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  1. Connectionism.James Garson & Cameron Buckner - 2019 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Syntactic structure assembly in human parsing: a computational model based on competitive inhibition and a lexicalist grammar.Theo Vosse & Gerard Kempen - 2000 - Cognition 75 (2):105-143.
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  • A Probabilistic Constraints Approach to Language Acquisition and Processing.Mark S. Seidenberg & Maryellen C. MacDonald - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):569-588.
    This article provides an overview of a probabilistic constraints framework for thinking about language acquisition and processing. The generative approach attempts to characterize knowledge of language (i.e., competence grammar) and then asks how this knowledge is acquired and used. Our approach is performance oriented: the goal is to explain how people comprehend and produce utterances and how children acquire this skill. Use of language involves exploiting multiple probabilistic constraints over various types of linguistic and nonlinguistic information. Acquisition is the process (...)
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  • A Connectionist Model of English Past Tense and Plural Morphology.Kim Plunkett & Patrick Juola - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):463-490.
    The acquisition of English noun and verb morphology is modeled using a single-system connectionist network. The network is trained to produce the plurals and past tense forms of a large corpus of monosyllabic English nouns and verbs. The developmental trajectory of network performance is analyzed in detail and is shown to mimic a number of important features of the acquisition of English noun and verb morphology in young children. These include an initial error-free period of performance on both nouns and (...)
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  • Word Senses as Clusters of Meaning Modulations: A Computational Model of Polysemy.Jiangtian Li & Marc F. Joanisse - 2021 - Cognitive Science 45 (4):e12955.
    Most words in natural languages are polysemous; that is, they have related but different meanings in different contexts. This one‐to‐many mapping of form to meaning presents a challenge to understanding how word meanings are learned, represented, and processed. Previous work has focused on solutions in which multiple static semantic representations are linked to a single word form, which fails to capture important generalizations about how polysemous words are used; in particular, the graded nature of polysemous senses, and the flexibility and (...)
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  • Grammar‐based Connectionist Approaches to Language.Paul Smolensky - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):589-613.
    This article describes an approach to connectionist language research that relies on the development of grammar formalisms rather than computer models. From formulations of the fundamental theoretical commitments of connectionism and of generative grammar, it is argued that these two paradigms are mutually compatible. Integrating the basic assumptions of the paradigms results in formal theories of grammar that centrally incorporate a certain degree of connectionist computation. Two such grammar formalisms—Harmonic Grammar and Optimality Theory —are briefly introduced to illustrate grammar‐based approaches (...)
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  • Dynamical Models of Sentence Processing.Whitney Tabor & Michael K. Tanenhaus - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):491-515.
    We suggest that the theory of dynamical systems provides a revealing general framework for modeling the representations and mechanism underlying syntactic processing. We show how a particular dynamical model, the Visitation Set Gravitation model of Tabor, Juliano, and Tanenhaus (1997), develops syntactic representations and models a set of contingent frequency effects in parsing that are problematic for other models. We also present new simulations showing how the model accounts for semantic effects in parsing, and propose a new account of the (...)
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  • Two ways of learning associations.Luke Boucher & Zoltán Dienes - 2003 - Cognitive Science 27 (6):807-842.
    How people learn chunks or associations between adjacent items in sequences was modelled. Two previously successful models of how people learn artificial grammars were contrasted: the CCN, a network version of the competitive chunker of Servan‐Schreiber and Anderson [J. Exp. Psychol.: Learn. Mem. Cogn. 16 (1990) 592], which produces local and compositionally‐structured chunk representations acquired incrementally; and the simple recurrent network (SRN) of Elman [Cogn. Sci. 14 (1990) 179], which acquires distributed representations through error correction. The models' susceptibility to two (...)
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  • Ambiguity, Competition, and Blending in Spoken Word Recognition.M. Gareth Gaskell & William D. Marslen–Wilson - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):439-462.
    A critical property of the perception of spoken words is the transient ambiguity of the speech signal. In localist models of speech perception this ambiguity is captured by allowing the parallel activation of multiple lexical representations. This paper examines how a distributed model of speech perception can accommodate this property. Statistical analyses of vector spaces show that coactivation of multiple distributed representations is inherently noisy, and depends on parameters such as sparseness and dimensionality. Furthermore, the characteristics of coactivation vary considerably, (...)
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  • A Connectionist Approach to Word Reading and Acquired Dyslexia: Extension to Sequential Processing.David C. Plaut - 1999 - Cognitive Science 23 (4):543-568.
    A connectionist approach to word reading, based on the principles of distributed representation, graded learning of statistical structure, and interactivity in processing, has led to the development of explicit computational models which account for a wide range of data on normal skilled reading and on patterns of reading impairment due to brain damage. There have, however, been recent empirical challenges to these models, and the approach in general, relating to the influence of orthographic length on the naming latencies of both (...)
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  • Language Learning From Positive Evidence, Reconsidered: A Simplicity-Based Approach.Anne S. Hsu, Nick Chater & Paul Vitányi - 2013 - Topics in Cognitive Science 5 (1):35-55.
