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  1. Feminist Epigenet(h)ics: Maternal Waters, Gestational Forms and Mitochondrial Eves in Lucile Hadžihalilović’s Evolution.Katie Goss - 2024 - Film-Philosophy 28 (3):504-533.
    This article takes Catherine Malabou’s provocative insistence on an alliance between plasticity and feminism to initiate an exploration of gestation and its representation in the context of the postgenomic age. I argue that Malabou’s attention to epigenetic schemas of life and becoming can inform and, in turn, be enriched by feminist film-philosophy which locates the maternal as an alternative schema of embodied subjectivity – simultaneously displacing essentialising over-reliance on gender/sex binaries without entirely metaphorising or abstracting the material processes which subtend (...)
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  • The Bioeconomy as Political Project: A Polanyian Analysis.Vincenzo Pavone & Joanna Goven - 2015 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 40 (3):302-337.
    The bioeconomy is becoming increasingly prominent in policy and scholarly literature, but critical examination of the concept is lacking. We argue that the bioeconomy should be understood as a political project, not simply or primarily as a technoscientific or economic one. We use a conceptual framework derived from the work of Karl Polanyi to elucidate the politically performative nature of the bioeconomy through an analysis of an influential Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development initiative, The Bioeconomy to 2030. We argue (...)
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  • Placental relations.Maria Fannin - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (3):289-306.
    The placenta’s role as a mediating passage between bodies has been a conceptual resource for feminist theorists and philosophers interested in developing more nuanced explanations of the maternal–fetal relation, a relation that has tended to be identified with maternal and fetal bodies rather than with the placenta between them. I draw on efforts by philosopher Luce Irigaray and her readers to theorise placental relations as a model for the negotiation of differences. In her more recent work, Irigaray figures the placenta (...)
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  • Work, life, bodies: New materialisms and feminisms.Wenfei Winnie Wang, Wendy Larner, Julie MacLeavy & Maria Fannin - 2014 - Feminist Theory 15 (3):261-268.
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  • The Hoarding Economy of Endometrial Stem Cell Storage.Maria Fannin - 2013 - Body and Society 19 (4):32-60.
    The proliferation of for-profit enterprises offering stem cell storage services for personal use illustrates one of the ways health is increasingly governed through uncertainty and speculative notions of risk. Without any firm guarantee of therapeutic utility, commercial stem cell banks offer to store a range of bodily tissues, signalling the further transformation of the living body into an accumulation strategy within biotechnology capitalism’s ‘tissue economies’. This article makes two related claims: first, it suggests that specifically gendered forms of identification with (...)
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  • Philosophy of Stem Cell Biology – an Introduction.Melinda Bonnie Fagan - 2013 - Philosophy Compass 8 (12):1147-1158.
    This review surveys three central issues in philosophy of stem cell biology: the nature of stem cells, stem cell experiments, and explanations of stem cell capacities. First, I argue that the fundamental question ‘what is a stem cell?’ has no single substantive answer. Instead, the core idea is explicated via an abstract model, which accounts for many features of stem cell experiments. The second part of this essay examines several of these features: uncertainty, model organisms, and manipulability. The results shed (...)
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  • Body shopping: Challenging convention in the donation and use of bodily materials through art practice.Louise Mackenzie, Ilke Turkmendag, Isabel Burr-Raty, WhiteFeather Hunter, Charlotte Jarvis, Miriam Simun, Hege Tapio & Adam Zaretsky - 2020 - Technoetic Arts 18 (2):279-297.
    The historical context of body and tissue donation is deeply problematic, with patriarchal and colonial narratives. The contemporary context of molecular and genetic biology further complicates issues of bodily donation through narratives of abstraction and extraction. As practitioners working outside the conventional boundaries of scientific study learn the tools and techniques to extract and use bodily materials, they are also learning and challenging the procedures and processes. This article approaches questions of bodily donation through the edited transcript of a conversation (...)
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  • Commodifying Compassion: Affective Economies of Human Milk Exchange.Robyn Lee - 2019 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 12 (2):92-116.
    Breastmilk is bought, sold, and donated in a global marketplace, which risks exploiting the women who produce it. In Detroit, black mothers are targeted as paid milk donors; milk from Cambodian and Indian mothers is sold to parents in the United States and Australia; and the International Breast Milk Project sends donated milk from the United States to Africa. Drawing on transnational care work and affect theory, I argue that merely refraining from paying women does not eliminate potentially harmful effects. (...)
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  • “Like One Who is Bringing his Own Hide to Market”: marx, irigaray, derrida and animal commodification.Dinesh Joseph Wadiwel - 2016 - Angelaki 21 (2):65-82.
    This paper explores the commodification of animals, beginning with Marx’s description of how value arises within a system of exchange. Drawing from Irigaray, I observe that value in animals is both arrived at through the use value of the animal as a commodity for human consumption and as a form of currency which serves a function in reproducing the value of the “human” itself. Extending this further, I reflect on Derrida’s discussion of the metaphor as a way to understand the (...)
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  • The Commercialization of Human Eggs in Mitochondrial Replacement Research.Donna L. Dickenson - 2013 - The New Bioethics 19 (1):18-29.
    After the commercialisation of induced pluripotent stem cells (IPSCs) in 2007, the pressure to commercialise women's eggs for stem cell research could have been expected to lessen. However, the pressure to harvest human eggs in large quantities for research has not diminished; rather, it has taken different directions, for example, in germline mitochondrial research. Yet there has been little acknowledgement of these technologies' need for human eggs, the possible risks to women and the ethical issues concerning potential exploitation. Rather, there (...)
