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  1. The exploratory and reflective domain of metaphor in the comparison of religions.Paul C. Martin - 2013 - Zygon 48 (4):936-965.
    There has been a longstanding interest in discovering or uncovering resemblances among what are ostensibly diverse religious schemas by employing a range of methodological approaches and tools. However, it is generally considered a problematic undertaking. Jonathan Z. Smith has produced a large body of work aimed at explicating this and has tacitly based his model of comparison on metaphor, which is traditionally understood to connote similarity between two or more things, as based on a linguistic or pragmatic assessment. However, another (...)
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  • Reading the Universe with Heart and Practicing Science as Religious Ethics: Reconciling Islam and Science in Contemporary Turkey.Berna Zengin Arslan - 2020 - Social Epistemology 34 (3):265-280.
    The article examines how the epistemologies of Islam and modern science are reconciled in the writings of the contemporary Turkish Sunni Islamic scholar Fethullah Gülen (b. 1938), one of the once most influential yet vastly controversial religious leaders in contemporary Turkey. Through a close reading of his texts on science, the article analyzes how Gülen defines the scientific practice as an ethical act of reading the universe with heart and mind, and as a path in which one can fully grasp (...)
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  • İbnü’l-arabî’ni̇n di̇n ve i̇nançlara yaklaşiminin William Chittick ve Reza Shah-kazemi̇ perspekti̇fi̇yle evrenselci̇ yorumu.Emrah Kaya - 2016 - Sakarya Üniversitesi İlahiyat Fakültesi Dergisi 18 (33):53-73.
    The purpose of this study is to examine the statements of Ibn al-ʿArabî regarding religions and beliefs through the perspectives of William Chittick and Reza Shah-Kazemi comparatively. Even though his expressions are occasionally elaborated in the light of the theory of the religious pluralism based on Western-Christian thought, by considering the universal message of the Qur’ān Chittick and Shah-Kazemi identify these expressions with “universalism.” This universalist approach bases on the distinction between “ontological will” and “religious will,” and “submission” which is (...)
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  • An Enquiry into Sufi Metaphysics.Ezgi Ulusoy Aranyosi - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (1):3-22.
    The fact that Sufi metaphysics is usually taken to be merely the writings of Islamic philosophers, like Ibn al-'Arabi, seems to underestimate the philosophical indications of literary texts in the Sufi tradition. When Sufi literary texts are examined for philosophical content, that content is sought within and through the traditional Sufist approach. However, there appears to be a lack of correspondence between the traditional approach on the main conceptions (of God, of the universe, etc.) in Sufism and what literary texts (...)
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  • Two modes of unsaying in the early thirteenth century Islamic lands: theorizing apophasis through Maimonides and Ibn 'Arabī'. [REVIEW]Aydogan Kars - 2013 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 74 (3):261-278.
    This comparative study juxtaposes two celebrated medieval examples of negative speech, apophasis, and theorizes the languages of unsaying in the great medieval thinkers, Maimonides (d.1204) and Ibn ‘Arabī (d.1240). The paper coins a distinction between ‘asymmetrical’ versus ‘symmetrical’ approaches to language as a heuristic to analyze the two philosophical apophatic accounts comparatively. While apophatic thinkers in Neoplatonic traditions generally oscillate between these two poles in their various apophatic moments, the paper argues that Maimonides and Ibn ‘Arabī represented the climax of (...)
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