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  1. Plato and Peirce on Likeness and Semblance.Han-Liang Chang - 2012 - Biosemiotics 5 (3):301-312.
    In his well-known essay, ‘What Is a Sign?’ (CP 2.281, 285) Peirce uses ‘likeness’ and ‘resemblance’ interchangeably in his definition of icon. The synonymity of the two words has rarely, if ever, been questioned. Curiously, a locus classicus of the pair, at least in F. M. Cornford’s English translation, can be found in a late dialogue of Plato, namely, the Sophist. In this dialogue on the myth and truth of the sophists’ profession, the mysterious ‘stranger’, who is most likely Socrates’ (...)
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  • A Foray into Welt and Umwelt: Rereading the Onto-Ethological Discussion between Heidegger and Uexküll.Jessica Lombard - 2024 - Biosemiotics 1 (2):1-24.
    Our article debates the issues at stake in the Heideggerian examination of the Umwelt theory in his Fundamental Concepts of Metaphysics. This discussion sheds light on the links and differences between the lifeworld that is constituted as a set of meanings and interactions, and the world that opens up to Being, by providing a definition of the world as what is experienced through “the accessibility of beings” (Heidegger, 1983/1995, p. 196, §47), i.e. the lived relationship to the subjective world itself. (...)
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