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Ethics as ascetics : Foucault, the history of ethics, and ancient thought

In Gary Gutting, The Cambridge Companion to Foucault. New York: Cambridge University Press (1994)

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  1. The Architectonic of Foucault's Critique.Daniele Lorenzini & Tuomo Tiisala - 2024 - European Journal of Philosophy 32 (1):114-129.
    This paper presents a new interpretation of Michel Foucault’s critical project. It is well known that Foucault’s genealogical critique does not focus on issues of justification, but instead tackles “aspectival captivity,” that is, apparently inevitable limits of thought that constrain the agent’s freedom but that, in fact, can be transformed. However, it has not been recognized that, according to Foucault, critique can proceed along two distinct paths. In a key passage of “What Is Critique?,” Foucault states that critique is tasked (...)
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  • The ethics of managerial subjectivity.Eduardo Ibarra-Colado, Stewart R. Clegg, Carl Rhodes & Martin Kornberger - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64 (1):45 - 55.
    This paper examines ethics in organizations in relation to the subjectivity of managers. Drawing on the work of Michel Foucault we seek to theorize ethics in terms of the meaning of being a manager who is an active ethical subject. Such a manager is so in relation to the organizational structures and norms that govern the conduct of ethics. Our approach locates ethics in the relation between individual morality and organizationally prescribed principles assumed to guide personal action. In this way (...)
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  • Response to papers for “ethnography, anthropology, and comparative religious ethics” focus.John Kelsay - 2010 - Journal of Religious Ethics 38 (3):485-493.
    The Center for the Study of World Religions (CSWR) project represented here through papers by Thomas Lewis, Aaron Stalnaker, Hans Lucht, and Lee Yearley (with responses) was motivated by the judgment that the trend toward a focus on virtue ethics, with attendant concern for techniques of forming selves, creates an opportunity for a dialogue with ethnographers. I argue that the CSWR essays neglect social and institutional considerations, as well as overdrawing the distinction between “formalist” and virtue approaches to the study (...)
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  • Foucault on Freedom and Capabilities.Saul Tobias - 2005 - Theory, Culture and Society 22 (4):65-85.
    Within recent scholarship, a long-standing tendency to view Foucault as pessimistic about the possibilities of activism is now being reversed. For many contemporary commentators who emphasize the themes of personal agency, transgression and radical freedom in their assessment of his thought, Foucault offers new possibilities for political practice and for the pursuit of self-determination. However, an examination of Foucault’s work, particularly in the transitional period preceding his so-called ‘ethical’ writings, indicates his appreciation of basic human needs and functions that complicates (...)
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  • Emotions and Ethics: A Foucauldian framework for becoming an ethical educator.Richard Niesche & Malcom Haase - 2012 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 44 (3):276-288.
    This paper provides examples of how a teacher and a principal construct their ‘ethical selves’. In doing so we demonstrate how Foucault's four-part ethical framework can be a scaffold with which to actively connect emotions to a personal ethical position. We argue that ethical work is and should be an ongoing and dynamic life long process rather than a more rigid adherence to a ‘code of ethics’ that may not meaningfully engage its adherents. We use Foucault's four-part framework of ethical (...)
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  • How to tell the political truth: Foucault on new combinations of the basic modes of veridiction.Chris Barker - 2019 - Contemporary Political Theory 18 (3):357-378.
    This article pays close attention to Michel Foucault's theory that political regimes are enlightened through courageous free speech. A Foucaultian enlightenment occurs not when philosophical reason completely replaces superstition and enthusiasm in the public sphere, but instead when the parrhesiast partially organizes competing claims to know and to speak the truth. While much of the recent scholarly literature on Foucault’s later lectures emphasizes the political importance of the parrhesiast, less attention has been paid to the overlap and/or incompatibility between parrhesia (...)
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  • Did Foucault do Ethics? The "Ethical Turn," Neoliberalism, and the Problem of Truth.Patrick Gamez - 2018 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 26 (1):107-133.
    This paper argues against a common misunderstanding of Foucault's work. Even after the release of his lectures at the Collège de France, which ran throughout the 1970s until his death in 1984, he is still often taken to have made an "ethical" turn toward the end of his life. As opposed to his genealogies of power published in the 1970s, which are relentlessly suspicious of claims of individual agency, his final monographs focus on the ethical self-formation of free individuals. I (...)
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  • An Interpretation of the Educational Process from the Perspective of Kant's Philosophy of History and Legal-Political Theory.Milica Smajevic Roljic - 2021 - In Igor Cvejić, Predrag Krstić, Nataša Lacković & Olga Nikolić, Liberating Education: What From, What For? Institute for Philosophy and Social Theory, University of Belgrade. pp. 83-100.
