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Essai sur l'origine des connaissances humaines

[Paris]: Galilée. Edited by Jacques Derrida (1973)

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  1. Biologian ja epistemologian vastavuoroisuus Bergsonin filosofiassa.Lauri Myllymaa - 2021 - Tiede and Edistys 2021 (3):162–176.
    Elämä on nähty merkittävänä aiheena Bergsonin filosofiassa. Elämän filosofinen merkitys Bergsonilla ilmenee selvästi hänen pääteoksessaan L'évolution créatrice (Luova evoluutio, 1907), jossa hän keskittyy inhimillisten tietokykyjen evolutiivisen alkuperän rekonstruointiin ja tieto-opillisiin seurauksiin. Bergsonin mukaan biologia tarjoaa filosofialle tietokykyjen kehitysteoreettisen näkökulman, ja filosofia metafysiikkana täsmentää biologialle sopivaa epistemologiaa. Tässä artikkelissa esittelen Bergsonin filosofisen teorian biologian ja epistemologian vastavuoroisesta suhteesta. Aloitan epistemologian, tieteen ja metafysiikan välisen suhteen selventämisellä Bergsonin teoriassa. Sen jälkeen esittelen, kuinka Bergson näkee tietokykyjen kehittymisen olennaisena osana eläinten yleistä kehityshistoriaa. Analysoimalla (...)
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  • El naturalismo sensualista en la lógica de Condillac. Una interpretación contemporánea.Ricardo Mejía Fernández - 2021 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 38 (1):67-78.
    The aim of this article is to investigate the sensualist naturalism in the Logic of the priest and French philosopher Étienne Bonnot de Condillac. This author has been very little studied in our language; being almost non-existent in philosophy journals published in the Hispanic world. This paper is divided into four parts. A first part, where whoever reads us will find the most general naturalism as the humus of the logic written by Mureaux’s priest. In the second part, we will (...)
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  • D'Alembert, the “Preliminary Discourse” and experimental philosophy.Peter R. Anstey - 2014 - Intellectual History Review 24 (4):495-516.
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  • (1 other version)From Locke to Materialism: Empiricism, the Brain and the Stirrings of Ontology.Charles Wolfe - 2018 - In A. L. Rey S. Bodenmann (ed.), 18th-Century Empiricism and the Sciences.
    My topic is the materialist appropriation of empiricism – as conveyed in the ‘minimal credo’ nihil est in intellectu quod non fuerit in sensu (which interestingly is not just a phrase repeated from Hobbes and Locke to Diderot, but is also a medical phrase, used by Harvey, Mandeville and others). That is, canonical empiricists like Locke go out of their way to state that their project to investigate and articulate the ‘logic of ideas’ is not a scientific project: “I shall (...)
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  • (1 other version)Questions d'interprétation.Martin Montminy - 2005 - Philosophiques 32 (1):191-206.
    Résumé J’examine la thèse défendue par Donald Davidson selon laquelle un être ne peut avoir des pensées que s’il a été en communication linguistique avec quelqu’un d’autre par le passé. Cette thèse, que j’appelle « l’interprétationnisme radical », dérive de la thèse A selon laquelle il est nécessaire d’avoir les concepts de croyance et de vérité objective pour avoir des croyances, et de la thèse B voulant que la communication linguistique soit requise pour l’acquisition du concept de vérité objective. En (...)
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  • L’interprétation ordinaire, entre simulation et méta-représentation.Jérôme Dokic - 2005 - Philosophiques 32 (1):19-37.
    In this essay, I examine some aspects of the debate between a perceptual model of communication, according to which testimony is a source of knowledge about the communicated fact, and an inferential model of communication, according to which testimony requires from the hearer an inference from the used signs, the speaker’s mental states, and other features of the context. From a reflection on the nature of the capacity for metarepresentation, and its dependence on the capacities of social perception and simulation, (...)
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  • The medium of signs: nominalism, language and the philosophy of mind in the early thought of Dugald Stewart.M. D. Eddy - 2006 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 37 (3):373-393.
    In 1792 Dugald Stewart published Elements of the philosophy of the human mind. In its section on abstraction he declared himself to be a nominalist. Although a few scholars have made brief reference to this position, no sustained attention has been given to the central role that it played within Stewart’s early philosophy of mind. It is therefore the purpose of this essay to unpack Stewart’s nominalism and the intellectual context that fostered it. In the first three sections I aver (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Marx: later political writings.Karl Marx - 1994 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Terrell Carver.
    Marx: Later Political Writings brings together the most important texts in political philosophy written by Marx after 1848. All are in new translations, and the collection is introduced by the leading Marx scholar Terrell Carver. Unlike other collections, the works are presented complete, according to their earliest edition or manuscript text, and include the Manifesto of the Communist Party, and the little-known Notes on Adolph Wagner. These texts allow the close contact between Marx and contemporary politics to emerge in a (...)
