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  1. Dialectical Pyrrhonism: Montaigne, Sextus Empiricus, and the Self-Overcoming of Philosophy.Roger Eichorn - 2022 - Sképsis: Revista de Filosofia 24 (13):24-46.
    In her book Michel de Montaigne: Accidental Philosopher, Ann Hartle argues that Montaigne’s thought is dialectical in the Hegelian sense. Unlike Hegel’s progressive dialectic, however, Montaigne’s thought is, according to Hartle, circular in that the reconciliation of opposed terms comes not in the form of a newly emergent term, but in a return to the first term, where the meaning of the first is transformed as a result of its dialectical interaction with the second. This analysis motivates Hartle’s claim that (...)
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  • The Elusive Third Way: The Pyrrhonian Illumination in Wittgenstein’s On Certainty.Roger E. Eichorn - 2020 - Elenchos: Rivista di Studi Sul Pensiero Antico 41 (2):329-362.
    I argue in this paper that, like the Pyrrhonism of Sextus Empiricus, Wittgenstein’s response to negative–dogmatic skepticism in On Certainty turns on the attempt to free us from the demands of traditional philosophy and is therefore not a philosophical position, strictly speaking. Rather, it is a therapeutic metaphilosophy designed to bring into view (i.e., to illumine) the relationship between our everyday epistemic practices and those of philosophy such that we simultaneously come to recognize (a) what I call the pragmatic–transcendental self–standingness (...)
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  • The Cyrenaics vs. the Pyrrhonists on knowledge of appearances.Tim O'Keefe - 2011 - In Diego E. Machuca (ed.), New essays on ancient Pyrrhonism. Boston: Brill. pp. 27-40.
    In Outlines of Pyrrhonism, Sextus Empiricus takes pains to differentiate the skeptical way of life from other positions with which it is often confused, and in the course of this discussion he briefly explains how skepticism differs from Cyrenaicism. Surprisingly, Sextus does not mention an important apparent difference between the two. The Cyrenaics have a positive epistemic commitment--that we can apprehend our own affections. Although we cannot know whether the honey is really sweet, we can know infallibly that right now (...)
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  • Two Interpretations of Two Stoic Conditionals.Alan Hájek - 2009 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 12 (1):206-221.
    Controversy has surrounded the interpretation of the so-called 'Diodorean' and 'Chrysippean' conditionals of the Stoics. I critically evaluate and reject two interpretations of each of them: as expressing natural laws, and as strict conditionals. In doing so I engage with the work of authors such as Frede, Gould, Hurst, the Kneales, Mates, and Prior. I conclude by offering my own proposal for where these Stoic conditionals should be located on a 'ladder' of logical strength.
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  • Por que é impossível se ser cético nos dias atuais. Uma breve refutação do Neopirronismo.Roberto Horácio Sá Pereira - 2020 - Discurso 50 (2):85-109.
    Duas questões fundamentais do pirronismo serão abordadas, a primeira é de natureza histórica: seria tal Neopirronismo congruente com o espírito e a letra do Pirronismo original? Nesse particular a resposta não poderia ser mais afirmativa. Distinguindo-se tanto chamada leitura dita “Urbana” quanto da leitura dita “Rústica,” não há como negar originalidade à leitura Neopirrônica. Ora, mas uma vez que Neopirronismo se assume como projeto filosófico próprio, ele enfrenta uma segunda questão premente: ele se sustentaria pelas suas próprias pernas? A tentativa (...)
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