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The Legal Theory of Ethical Positivism

Routledge (1996)

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  1. The nature of law.Andrei Marmor - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Three separation theses.James Morauta - 2004 - Law and Philosophy 23 (2):111-135.
    Legal positivism's ``separation thesis'' is usually taken in one of two ways: as an analytic claim about the nature of law – roughly, as some version of the Social Thesis; or as a substantive claim about the moral value of law – roughly, as some version of the Value Thesis. In this paper I argue that we should recognize a third kind of positivist separation thesis, one which complements, but is distinct from, positivism's analytic and moral claims. The Neutrality Thesis (...)
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  • Do judges have an obligation to enforce the law?: moral responsibility and judicial reasoning.Anthony R. Reeves - 2010 - Law and Philosophy 29 (2):159-187.
    Judicial obligation to enforce the law is typically regarded as both unproblematic and important: unproblematic because there is little reason to doubt that judges have a general, if prima facie, obligation to enforce law, and important because the obligation gives judges significant reason to limit their concern in adjudication to applying the law. I challenge both of these assumptions and argue that norms of political legitimacy, which may be extra-legal, are irretrievably at the basis of responsible judicial reasoning.
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  • Positivism, Legal Validity, and the Separation of Law and Morals.Giorgio Pino - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (2):190-217.
    The essay discusses the import of the separability thesis both for legal positivism and for contemporary legal practice. First, the place of the separability thesis in legal positivism will be explored, distinguishing between “standard positivism” and “post‐Hartian positivism.” Then I will consider various kinds of relations between law and morality that are worthy of jurisprudential interest, and explore, from a positivist point of view, what kind of relations between law and morality must be rejected, what kind of such relations should (...)
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  • De la constitucionalización a la indeterminación. Retos Y desafíos Del positivismo jurídico.Rafael Escudero Alday - 2010 - Anales de la Cátedra Francisco Suárez 44:395-415.
    The article presents a vision of the challenges to which contemporary legal positivism has to respond. The constitutionalisation that governs current legal systems offers a new framework in which to develop the classic controversy between positivism and iusnaturalism. This article analyses the different positivist proposals put before the reality of the constitutional state as well as its replies to the criticisms of those who consider it anoutdated theory of little use. Finally, it will also deal with the relationship between positivism (...)
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  • Should Managers Talk About Rights?Tom Campbell - 2003 - Philosophy of Management 3 (2):3-11.
    Controversy surrounds the ‘intrusion’ of the discourse of rights into workplace relationships. This is explored by examining the nature of rights through the analysis of the idea of a ‘right to manage’. Purported justifications of the right to manage in terms of either property or contract are shown to be inadequate, thus illustrating the need to incorporate a degree of consequentialism in the articulation and justification of rights. The value of a rights-approach is argued to lie in the identification of (...)
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  • Political Constitutionalism and the Question of Constitution‐Making.Marco Goldoni - 2014 - Ratio Juris 27 (3):387-408.
    The debate on political constitutionalism has entirely neglected the constitution-making dimension. This is probably due to the fact that constitution-making usually brings with it undesirable outcomes such as the entrenchment of rights or structures. These outcomes do not respect reasonable disagreement among citizens because they violate the only fair system for settling disagreement: majority rule and equal voting rights. This article argues that political constitutionalists may regret the absence of any claim about constitution-making. Either they are overlooking certain problems inherent (...)
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  • A theory of legislation from a systems perspective.Peter Harrison - unknown
    In this thesis I outline a view of primary legislation from a systems perspective. I suggest that systems theory and, in particular, autopoietic theory, as modified by field theory, is a mechanism for understanding how society operates. The description of primary legislation that I outline differs markedly from any conventional definition in that I argue that primary legislation is not, and indeed cannot be, either a law or any of the euphemisms that are usually accorded to an enactment by a (...)
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  • Precondiciones para el análisis Del conflicto entre tribunal constitucional Y Parlamento.Josep M. Vilajosana - 2012 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 36.
    En este trabajo se analizan los límites que subyacen a toda discusión acerca del conflicto entre Tribunal Constitucional y Parlamento. Con este fin, el autor propone que una filosofía política adecuada debe ser capaz de combinar ciertos ideales, que le confieren su carácter normativo, con una adecuación a la realidad, que le da su perfil práctico. En este caso, para adecuarse a la realidad, cualquier teoría de la democracia deberá antes prestar atención a las circunstancias de la jurisdicción y las (...)
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  • Legalist Fictions and the Problem of Scientific Legitimation.Jiří Přibáň - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (1):14-36.
    The author analyzes fictions of legal positivist philosophy and their role in the scientific legitimation of modern law and political domination. The original function of legalist fictions was the establishment of legal science, which would be autonomous and independent of other social sciences and public morality. In the second half of the 20th century, legal positivist philosophy has nevertheless adopted the fiction of the just law as its scientific legitimation fiction and incorporated moral and political discourse into legal science, again.Legal (...)
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  • Moral Passion and Legal Positivism: Reply to Anton Didikin.A. Nekhaev - 2019 - Omsk Scientific Bulletin. Series Society. History. Modernity 4 (4):94–111.
    The article examines the issue of a necessary connection between the phenomena of law and morality. A new classification of contemporary legal philosophy theories based on a distinction between «dietary» and «calorie» views on the question of the extent that the substantive content of law needs to be consistent with the moral requirements for it to be legal is proposed and justified. It offers a critical analysis of «dietary» views based on the assertion that the law can have any content, (...)
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  • Debate on the Subject Matter of Anglo-American Philosophy of Law.Sofya V. Koval - 2021 - Антиномии 21 (3):30-54.
    The purpose of this article is to clarify the concept of “Anglo-American philosophy of law” and highlight the debate on its subject. Both the geographical reference to the Anglo-American tradition and the content of the philosophy of law itself need to be clarified. In order to understand what the Anglo-American philosophy of law is and what is the essence of the debate around its subject matter the author of the article firstly investigates the main stages in the development of the (...)
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