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The Way from the Ideal of Science: The Other Motivation for the Transcendental Phenomenological Reduction in the Doctoral Dissertation of Dorion Cairns.Lester Embree - 2012 - Human Studies 35 (4):555-561.details
Experiencing (in) time.Jack Shardlow - 2019 - Dissertation, University of Warwickdetails
Husserl and the Theological Question.James G. Hart - 2018 - Eidos. A Journal for Philosophy of Culture 2 (2):122-135.details
Die Kehre als völlige Umwendung des Menschen. Von der Verwirklichung des „mystischen” Antriebs der Phänomenologie im Denken Martin Heideggers.Eckard Wolz-Gottwald - 2016 - Argument: Biannual Philosophical Journal 6 (2):299-312.details
Learning from Twentieth Century Hermeneutic Phenomenology for the Human Sciences and Practical Disciplines.Ian Rory Owen - 2008 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 8 (1):1-12.details
Merleau-Ponty and the transcendental problem of bodily agency.Rasmus Thybo Jensen - 2013 - In Rasmus Thybo Jensen & Dermot Moran (eds.), The Phenomenology of Embodied Subjectivity, Contributions to Phenomenology 71. Springer. pp. 43-61.details
Bodily protentionality.Elizabeth A. Behnke - 2009 - Husserl Studies 25 (3):185-217.details
Tom Sparrow: The end of phenomenology: Metaphysics and the new realism: Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, 2014, xvi + 197 pp, $34.95 , ISBN: 9780748684830. [REVIEW]Denis Džanić - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 49 (4):559-565.details
Ricoeur’s Transcendental Concern: A Hermeneutics of Discourse.William D. Melaney - 1971 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Analecta Husserliana. Dordrecht,: Springer. pp. 495-513.details
Husserls Begriff der Kinästhese und seine Entwicklung.Christian Ferencz-Flatz - 2014 - Husserl Studies 30 (1):21-45.details
The Phenomenologizing of Primal-Phenomenality: Husserl and the Boundaries of the Phenomenology of Time.Luis Niel - 2013 - Husserl Studies 29 (3):211-230.details
Psychologism and Phenomenological Psychology Revisited, Part II: The Return to Positivity.Larry Davidson & Lisa Cosgrove - 2002 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 33 (2):141-177.details
Ghost gestures: Phenomenological investigations of bodily micromovements and their intercorporeal implications. [REVIEW]Elizabeth A. Behnke - 1997 - Human Studies 20 (2):181-201.details
The Question of Violence Between the Transcendental and the Empirical Field: The Case of Husserl’s Philosophy.Remus Breazu - 2020 - Human Studies 43 (2):159-170.details
La “filosofía última” de J.-L. Marion.Jorge Luis Roggero - 2018 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 55:31-60.details
Essentialism, historicity, and ethicalization: rethinking Husserl’s project of phenomenological theology.Jianhao Zhou - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (2):185-202.details
Wogegen wandte sich Husserl 1891?: Ein Beitrag zur neueren Rezeption des Verhältnisses von Husserl und Frege.Deodáth Zuh - 2012 - Husserl Studies 28 (2):95-120.details
(1 other version)Phenomenology of Inapparent and the Problem of the Ways to Transcendental Dimension.Hernán Gabriel Inverso - 2017 - Eidos: Revista de Filosofía de la Universidad Del Norte 26:43-73.details
Reduction and the Question of Beginnings in Husserl, Fink and Patočka.Witold Płotka - 2018 - Human Studies 41 (4):603-621.details
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Nine Fragments on Psychological Phenomenology.Dorion Cairns - 2010 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 41 (1):1-27.details
De las Conferencias de París al proyecto del Sistema: las últimas presentaciones husserlianas de la fenomenología.Hernán Gabriel Inverso - 2017 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 58 (138):577-598.details
Horizonality and Defeasibility.Emilio Vicuña - 2019 - Husserl Studies 35 (3):225-247.details
The vocation of reason: Wallace Stevens and Edmund Husserl. [REVIEW]Jonathan B. Imber - 1986 - Human Studies 9 (1):3 - 19.details
Ohjelmoinnin fenomenologisista lähtökohdista. Fernando Floresin reduktio.Juha Himanka - 2020 - Ajatus 77 (1):205-230.details