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  • The Temporal Politics of Placenta Epigenetics: Bodies, Environments and Time.Robbin Jeffries Hein & Martine Lappé - 2023 - Body and Society 29 (2):49-76.
    This article builds on feminist scholarship on new biologies and the body to describe the temporal politics of epigenetic research related to the human placenta. Drawing on interviews with scientists and observations at conferences and in laboratories, we argue that epigenetic research simultaneously positions placenta tissue as a way back into maternal and fetal bodies following birth, as a lens onto children’s future well-being, and as a bankable resource for ongoing research. Our findings reflect how developmental models of health have (...)
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  • The Invisible Patient: Concerns about Donor Exploitation in Stem Cell Research.Pär Segerdahl - 2022 - Health Care Analysis 30 (3):240-253.
    As embryonic stem cell research is commercialized, the stem cell debate may shift focus from concerns about embryo destruction to concerns about exploitation of the women who donate eggs and embryos for research. Uncomfortable with the polarization of the embryo debate, this paper proposes a more “contemplative” approach than intellectual debate to concerns about exploitation. After examining pitfalls of rigid intellectual positions on exploitation, the paper investigates the possibility of a broader understanding of donation for research where patients are seen (...)
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  • Risky Bodies in the Plasma Bioeconomy: A Feminist Analysis.Anne-Maree Farrell & Julie Kent - 2015 - Body and Society 21 (1):29-57.
    In 2003 the UK National Blood Service introduced a policy of ‘male donor preference’ which involved women’s plasma being discarded following blood collection. The policy was based on the view that data relating to the incidence of Transfusion-Related Acute Lung Injury (TRALI) was linked to transfusion with women’s plasma. While appearing to treat female donors as equal to male donors, exclusion criteria operate after donation at the stage of processing blood, thus perpetuating myths of universality even though only certain ‘extractions’ (...)
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  • Automatic Subjects.Kevin Floyd - 2016 - Historical Materialism 24 (2):61-86.
    Critical analysis of the biotechnological reproduction of biological life increasingly emphasises the role of value-producing labour in biotechnologically reproductive processes, while also arguing that Marx’s use of the terms ‘labour’ and ‘value’ is inadequate to the critical scrutiny of these processes. Focusing especially on the reformulation of the value-labour relation in recent work in this area by Melinda Cooper and Catherine Waldby, this paper both critiques this reformulation and questions the explanatory efficacy of the category ‘labour’ in this context. Emphasising (...)
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  • Medicine: The Ethics of Care, the Subject of Experiment. [REVIEW]Catherine Waldby - 2012 - Body and Society 18 (3-4):179-192.
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  • Queer reproduction revisited and why race, class and citizenship still matters: A response to Cristina Richie.Doris Leibetseder - 2017 - Bioethics 32 (2):138-144.
    In the dialogue between Timothy F. Murphy and Cristina Richie about queer bioethics and queer reproduction in this journal, significant points of the emergent and extremely important discussions on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer bioethics are raised. Richie specifies correctly that queer bioethics can either complement or contradict LGBT bioethics and the queer standpoint against heteroconformity and heterofuturity is decisive here. As the field of queer bioethics is such a recent and essential part of consideration for bioethics and as (...)
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  • From waste to (fool’s) gold: promissory and profit values of cord blood.Jennie Haw - 2015 - Monash Bioethics Review 33 (4):325-339.
    According to biomedical discourse, cord blood has been transformed from ‘waste’ to ‘clinical gold’ because of its potential for use in treatments. Private cord blood banks deploy clinical discourse to market their services to prospective parents, encouraging them to pay to bank cord blood as a form of ‘biological insurance’ to ensure their child’s future health. Social scientists have examined new forms of (bio)value produced in biological materials emergent with contemporary biotechnologies. This paper contributes to this literature by examining the (...)
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  • Morals or markets? Regulating assisted reproductive technologies as morality or economic policies in the states.Erin Heidt-Forsythe - 2017 - AJOB Empirical Bioethics 8 (1):58-67.
    Background: The availability of assisted reproductive technologies (ARTs) in the medical marketplace complicates our understanding of reproductive public policy in the United States. Political debates over ARTs often are based on fundamental moral principles of life, reproduction, and kinship, similar to other reproductive policies in the United States. However, ARTs are an important moneymaking private enterprise for the U.S. biotechnology industry. This project investigates how the U.S. states regulate these unique and challenging technologies as either moral policies or economic policies. (...)
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  • Beyond the Geneticization Thesis: The Political Economy of PGD/pgs in Spain. [REVIEW]Flor Arias & Vincenzo Pavone - 2012 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 37 (3):235-261.
    In the last decade, preimplantation genetic testing have become widely used and in 2005 constituted 5 percent of all in vitro fertilization cycles performed in Europe. Their diffusion, however, is not homogenous; while in some countries they are prohibited and in others hardly implemented, Spain performs 33 percent of all the PGD/pgs. While policy guidelines and mainstream bioethics address PGD from a patient choice perspective, disability studies insist on PGD’s potentiality for discrimination. Alternatively, other authors have explored PGD/pgs from the (...)
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  • Breaking the ice: Young feminist scholars of reproductive politics reflect on egg freezing.Alana Cattapan, Kathleen Hammond, Jennie Haw & Lesley A. Tarasoff - 2014 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 7 (2):236-247.
    While proponents of social egg freezing argue that it is liberating for women, opponents contest that the technology provides an individualist solution to a social problem. This article comprises personal and academic reflections on the debate on social egg freezing from four young women studying reproductive technologies. We challenge the promotion of social egg freezing as an empowering option for women and question cultural assumptions about childbearing, the disclosure of risk, failures to consider sexual diversity and socioeconomic status, and the (...)
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