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  1. The Norm, the Normal and the Pathological: Articulating Honneth's Account of Normativity with a French Philosophy of the Norm.Katia Genel - 2021 - Critical Horizons 22 (1):70-88.
    ABSTRACT Axel Honneth deploys the categories of normal and pathological to explain contemporary society in organic terms. This article concerns itself with how these medical references function in Honneth's work to explain the social world, and what their political implications are. For Honneth, social normality is a normative resource, even if it is only accessible through the study of pathology. Socially accepted norms are taken to reflect legitimate principles, with the early Honneth taking pathology as an individual psychic suffering that (...)
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  • RETRACTED ARTICLE: What it means to care for a person with a chronic disease: integrating the patient’s experience into the medical viewpoint.Marie Gaille - 2018 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 21 (3):439-439.
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  • Filosofía híbrida y vitalismo racional en Canguilhem y Ortega y Gasset.Francisco Vázquez García - 2015 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 32 (2):513-541.
    Este artículo explora el problema de la síntesis entre vitalismo y racionalismo, dentro de la filosofía contemporánea. Para ello comparamos las trayectorias intelectuales de Georges Canguilhem (1904-1995) y José Ortega y Gasset (1883-1955). Se contrastan sus concepciones de la filosofía como saber “híbrido”, vinculado a la ciencia, así como sus puntos de vista sobre el vitalismo, la antropología, la técnica y el perspectivismo. Para evitar que la comparación sea puramente abstracta y ahistórica, se recurre al método de la sociología de (...)
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  • Histoire des sciences.Étienne Anheim, Solange Gonzalez, Christoph Lüthy, Bertrand Binoche & Vincent Bontems - 2003 - Revue de Synthèse 124 (1):285-303.
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  • Subjective Wellbeing Between Organizational Bonds and Cultural Contaminations.Giuseppe Mininni, Amelia Manuti, Rosa Scardigno & Rossella Rubino - 2010 - World Futures 66 (6):387-397.
    Positive Psychology has recently attempted at “enlarging the paradigm,” explaining the understanding of the human experience of the world. By contrast, for Critical Psychology, “enlarging the paradigm” means moving away from an individualist conceptualization of the psychological. The present article aims at “redistributing the Psychological” toward directions already marked by cultural and discursive conceptions of human experience. Within a transdisciplinary frame, labeled as Psycho-semiotics, Diatextual Analysis has been adopted to investigate the rhetorical modes used by socially excluded enunciators (drug users, (...)
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  • For a Psychosocial Approach to Decent Work.Jacques Pouyaud - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  • Canguilhem, Foucault e a medicina.Rafael Henrique Teixeira - 2019 - Discurso 49 (2).
    Este artigo aborda o tratamento que Canguilhem e Foucault oferecem da medicina. Passando pelas distintas análises da clínica, da medicina em sua história e de seu aspecto social e político, observaremos desdobramentos irredutíveis em torno de uma problemática compartilhada.
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