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  1. Good Friendships among Children: A Theoretical and Empirical Investigation.David Ian Walker, Randall Curren & Chantel Jones - 2016 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 46 (3):286-309.
    Ethical dimensions of friendship have rarely been explicitly addressed as aspects of friendship quality in studies of children's peer relationships. This study identifies aspects of moral virtue significant for friendship, as a basis for empirically investigating the role of ethical qualities in children's friendship assessments and aspirations. We introduce a eudaimonic conception of friendship quality, identify aspects of moral virtue foundational to such quality, review and contest some grounds on which children have been regarded as not mature enough to have (...)
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  • Virtue Monism. Some Advantages for Character Education.Ariele Niccoli, Martina Piantoni & Elena Ricci - 2024 - Topoi 43 (3):1043-1051.
    Character education is an increasingly discussed topic drawing upon virtue ethics as a moral theory. Scholars have predominantly understood educating character as a process that entails the formation of certain distinct character traits or functions through practice and habituation. However, these approaches present some problems. This paper explores the educational implications of various accounts focusing on the relationship between _phronesis_ and other virtues. In particular, our focus will be on those that Miller ( 2023 ) has classified as Standard Model (...)
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  • The Teaching Excellence Framework, Epistemic Insensibility and the Question of Purpose.Joshua Forstenzer - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (3):548-574.
    This article argues that the Teaching Excellence Framework manifests the vice of epistemic insensibility. To this end, it explains that the TEF is a metrics‐driven evaluation mechanism which permits English higher education institutions to charge higher fees if the ‘quality’ of their teaching is deemed ‘excellent’. Through the TEF, the Government aims to improve the quality of teaching by using core metrics that reflect student satisfaction, retention and short‐term graduate employment. In response, some have criticised the TEF for failing to (...)
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  • Cultivating sentimental dispositions through aristotelian habituation.Jan Steutel & Ben Spiecker - 2004 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 38 (4):531–549.
    The beliefs both that sentimental education is a vital part of moral education and that habituation is a vital part of sentimental education can be counted as being at the ‘hard core’ of the Aristotelian tradition of moral thought and action. On the basis of an explanation of the defining characteristics of Aristotelian habituation, this paper explores how and why habituation may be an effective way of cultivating the sentimental dispositions that are constitutive of the moral virtues. Taking Aristotle’s explicit (...)
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  • Assessing virtue: measurement in moral education at home and abroad.Hanan A. Alexander - 2016 - Ethics and Education 11 (3):310-325.
    How should we assess programs dedicated to education in virtue? One influential answer draws on quantitative research designs. By measuring the inputs and processes that produce the highest levels of virtue among participants according to some reasonable criterion, in this view, we can determine which programs engender the most desired results. Although many outcomes of character education can undoubtedly be assessed in this way, taken on its own, this approach may support favorable judgments about programs that indoctrinate rather than educate, (...)
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  • Judgment and the aims of education.Randall Curren - 2014 - Social Philosophy and Policy 31 (1):36-59.
    The aim of this paper is to revive a tradition of educational thought that identifies good judgment as the highest aim of education. It identifies sharply opposed manifestations of this tradition in the works of Aristotle and Locke, and uses these as points of departure in defending and exploring the tradition. The defense rests on the claims that the basic aim of educational institutions should be to enable people to live well and that good judgment is essential to living well. (...)
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  • Education as a Social Right in a Diverse Society.Randall Curren - 2009 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 43 (1):45-56.
    The aim of this article is to outline the basis for a comprehensive account of educational rights. It begins by acknowledging the difficulties posed by diversity, and defends a conception of universal human rights that limits parental educational discretion. Against the backdrop of the literature of public reason and fair equality of opportunity, it sketches arguments for the existence of rights to education of some specific kinds. Those rights, and associated educational purposes, are systematised on the basis of a conception (...)
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  • An Introduction to Philosophy of Education.Carrie Winstanley - 2007 - British Journal of Educational Studies 55 (1):108-110.
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  • Reply to Costa, Kleinig, and MacMullen.Randall Curren - 2021 - Journal of Social Philosophy 52 (3):410-422.
    Journal of Social Philosophy, Volume 52, Issue 3, Page 410-422, Fall 2021.
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  • (1 other version)How and why to support common schooling and educational choice at the same time.Rob Reich - 2007 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 41 (4):709–725.
    The common school ideal is the source of one of the oldest educational debates in liberal democratic societies. The movement in favour of greater educational choice is the source of one of the most recent. Each has been the cause of major and enduring controversy, not only within philosophical thought but also within political, legal and social arenas. Echoing conclusions reached by Terry McLaughlin, but taking the historical and legal context of the United States as my backdrop, I argue that (...)
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  • The preconditions to flourishing: Structural necessities for achieving well-being in schools.Harshi Gunawardena, Siobhan Merlo & Robert Stevens - 2020 - British Journal of Educational Studies 68 (4):425-442.
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  • Plato and the modern American “right”: Agendas, assumptions, and the culture of fear.Paul Ramsey - 2009 - Educational Studies: A Jrnl of the American Educ. Studies Assoc 45 (6):572-588.
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  • Enlightenment, reason and universalism: Kant’s Critical Insights.Kenneth R. Westphal - 2016 - Studies in East European Thought 68 (2-3):127-148.
    ‘Universalist’ moral principles have fallen into disfavour because too often they have been pretexts for unilateral impositions upon others, whether domestically or internationally. Too widely neglected has been Kant’s specifically Critical re-analysis of the scope and character of rational justification in all non-formal domains, including the entirety of epistemology and moral philosophy, including both justice and ethics. Rational judgment is inherently normative because it is in part constituted by our self-assessment of whether the considerations we now integrate into a candidate (...)
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  • The Phenomenology of Democracy.Robert Keith Shaw - 2009 - Policy Futures in Education 7 (3):340-348.
    Human beings originate votes, and democracy constitutes decisions. This is the essence of democracy. A phenomenological analysis of the vote and of the decision reveals for us the inherent strength of democracy and its deficiencies. Alexis de Tocqueville pioneered this form of enquiry into democracy and produced positive results from it. Unfortunately, his phenomenological method was inadequate and he missed the essential core of his 'associative art'. The frequent association of democracy with rationality misleads us about its nature and its (...)
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  • Cardinal virtue habituation as liberal citizenship education.Caroline Paddock - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (2):397-408.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, EarlyView.
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  • The Stages of Moral Education in Aristotle’s Ethics and Politics.Siyi Chen - 2019 - Rhizomata 7 (1):97-118.
    I wish to prove in this article that Aristotle divides the ideal scheme of moral education into three stages: first, preliminary education, the most important part of which is the young’s musical-poetic education presented in Politics VIII.5–7; second, moral habituation, in the strict sense explained in Nicomachean Ethics II.1–4, which corresponds to the adult citizens’ military and subordinate political life, in which they learn how to rule through being ruled; finally, theoretical moral education, which means the learning of Nicomachean Ethics (...)
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  • Fragmentos de una utopía real: Aristóteles y la democracia ateniense.Luis García Soto - 2011 - Daimon: Revista Internacional de Filosofía:255-263.
    A través de la obra de Aristóteles, en especial la Constitución de Atenas y la Política, podemos hacernos una imagen no demasiado habitual de la democracia ateniense. Esta aparece como un modelo jurídico-político, que aún hoy puede dar que pensar: como una «utopía real». En concreto, nos interesan dos aspectos: la justicia tributaria y la justicia social. Ambas justicias tienen en la democracia ateniense, y en la visión de Aristóteles, un notabilísimo desarrollo. Por eso, hablamos de «fragmentos» de una utopía (...)
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