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  1. Superhumans: Super-Language?Vasil Penchev - 2016 - Dialogue and Universalism 26 (1):79-89.
    The paper questions the scientific rather than ideological problem of an eventual biological successor of the mankind. The concept of superhumans is usually linked to Nietzsche or to Heidegger’s criticism or even to the ideology of Nazism. However, the superhuman can be also viewed as that biological species who will originate from humans eventually in the course of evolution.While the society is reached a natural limitation of globalism, technics depends on the amount of utilized energy, and the mind is restricted (...)
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  • Ernst Cassirer: una fenomenología del autoconocimiento en el marco de la tensión vivencial y espiritual.Gustavo Adolfo Esparza Urzúa - 2017 - Agora 36 (1).
    En el presente trabajo se reflexiona el proceso de construcción del autoconocimiento propuesto por Ernst Cassirer. El objetivo es identificar la tensión entre la vida y espíritu como su antítesis básica y a las mediaciones simbólicas como el recurso cultural que posibilita la formación de un autoconcepto. A través de una revisión crítica de la Philosophie der symbolischen Formen y An Essay on Man, se sostendrá que, i) el autoconocimiento es un proyecto tríadico que integra cada fase previa, ii) que (...)
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  • Conditio sine qua non? Zuordnung in the early epistemologies of Cassirer and Schlick.T. A. Ryckman - 1991 - Synthese 88 (1):57 - 95.
    In early major works, Cassirer and Schlick differently recast traditional doctrines of the concept and of the relation of concept to intuitive content along the lines of recent epistemological discussions within the exact sciences. In this, they attempted to refashion epistemology by incorporating as its basic principle the notion of functional coordination, the theoretical sciences' own methodological tool for dispensing with the imprecise and unreliable guide of intuitive evidence. Examining their respective reconstructions of the theory of knowledge provides an axis (...)
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  • Between art and science: on Ernst Cassirer’s concept of style.Rémi Mermet - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):381-397.
    This essay centralizes and explores Ernst Cassirer’s concept of style. Although it does not emerge as much as the concept of form or symbol in Cassirer’s corpus, style plays a major—if intrinsic—role throughout the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms. I shall examine how Cassirer’s conception of style is derived from Goethe’s theory of art and why it is fundamental to Cassirer’s theory of knowledge. Style is considered the defining feature of the cultural sciences, as well as the sign of the anthropological (...)
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  • Thinking “difference” differently: Cassirer versus Derrida on symbolic mediation.Aud Sissel Hoel - 2011 - Synthese 179 (1):75-91.
    Cassirer’s approach to symbolic mediation differs in some important ways from currently prevailing approaches to meaning and signification such as semiology and its more recent poststructuralist varieties. Cassirer’s philosophy of symbolic forms offers a theory of symbols that does not amount to a sign theory or semiology. It sketches out, rather, a dynamic and nonrepresentational framework in which an alternative notion of difference takes centre stage. In order to make the original features of Cassirer’s approach stand out, I will compare (...)
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  • Cassirer on language, objectivity, and truth.Jacob Hesse - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):341-359.
    In his transcendental approach, Cassirer argues that an objective world is not given and then simply copied by our cognitive faculties; rather, it is gained through the development of symbolic thought and perception. According to Cassirer, language plays a crucial role in this process of objectification. In this paper, the close relationship between language and symbolism in Cassirer’s philosophy will be delineated. This will also shed light on possible distinctions between human speech and animal communication. Furthermore, the relation of language (...)
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  • Directions of objectivity. Cassirer on art as a symbolic language.Luigi Filieri - 2024 - Continental Philosophy Review 57 (3):361-380.
    In this paper I argue that 1) art is, for Cassirer, a symbolic language whereby images (or poetic expressions) work analogously to verbal signs in order to frame and codify meaningful objective contents, namely symbolic formations that constitute objects in a specific region of culture. I claim that 2a) both art and language rely on what I call symbolic-poietic mimesis: a function meant to 2b) combine imitative and constructive states in order to shape a proto-meaningful core according to its symbolic (...)
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  • Pasch's empiricism as methodological structuralism.Dirk Schlimm - 2020 - In Erich H. Reck & Georg Schiemer (eds.), The Pre-History of Mathematical Structuralism. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 80-105.
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  • Kritik der symbolischen Formen I: Symbolische Form und Funktion.Raji C. Steineck - 2014 - Stuttgart: Frommann-Holzboog.
    Philosophy now finds itself in a multipolar world, defined by global commercial, scientific and cultural exchange. At any given point in this world, a multitude of norms, traditions, and habits come together in many ways. ›The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms‹ developed by E. Cassirer offers many insights that help to understand the fabric of such a world, but it needs to be revised and critically developed. This book seeks to extract the essential insights of Cassirer concerning the key function of (...)
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