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Engaging Heidegger

Toronto: University of Toronto Press (2010)

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  1. Raising the Question of Being in Education by Way of Heidegger's Phenomenological Ontology.Matthew Kruger-Ross - 2015 - Indo-Pacific Journal of Phenomenology 15 (2):1-12.
    The aim of what follows is to explore how to raise the question of Being by way of Heidegger’s phenomenological ontology. Phenomenological ontology is a way of approaching and conducting philosophy exemplified in the work of German philosopher Martin Heidegger’s, and specifically in his magnum opus Being and Time. In preparation to raise the question of Being a more nuanced understanding of Heidegger’s phenomenological analyses on truth and language are summarized. Following, the manner in which Being is referenced is analyzed (...)
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  • Richard Capobianco: Engaging Heidegger: University of Toronto Press, 2010, 182 pp + Index. [REVIEW]William Koch - 2011 - Human Studies 34 (2):231-236.
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  • Heidegger’s Question of Being: the Unity of Topos and Logos.Axel Onur Karamercan - 2023 - Sophia 62 (2):309-325.
    In this article, I elucidate the significance of Heidegger’s ‘question of being’ from a topological point of view by explaining the relationship between his thought of place and language. After exploring various hermeneutic strategies of reading Heidegger’s oeuvre, I turn to Richard Capobianco’s interpretation of Heidegger and critically engage with his idea of the experience of being itself as the ‘luminous self-showing of logos’. In doing so, I explain the later turn from ‘truth’ to ‘place’ and articulate why logos needs (...)
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  • Returning the world to nature: Heidegger’s turn from a transcendental-horizonal projection of world to an indwelling releasement to the open-region.Bret W. Davis - 2014 - Continental Philosophy Review 47 (3-4):373-397.
    The central issue of Heidegger’s thought is the question of being. More precisely, it is the question of the relation between being and human being, the relation, that is, between Sein and Dasein. This article addresses the so-called turn in Heidegger’s thinking of this relation. In particular, it shows how this turn entails a shift from a transcendental-horizonal projection of world to “an indwelling releasement [inständige Gelassenheit] to the worlding of the world”. Although a wide range of pre- and post-turn (...)
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  • Deleuze's Theory of Dialectical Ideas: The Influence of Lautman and Heidegger.James Bahoh - 2019 - Deleuze and Guattari Studies 13 (1):19-53.
    In Différence et répétition, Deleuze's ontology is structured by his theory of dialectical Ideas or problems, which draws features from Plato, Kant, and classical calculus. Deleuze unifies these features through a theory of Ideas/problems developed by the mathematician and philosopher Albert Lautman. Lautman worked to explain the nature of the problems or dialectical Ideas mathematics engages and the solutions or mathematical theories endeavouring to understand them. Lautman drew upon Heidegger to do this. This article clarifies Deleuze's theory of dialectical Ideas/problems (...)
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  • Dasein’s Shadow and the Moment of its Disappearance.Rachel Aumiller - 2017 - Human Studies 40 (1):25-41.
    In his 1937 lectures, Heidegger searches for Nietzsche’s initial thought of “the Moment”. This paper mimics Heidegger’s pursuit of Nietzsche’s Moment by tracing Heidegger’s own early arrival at the Moment in Being and Time, published 10 years prior to his lectures on Nietzsche. Both Zarathustra and Dasein are chased in and out of an authentic relationship with the Moment by their own shadows, which disappear at midday. Dasein’s shadow is the being that is always closest-at-hand, the being in whom I (...)
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  • Heideggerio nihilizmo įveikos perspektyvos dialoge su Rytų Azijos mąstymo tradicijomis.Tautvydas Vėželis - 2023 - Problemos 104:62-73.
    Straipsnyje analizuojamos nihilizmo įveikos (Verwindung) perspektyvos aptariant Heideggerio santykį su Rytų Azijos mąstymo tradicijomis (pirmiausia čan / zen ir daoizmu). Filosofo apibrėžtos moderniosios technikos esmės po-statos (Gestell, arba Ge-stell) įsivyravimą galime laikyti ir nihilizmo išsipildymo bei Vakarų mąstymo tradicijos pabaigos diagnoze. Atskleidžiant Vakarų metafizinės tradicijos pabaigos ir jos įveikos problematiką siekiama suprasti kitokio mąstymo atsiradimo galimybes žvelgiant į pometafizinio mąstymo horizontą. Heideggerio dialogas su Rytų mąstymo šaltiniais yra nihilizmo įveikos (Verwindung) perspektyvų ieškojimas, kas yra neatsiejama nuo savęs, kito ir abipusio (...)
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  • Language as the House of Being? How to Bring Intelligibility to Heidegger While Keeping the Excitement.Pol Vandevelde - 2014 - Philosophy Compass 9 (4):253-262.
    At the core of Heidegger's philosophy, there lies this nagging question: what is the link between language and being? Using a famous formulation by Heidegger as a guide (‘When we go to the well, when we go through the woods, we are always already going through the word “well”, through the word “woods”’), the analysis focuses on the connection Heidegger establishes between being (what woods and well ‘are’), understanding (something is understood ‘as’ woods or well), and temporality (human understanding of (...)
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  • Heidegger on Anxiety, Nothingness and Time:How Not to Think Authenticity Inauthentically.Joshua Soffer - manuscript
    In his work through the early 1930’s, Heidegger determines what it means to be an authentic self through fundamental attunements such as anxiety, boredom, uncanniness and guilt, and equi-primordially via understanding and thrown projection. The way that attunement and understanding structure authentic disclosure of being involves paradoxical gestures juxtaposing meaning and meaninglessness, presence and absence, affirmation and negation, possibility and reality, holism and individuation, normativity and own-ness. The key to navigating and unifying this tangle of contradictory moments, as Heidegger reminds (...)
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  • Investigations in Radical Temporality.Joshua Soffer - manuscript
    My central research focus over the past 30 years has been the articulation of what I call a radically temporal approach to philosophy. In the papers below, written between 2001 and 2022, I treat the varying ways in which radically temporal thinking manifests itself in the phenomenological perspectives of Edmund Husserl, Martin Heidegger and Eugene Gendlin. I also discuss Jacques Derrida's deconstructive project and George Kelly's personal construct theory as examples of radically temporal thinking. With the aim of clarifying and (...)
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  • (1 other version)Heidegger, Mood, and the Lived Body: The Ontical and the Ontological.Robert D. Stolorow - 2014 - Janus Head: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature, Continental Philosophy, Phenomenological Psychology, and the Arts 13 (2):5-11.
    Summary of claims: (1) One of the most important relationships between the ontical and the ontological in Heidegger’s thought is the central, ontologically revelatory role that he gives to moods. (2) Heidegger uses the word “mood” as a term of art to refer to the whole range of disclosive affectivity. (3) Because of the role that Heidegger grants to mood as a primordial way of disclosing Being-in-the-world, and because it is impossible to think mood without also thinking the lived body, (...)
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  • Disclosing new worlds? : Strategic management, styles and meaning.Matthew A. Hancocks - unknown
    The philosopher Martin Heidegger argued that the truthful life was at risk of being lost in Western technological culture in the name of increasing control, efficiency, and agility. As the risk is actualised, so the human essence as truth maker is obscured and life itself feels poorer. This thesis draws on Heideggerian philosophy to demonstrate the loss in two dominant styles of contemporary strategic management: the world-picturing and, more recent, agile style. It builds a theory of post-agile strategic practice, which (...)
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