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  1. ’How could you even ask that?’ Moral considerability, uncertainty and vulnerability in social robotics.Alexis Elder - 2020 - Journal of Sociotechnical Critique 1 (1):1-23.
    When it comes to social robotics (robots that engage human social responses via “eyes” and other facial features, voice-based natural-language interactions, and even evocative movements), ethicists, particularly in European and North American traditions, are divided over whether and why they might be morally considerable. Some argue that moral considerability is based on internal psychological states like consciousness and sentience, and debate about thresholds of such features sufficient for ethical consideration, a move sometimes criticized for being overly dualistic in its framing (...)
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  • An evolutionary metaphysics of human enhancement technologies.Valentin Cheshko - manuscript
    The monograph is an English, expanded and revised version of the book Cheshko, V. T., Ivanitskaya, L.V., & Glazko, V.I. (2018). Anthropocene. Philosophy of Biotechnology. Moscow, Course. The manuscript was completed by me on November 15, 2019. It is a study devoted to the development of the concept of a stable evolutionary human strategy as a unique phenomenon of global evolution. The name “An Evolutionary Metaphysics (Cheshko, 2012; Glazko et al., 2016). With equal rights, this study could be entitled “Biotechnology (...)
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  • Saving Earth: encountering Heidegger's philosophy of technology in the anthropocene.Jochem Zwier & Vincent Blok - 2017 - Techné: Research in Philosophy and Technology 21 (2/3):222-242.
    In this paper, we argue that the Anthropocene is relevant for philosophy of technology because it makes us sensitive to the ontological dimension of contemporary technology. In §1, we show how the Anthropocene has ontological status insofar as the Anthropocenic world appears as managerial resource to us as managers of our planetary oikos. Next, we confront this interpretation of the Anthropocene with Heidegger’s notion of “Enframing” to suggest that the former offers a concrete experience of Heidegger’s abstract, notoriously difficult, and (...)
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  • Technomoral Civic Virtues: a Critical Appreciation of Shannon Vallor’s Technology and the Virtues.Don Howard - 2018 - Philosophy and Technology 31 (2):293-304.
    This paper begins by summarizing the chief, original contributions to technology ethics in Shannon Vallor’s recent book, Technology and the Virtues: A Philosophical Guide to a Future Worth Wanting, highlighting especially the book’s distinctive inclusion of not only the western virtue ethics tradition but also the analogous traditions in Buddhist and Confucian ethics. But the main point of the paper is to suggest that the theoretical framework developed in the book be extended to include an analysis of the distinctive civic (...)
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  • Environmental Philosophy as A Way of Life.Toby Svoboda - 2016 - Ethics and the Environment 21 (1):39-60.
    In this paper, I argue both that philosophy as a way of life is a tradition worth reviving and that environmental philosophy is a promising branch of philosophy to enact this revival. First, I sketch what constitutes philosophy as a way of life, which includes both some conception of the good life and an array of spiritual exercises that assists one in living according to that conception. I then discuss a connection between possessing virtue and leading the good life, a (...)
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  • "Not lawn, nor pasture, nor mead": Rewilding & the Cultural Landscape.Andrea R. Gammon - 2018 - Dissertation,
    This dissertation is based around conceptual conflicts introduced by the notion of rewilding and the challenges rewilding poses to place and cultural landscapes. Rewilding is a recent conservation strategy interested in the return of wilder, less human-managed environments. Often presented as an antidote to increasingly homogenized, organized, and managed environments, rewilding deliberately opens up space for the return of wild nature, typically by removing human elements that have obstructed or diminished its free reign or by reintroducing locally extinct species to (...)
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  • The tragedy of the master: automation, vulnerability, and distance.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2015 - Ethics and Information Technology 17 (3):219-229.
    Responding to long-standing warnings that robots and AI will enslave humans, I argue that the main problem we face is not that automation might turn us into slaves but, rather, that we remain masters. First I construct an argument concerning what I call ‘the tragedy of the master’: using the master–slave dialectic, I argue that automation technologies threaten to make us vulnerable, alienated, and automated masters. I elaborate the implications for power, knowledge, and experience. Then I critically discuss and question (...)
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  • Etika sociálnych dôsledkov a evolučná ontológia v súčasnom eko-etickom diskurze.Martin Pazdera - 2019 - Pro-Fil 20 (1):45.
    Predkladaná štúdia analyzuje, porovnáva a hodnotí koncept evolučnej ontológie Josefa Šmajsa a etiku sociálnych dôsledkov Vasila Gluchmana. Na jednej strane sa zameriava na určité podobnosti, ktoré tieto dve teórie spájajú, na druhej strane identifikuje odlišnosti, a to najmä v kontexte environmentálnej etiky. Obidve koncepcie vznikali ako originálne teórie približne v rovnakom období v dvoch susediacich krajinách, pričom sú stále veľmi inšpiratívne, otvorené kritike a pomerne reflektované filozoficko-etickou obcou.
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  • Toward a Dirty Environmental Ethics: From Theoria to Techné: Mark Coeckelbergh: Environmental Skill: Motivation, Knowledge, and the Possibility of a Non-Romantic Environmental Ethics, Routledge, New York, 2015, 218 pp+index, ISBN: 978-1-138-88557-8.Glen Miller & Tong Li - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (5):1453-1459.
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  • Skillful coping with and through technologies.Mark Coeckelbergh - 2019 - AI and Society 34 (2):269-287.
    Dreyfus’s work is widely known for its critique of artificial intelligence and still stands as an example of how to do excellent philosophical work that is at the same time relevant to contemporary technological and scientific developments. But for philosophers of technology, especially for those sympathetic to using Heidegger, Merleau-Ponty, and Wittgenstein as sources of inspiration, it has much more to offer. This paper outlines Dreyfus’s account of skillful coping and critically evaluates its potential for thinking about technology. First, it (...)
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