of this project, not to date fully realized, was to test Dennett’s multiple drafts theory of consciousness. I describe Dennett’s involvement and impact on Cog from the perspective of a graduate student. I also describe the (...)
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  • Software agents and their bodies.Nicholas Kushmerick - 1997 - Minds and Machines 7 (2):227-247.
    Within artificial intelligence and the philosophy of mind,there is considerable disagreement over the relationship between anagent's body and its capacity for intelligent behavior. Some treatthe body as peripheral and tangential to intelligence; others arguethat embodiment and intelligence are inextricably linked. Softwareagents–-computer programs that interact with software environmentssuch as the Internet–-provide an ideal context in which to studythis tension. I develop a computational framework for analyzingembodiment. The framework generalizes the notion of a body beyondmerely having a physical presence. My analysis sheds (...)
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  • A metaphysical approach to the mind.Susan Stuart - 2003 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 2 (3):223-37.
    It is argued that, based on Kant's descriptive metaphysics, one can prescribe the necessary metaphysical underpinnings for the possibility of conscious experience in an artificial system. This project is developed by giving an account of the a priori concepts of the understanding in such a system. A specification and implementation of the nomological conditions for a conscious system allows one to know a priori that any system possessing this structure will be conscious; thus enabling us to avoid possible false-indicators of (...)
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  • Stream your brain! Speculative economy of the IoT and its pan-kinetic dataveillance.Sungyong Ahn - 2021 - Big Data and Society 8 (2).
    It is now a common belief that the truths of our lives are hidden in the databases streamed from our interactions in smart environments. In this current hype of big data, the Internet of Things has been suggested as the idea to embed small sensors and actuators everywhere to unfold the truths beneath the surfaces of everything. However, remaining the technology that promises more than it can provide thus far, more important for the IoT’s actual expansion to various social domains (...)
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  • Alternative Essences of Intelligence.Rodney A. Brooks - unknown
    We present a novel methodology for building humanlike artificially intelligent systems. We take as a model the only existing systems which are universally accepted as intelligent: humans. We emphasize building intelligent systems which are not masters of a single domain, but, like humans, are adept at performing a variety of complex tasks in the real world. Using evidence from cognitive science and neuroscience, we suggest four alternative essences of intelligence to those held by classical AI. These are the parallel themes (...)
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  • Artificial intelligence: Walking the boundary.Anne Foerst - 1996 - Zygon 31 (4):681-693.
    Theology and science generally conduct research independently, with no interchange. The possibility for mutual enrichment often is thwarted because people working in the two fields have very different worldviews, which are mostly held subconsciously. In this paper I will try to establish a dialogue of mutual enrichment. I have chosen artificial intelligence (AI) as an exemplary scientific discipline and the theology of Paul Tillich as a complement. I reinterpret Tillich's concept of sin to introduce a framework for a dialogue between (...)
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  • Children, Robots and... the Parental Role.Colin T. A. Schmidt - 2007 - Minds and Machines 17 (3):273-286.
    The raison d’être of this article is that many a spry-eyed analyst of the works in intelligent computing and robotics fail to see the essential concerning applications development, that of expressing their ultimate goal. Alternatively, they fail to state it suitably for the lesser-informed public eye. The author does not claim to be able to remedy this. Instead, the visionary investigation offered couples learning and computing with other related fields as part of a larger spectre to fully simulate people in (...)
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  • Neosentience a new branch of scientific and poetic inquiry related to artificial intelligence.Bill Seaman & Otto Rossler - 2008 - Technoetic Arts 6 (1):31-40.
    Neosentience, a potentially new branch of scientific inquiry related to artificial intelligence, was first suggested in a paper by Bill Seaman as part of a new embodied robotic paradigm, arising out of ongoing theoretical research with Otto E. Rossler. Seaman, artist-researcher, and Rossler, theoretical biologist and physicist, have been examining the potential of generating an intelligent, embodied, multimodal sensing and computational robotic system. Although related to artificial intelligence the goal of this system is the creation of an entity exhibiting a (...)
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  • Caregiving robots and ethical reflection: the perspective of interdisciplinary technology assessment. [REVIEW]Michael Decker - 2008 - AI and Society 22 (3):315-330.
    Autonomous robots that are capable of learning are being developed to make it easier for human actors to achieve their goals. As such, robots are primarily a means to an end and replace human actions. An interdisciplinary technology assessment was carried out to determine the extent to which a replacement of this kind makes ethical sense in terms of technology, economics and legal aspects. Proceeding from an ethical perspective, derived from Kant’s formula of humanity, in this article we analyse the (...)
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  • Emociones sintéticas.David Casacuberta & Jordi Vallverdú - 2010 - Páginas de Filosofía (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) 11 (13):116-144.
    El papel de las emociones en los procesos de toma de decisiones racionales es un hecho demostrado. Al mismo tiempo, el paradigma de la mente extensa resulta útil en el planteamiento de los mecanismos cognitivos implícitos en la ciencia moderna, una e-ciencia altamente computerizada y robotizada, con múltiples elementos procedentes de la Inteligencia Artificial. Por ello, el análisis de modos eficientes de interacción entre seres humanos y entidades artificiales pasa por el estudio de las emociones sintéticas, desde la idea de (...)
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  • Andy Clark,mindware: An introduction to the philosophy of cognitive science, oxford/new York: Oxford university press, 2001, VII + 210 pp., $18.95 (paper), ISBN 0-19-513857-. [REVIEW]Berit Brogaard - 2002 - Minds and Machines 12 (1):151-156.
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  • Imitation games: Turing, menard, Van meegeren. [REVIEW]Brian P. Bloomfield & Theo Vurdubakis - 2003 - Ethics and Information Technology 5 (1):27-38.
    For many, the very idea of an artificialintelligence has always been ethicallytroublesome. The putative ability of machinesto mimic human intelligence appears to callinto question the stability of taken forgranted boundaries between subject/object,identity/similarity, free will/determinism,reality/simulation, etc. The artificiallyintelligent object thus appears to threaten thehuman subject with displacement and redundancy.This article takes as its starting point AlanTuring''s famous ''imitation game,'' (the socalled ''Turing Test''), here treated as aparable of the encounter between human originaland machine copy – the born and the made. Thecultural (...)
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  • Book reviews. [REVIEW]James H. Fetzer, Henry Cribbs, Morten H. Christiansen, Peggy DesAutels, Douglas G. Winblad, Pete Mandik, Wayne Christensen & David Blumenfeld - 1997 - Philosophical Psychology 10 (1):113-137.
    Kinds of minds, Daniel Dennett. New York: Basic Books, 1996. ISBN 0–465–07350–6Darwin's dangerous idea: evolution and the meanings of life, Daniel C. Dennett. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. ISBN 0–684–80290–2The cognitive neurosciences, Michael S. Gazzaniga (Ed.) Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1995. ISBN 0–262–07157–6Lessons from an optical illusion: on nature and nurture, knowledge and values, Edward M. Hundert. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1995. ISBN 0–674–52540‐XWittgenstein on mind and language, David G. Stern, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. ISBN 0–19–508000–9Ten problems (...)
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  • Rodney A. Brooks,cambrian intelligence: The early history of the new AI, cambridge, MA: MIT press, 1999, XII + 199 pp., $21.56 (paper), ISBN 0-262-52263-. [REVIEW]Christopher G. Prince - 2002 - Minds and Machines 12 (1):145-151.
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