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  1. Relating to Participants: How Close Do Biobanks and Donors Really Want to Be? [REVIEW]Mairi Levitt - 2011 - Health Care Analysis 19 (3):220-230.
    Modern biobanks typically rely on the public to freely donate genetic data, undergo physical measurements and tests, allow access to medical records and give other personal information by questionnaire or interview. Given the demands on participants it is not surprising that there has been extensive public consultation even before biobanks in the UK and elsewhere began to recruit. This paper considers the different ways in which biobanks have attempted to engage and appeal to their publics and the reaction of potential (...)
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  • Overcritical, overfriendly? : A dialogue between a sociologist and a philosopher on genetic technology and its applications.Mairi Levitt & Matti Häyry - 2005 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 8 (3):377-383.
    Are sociologists always critical about genetics? Are philosophers always more supportive? This is the impression of many sociologists in the United Kingdom who argue that contemporary British philosophers criticise genetic technologies and applications in ways that scientists and medical doctors can deal with. They emphasise matters like informed consent, but pay less or no attention to the wider social consequences of technologies, practices and policies. Philosophers in their turn may see sociologists as irrationally hostile to science and medical practice. Some (...)
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