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Introduction to "Intentionalität als Merkmal des Geistigen: Sechs Essays zur Philosophie des Geistes"

In Intentionalität als Merkmal des Geistigen: Sechs Essays zur Philosophie des Geistes. Fischer Verlag (2007)

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  1. Crane and the mark of the mental.Andrea Raimondi - 2022 - Analysis 81 (4):683-693.
    Brentano’s suggestion that intentionality is the mark of the mental is typically spelled out in terms of the thesis that all and only mental states are intentional. An influential objection is that intentionality is not necessary for mentality. What about the idea that only mental states are intentional? In his 2008 paper published in Analysis, Nes shows that on a popular characterization of intentionality, notably defended by Crane, some non-mental states come out as intentional. Crane replies that the concept of (...)
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