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  1. Human rights and equality in the work of David Miller.Leif Wenar - 2008 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 11 (4):401-411.
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  • Human rights and moral cosmopolitanism.Charles Jones - 2010 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 13 (1):115-135.
    What does it mean to defend moral cosmopolitanism in terms of human rights? I outline ‘human rights cosmopolitanism’, explain the role of equality in giving content to this conception, and defend the liberal view of human rights against the restricted view by considering – and responding to – several arguments for remaining neutral between a range of cultural and ideological perspectives on the demands of social justice and political legitimacy. I defend the liberal view that a conception of human rights (...)
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  • Understanding riddah in Islamic jurisprudence: Between textual interpretation and human rights.Rokhmadi Rokhmadi, Moh Khasan, Nasihun Amin & Umul Baroroh - 2023 - HTS Theological Studies 79 (1):7.
    The application of the death penalty for perpetrators of riddah by fuqaha is a problematic violation of human rights. This is because there is no good reason to show that the punishment for riddah is the death penalty. The existence of the hadith which is considered to be the legitimacy of riddah punishment turns out to be very different from the reality of its application in the history of Islamic criminal law. This article aims to answer academic anxiety about the (...)
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  • El concepto de interés legítimo Y su relación con Los derechos humanos observaciones críticas a Ulises Schmill Y carLos de Silva.Juan Antonio Cruz Parcero - 2013 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 39:185-213.
    En este trabajo se hace una crítica a la interpretación que hacen Ulises Schmill y Carlos Silva Nava de la noción de interés legítimo. La primera parte de la crítica consiste en advertir serios problemas en la tradición doctrinal que ha combinado la concepción de Ihering de interés jurídico con la noción kelseniana de derecho subjetivo, la cual ha influido en la jurisprudencia desarrollada por los tribunales en México. La segunda parte de la crítica apunta a que dichos autores no (...)
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  • Is there a Moral Right to Vote?Ludvig Beckman - 2017 - Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20 (4):885-897.
    The question raised in this paper is whether legal rights to vote are also moral rights to vote. The challenge to the justification of a moral right to vote is that it is not clear that the vote is instrumental to the preservation of some critical interest of the voter. Because a single vote has ‘no impact’ on electoral outcomes, the right to vote is unlikely to serve the interests of the individual. The account developed in this paper holds that (...)
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  • (2 other versions)On the Usefulness of Luck Egalitarian Arguments for Global Justice.Christian Schemmel - 2008 - Global Justice: Theory Practice Rhetoric 1:54-67.
    Much of the recent philosophical literature about distributive justice and equality in the domestic context has been dominated by a family of theories now often called ‘luck egalitarianism’, according to which it is unfair if some people are worse off than others through no choice or fault of their own. This principle has also found its way into the literature about global justice. This paper explores some difficulties that this principle faces: it is largely insensitive to the causes of global (...)
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