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Nietzsche's Functional Disagreement with Stoicism: Eternal Recurrence, Ethical Naturalism, and Teleology.James Mollison - 2021 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 38 (2):175-195.details
Nietzsche Was No Perspectivist.Michael Lewin - 2024 - Philosophies 9 (1):9.details
Hermeneutics vs. Genealogy: Brandom’s Cloak or Nietzsche’s Quilt?Brian Lightbody - 2020 - The European Legacy 25 (6):635-652.details
What Is To Be Overcome? Nietzsche, Carnap, and Modernism as the Overcoming of Metaphysic.Carl B. Sachs - 2011 - History of Philosophy Quarterly 28 (3):303-318..details
When Teachers Must Let Education Hurt: Rousseau and Nietzsche on Compassion and the Educational Value of Suffering.Mark E. Jonas - 2010 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 44 (1):45-60.details
Defending Nietzsche's Constructivism about Objects.Justin Remhof - 2017 - European Journal of Philosophy 25 (2):1132-1158.details
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Did Nietzsche want his notes burned? Some reflections on the Nachlass problem.Jing Huang - 2019 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 27 (6):1194-1214.details
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Going to School with Friedrich Nietzsche: The Self in Service of Noble Culture.Douglas W. Yacek - 2013 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 33 (4):391-411.details
Sound’s Matter: ‘Deleuzian Sound Studies’ and the Problems of Sonic Materialism.Iain Campbell - 2020 - Contemporary Music Review 39 (5):618-637.details
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Nihilism, Neonihilism, Hypernihilism: ‘Nietzsche aujourd’hui’ Today?Ashley Woodward - 2019 - Nietzsche Studien 48 (1):244-264.details
Nietzsche’s turn: from nature as value-less to value-laden.Megan Flocken - 2023 - Continental Philosophy Review 56 (2):243-258.details
The Will to Truth and the Will to Believe: Friedrich Nietzsche and William James Against Scientism.Rachel Cristy - 2018 - Dissertation, Princeton Universitydetails
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Nietzsche and Japanese Buddhism on the Cultivation of the Body: To What Extent Does Truth Bear Incorporation?André van der Braak - 2009 - Comparative and Continental Philosophy 1 (2):223-251.details
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From Metaphysical Representations to Aesthetic Life: Toward the Encounter with the Other in the Perspective of Daoism.Massimiliano Lacertosa - 2023 - Albany: SUNY Press.details
L’hommage de Stephen Jay Gould à l’évolutionnisme de Nietzsche.Barbara Stiegler - 2015 - Dialogue 54 (3):409-453.details
A Genealogy of Immanence: From Democritus to Epicurus and Nietzsche.Jonathan Egan - unknowndetails
Nietzsche and his legacy.Aleksi Gramatikov, Maynooth Philosophy Supplement, Charles Piecyk & Matthew Doggett - 2025 - Maynooth: Maynooth Philosophy Supplement.details
Perspectives on Perspectivism: Nietzsche and His Commentators.Jennifer L. Hudgens - unknowndetails
Nietzsche and moral inquiry: posing the question of the value of our moral values.Adam Leach - 2018 - Dissertation, University of Essexdetails
Feminist Perspectivism: A Revised Standpoint Theory.Chevan Lindsay - unknowndetails