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  • How the Ethiopian Changed His Skin.D. Selden - 2013 - Classical Antiquity 32 (2):322-377.
    Aksumite elites electively identified themselves as “black” in relation to the paler integument of other Mediterranean peoples. Prior to the fourth century CE, the proper noun Aithiopía referred to the area of northern Sudan. Aksum, however, deliberately appropriated the Greek term for its own geopolitical purposes, partly as a way to write itself both into the grand narratives of Graeco-Roman history, where “Ethiopians” recurrently figure as morally “blameless,” as well as—with their conversion to Christianity—into Old and New Testamental eschatologies that (...)
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  • Towards a Language of ‘Europe’: History, Rhetoric, Community.Paul Stock - 2017 - The European Legacy 22 (6):647-666.
    From Herder to Benedict Anderson, language and nation have been at the centre of ideas about community. This hypothesis, however, poses a problem for analysing ideas about Europe. How can we understand “Europe” as a concept or form of identity when language and nationality are considered the foundation of imagined communities and loyalties? This article addresses this difficulty. It uses J. G. A. Pocock’s definition of “sub-languages” to suggest that one can investigate the rhetorical strategies, images and vocabularies with which (...)
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  • O olhar distanciado: o programa etnológico de Rousseau.Mauro Dela Bandera Arco Junior - 2019 - Discurso 49 (2).
    A exortação de Rousseau, feita dois séculos antes de Lévi-Strauss, de levar a vista ao longe, observar as diferenças entre os homens para conhecer o homem em sua especificidade e propriedade dá o tom do que se poderia chamar de antropologia rousseauísta. O conhecimento sobre o homem não é obtido ao olhar para o lado e tomar como referência um tipo qualquer imediatamente disponível. Ao contrário, é preciso de viagens bem regradas, de uma educação do olhar e da organização dos (...)
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  • Self and Sensibility: From Locke to Condillac and Rousseau.Udo Thiel - 2015 - Intellectual History Review 25 (3):257-278.
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  • Francesco Bonatelli: A Critical Approach to Consciousness and Human Subject between Spiritualism and Positivism.Davide Poggi - 2016 - Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia 7 (2):202-211.
    : In the context of nineteenth-century philosophical reflection, Francesco Bonatelli set himself the following goal: to defend the pillars of Spiritualism and ontology through an careful examination of psychic contents and consciousness, while closely contesting both the psychology and the psychophysiology of Positivism and Spiritualism itself, La coscienza e il meccanesimo interiore and Percezione e pensiero Bonatelli puts forward his “critical experience-grounded philosophy” and proposes an original solution to the problem of the nature of the subject, consciousness and its unity, (...)
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  • Hacia la construcción semiótica del mundo. Las consideraciones de Adam Smith sobre el lenguaje.Jorge López Lloret - 2019 - Isegoría 61:421-442.
    This article explores the aportation of Adam Smith’s Considerations Concerning the First Formation of Languages to the rest of his work. It starts analyzing its internal structure in the light of its documented sources, of which it follows a linguistic model that is more constructive than referential. From the initial approach that language, first of all, communicates needs, the author connects this germ of the process of socialization with Smith’s published works, explaining them as a semiotic development of the fundamental (...)
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  • Molyneux's question redux.Alessandra Jacomuzzi, Pietro Kobau & Nicolo Bruno - 2003 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 2 (4):255-280.
    After more than three centuries, Molyneux's question continues to challenge our understanding of cognition and perceptual systems. Locke, the original recipient of the question, approached it as a theoretical exercise relevant to long-standing philosophical issues, such as nativism, the possibility of common sensibles, and the empiricism-rationalism debate. However, philosophers were quick to adopt the experimentalist's stance as soon as they became aware of recoveries from congenital blindness through ophtalmic surgery. Such recoveries were widely reported to support empiricist positions, suggesting that (...)
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  • L’immatérialisme en terre ennemie : la pensée berkeleyenne dans le matérialisme des Lumières.Sébastien Charles - 2001 - Lumen: Selected Proceedings From the Canadian Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies 20:49.
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  • L’immatérialisme dans la littérature clandestine du siècle des Lumières.Sébastien Charles - 2000 - Dialogue 39 (3):491-.
    ABSTRACT: If research devoted to the clandestine literature of the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries is today enjoying considerable expansion in the scholarly world, it tends, nonetheless, to be restricted to materialist considerations. However, other themes are open to exploration, such as the immaterialist one which is explicitly mentioned in two manuscripts. After presenting and analyzing these two texts, we argue that this clandestine account of immaterialism could explain both the evolution of this theory during the Enlightenment and the misunderstanding of (...)
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  • Ouvres Complètes, de Destutt de Tracy.Pedro Paulo Garrido Pimenta - 2012 - Cadernos de Filosofia Alemã 19.
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