    Children learn their native language by exposure to their linguistic and communicative environment, but apparently without requiring that their mistakes be corrected. Such learning from “positive evidence” has been viewed as raising “logical” problems for language acquisition. In particular, without correction, how is the child to recover from conjecturing an over-general grammar, which will be consistent with any sentence that the child hears? There have been many proposals concerning how this “logical problem” can be dissolved. In this study, we review (...)
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  • Faster Teaching via POMDP Planning.Anna N. Rafferty, Emma Brunskill, Thomas L. Griffiths & Patrick Shafto - 2016 - Cognitive Science 40 (6):1290-1332.
    Human and automated tutors attempt to choose pedagogical activities that will maximize student learning, informed by their estimates of the student's current knowledge. There has been substantial research on tracking and modeling student learning, but significantly less attention on how to plan teaching actions and how the assumed student model impacts the resulting plans. We frame the problem of optimally selecting teaching actions using a decision-theoretic approach and show how to formulate teaching as a partially observable Markov decision process planning (...)
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  • Eliminativism and Reading One's Own Mind.T. Parent - manuscript
    Some contemporary philosophers suggest that we know just by introspection that folk psychological states exist. However, such an "armchair refutation" of eliminativism seems too easy. I first attack two strategems, inspired by Descartes, on how such a refutation might proceed. However, I concede that the Cartesian intuition that we have direct knowledge of representational states is very powerful. The rest of this paper then offers an error theory of how that intuition might really be mistaken. The idea is that introspection (...)
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  • Harmony in Linguistic Cognition.Paul Smolensky - 2006 - Cognitive Science 30 (5):779-801.
    In this article, I survey the integrated connectionist/symbolic (ICS) cognitive architecture in which higher cognition must be formally characterized on two levels of description. At the microlevel, parallel distributed processing (PDP) characterizes mental processing; this PDP system has special organization in virtue of which it can be characterized at the macrolevel as a kind of symbolic computational system. The symbolic system inherits certain properties from its PDP substrate; the symbolic functions computed constitute optimization of a well-formedness measure called Harmony. The (...)
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  • How Many Mechanisms Are Needed to Analyze Speech? A Connectionist Simulation of Structural Rule Learning in Artificial Language Acquisition.Aarre Laakso & Paco Calvo - 2011 - Cognitive Science 35 (7):1243-1281.
    Some empirical evidence in the artificial language acquisition literature has been taken to suggest that statistical learning mechanisms are insufficient for extracting structural information from an artificial language. According to the more than one mechanism (MOM) hypothesis, at least two mechanisms are required in order to acquire language from speech: (a) a statistical mechanism for speech segmentation; and (b) an additional rule-following mechanism in order to induce grammatical regularities. In this article, we present a set of neural network studies demonstrating (...)
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  • Maturationally Natural Cognition, Radically Counter-Intuitive Science, and the Theory-Ladenness of Perception.Robert N. McCauley - 2015 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 46 (1):183-199.
    Theory-ladenness of perception and cognition is pervasive and variable. Emerging maturationally natural perception and cognition, which are on-line, fast, automatic, unconscious, and, by virtue of their selectivity, theoretical in import, if not in form, define normal development. They contrast with off-line, slow, deliberate, conscious perceptual and cognitive judgments that reflective theories, including scientific ones, inform. Although culture tunes MN systems, their emergence and operation do not rely on culturally distinctive inputs. The sciences advance radically counter-intuitive representations that depart drastically from (...)
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  • Notas para um balanço atualizado da abordagem computacional da mente.César Fernando Meurer - 2024 - Veritas – Revista de Filosofia da Pucrs 69 (1):e44571.
    O artigo propõe um balanço atualizado da abordagem computacional da mente, minudenciando aspectos conceituais e críticos. O balanço é pautado por três afirmações ‒ α) A mente humana é um sistema computacional; β) A mente humana pode ser descrita como um sistema computacional; γ) Sistemas computacionais precisam de conteúdo representacional ‒, a partir das quais mostro que o computacionalismo clássico se articula em termos de α∧γ e que as vertentes contemporâneas são melhor caracterizadas em termos de α∧~γ ou β∧~γ. Por (...)
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  • Symbol grounding and the symbolic theft hypothesis.Angelo Cangelosi, Alberto Greco & Stevan Harnad - 2002 - In Angelo Cangelosi & Domenico Parisi, Simulating the Evolution of Language. Springer Verlag. pp. 191--210.
    Scholars studying the origins and evolution of language are also interested in the general issue of the evolution of cognition. Language is not an isolated capability of the individual, but has intrinsic relationships with many other behavioral, cognitive, and social abilities. By understanding the mechanisms underlying the evolution of linguistic abilities, it is possible to understand the evolution of cognitive abilities. Cognitivism, one of the current approaches in psychology and cognitive science, proposes that symbol systems capture mental phenomena, and attributes (...)
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  • Evolution of communication and language using signals, symbols and words.Angelo Cangelosi - 2001 - [Journal (on-Line/Unpaginated)].
    This paper describes different types of models for the evolution of communication and language. It uses the distinction between signals, symbols, and words for the analysis of evolutionary models of language. In particular, it show how evolutionary computation techniques, such as artificial life, can be used to study the emergence of syntax and symbols from simple communication signals. Initially, a computational model that evolves repertoires of isolated signals is presented. This study has simulated the emergence of signals for naming foods (...)
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