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  • Reparative critique, care, and the normativity of foucauldian genealogy.Bonnie Sheehey - 2020 - Angelaki 25 (5):67-82.
    The normative status of Michel Foucault’s critical method of genealogy has been the topic of much debate in secondary scholarship. Against the criticisms forwarded by Nancy Fraser and Jürgen Haberm...
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  • Foucault on Correspondence as a Technique of the Self.Toby Svoboda - 2020 - Genealogy + Critique 6 (1).
    This paper begins with a discussion of Foucault's examination of Seneca's epistles in his late essay, "Self Writing." I argue that Foucault offers an accurate and interesting account of the practices Seneca employs in his epistles pursuant to his art of living. This paper then considers Foucault's interpretation of Seneca's art of living as an aesthetics of existence. I argue that this interpretation is unsatisfactory, instead suggesting that Seneca's art of living is a plausible response to the problem of suffering. (...)
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  • The Identity Game: Michel Foucault's Discourse-Mediated Identity as an Effective Tool for Achieving a Narrative-Based Ethic.Steve Urbanski - 2011 - Open Ethics Journal 5 (1):3-9.
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  • The Aesthetics of Life: More than Ethics and Morality: Alternative Thoughts on the Tradition of Aesthetics.Kaveh Dastooreh - 2021 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (2):173-189.
    This paper explores the general characteristics of the aesthetics of life. Our approach will be in thinking about the aesthetics of life as a domain independent from the realms of ethics and morality. This thesis discusses some of the theoretical debates around those concepts. The notion of ‘pleasure’ in those practices will be discussed as the one that gives shape to ‘the art of life’. Pleasure also makes it possible for a person to perform these practices for a long period (...)
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  • Harm minimisation as technologies of the self: some experiences of interviewing people with genital herpes.Candice Oster - 2003 - Nursing Inquiry 10 (3):201-203.
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  • Journal for Philosophy English menu.Juliana Sokolová - 2011 - Filozofia 66 (6):558-570.
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  • Pierre Hadot: reflexões sobre a noção de "cultura de si".Cassiana Lopes Stephan - 2017 - Revista Filosófica de Coimbra 26 (51):183-204.
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  • La déprise de soi comme pratique de désubjectivation: Sur la notion de “stultitia” chez Michel Foucault.Razvan Amironesei - 2014 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 22 (2):104-122.
    La notion de déprise joue un rôle central dans le traitement de la subjectivité chez Michel Foucault. Notre objectif est d’établir que cette notion ne peut pas être réduite à une économie du soi, comme il est communement admis par les commentateurs de son oeuvre. Dans ce sens, il faudrait la distinguer à la fois du souci de soi et de la pratique de la sagesse. De manière positive, il s’agit de montrer que la déprise joue plutôt comme modalité politique (...)
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  • To Be or Not to Be Governed Like That? Harmful and/or Offensive Advertising Complaints in the United Kingdom’s (Self-) Regulatory Context.Kristina Auxtova & Stephen Dunne - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 172 (3):425-446.
    This paper demonstrates how the UK’s Advertising Standards Authority governs advertising ethics with and on behalf of its members and stakeholders. Drawing on an archive of 310 non-commercial adjudication reports, we highlight the substantive norms and procedural mechanisms through which the ASA governs advertising complaints alleging offence and/or harm. Substantively, the ASA precludes potential normative transgressions by publishing, disseminating, consulting upon, and updating detailed codes of advertising conduct. Procedurally, the ASA adjudicates between allegations and justifications of offence and harm on (...)
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  • Repeating, Not Simply Recollecting, Repetition: On Kierkegaard’s Ethical Exercises.T. Wilson Dickinson - 2011 - Sophia 50 (4):657-675.
    This essay argues for a formative, and not simply abstract, aspect to the philosophy of religion by attending to the practices of writing employed in Søren Kierkegaard’s pseudonymous work Repetition . By locating this text within an ethical tradition that focuses upon the practices that form subjects, rather than simply the formulation of a theory, its seemingly literary performances can be viewed as exercises. In particular, this text deploys and transforms the Stoic practices of self writing, in the form of (...)
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  • Social Critique and Transformation in Stout and Butler.Nicholas Aaron Friesner - 2016 - Journal of Religious Ethics 44 (3):425-444.
    If social critique is to play a role in broad social transformation, then it must be able to engage with the terms that people use to understand their lives. This essay argues that we can find an important model for performing social critique in the quite different work of Jeffrey Stout and Judith Butler. For both, social critique must be immanent and it must make explicit the character of the norms by which people currently live. This model is especially important (...)
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  • Foucault’s subject and Plato’s mind.Albert Joosse - 2015 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 41 (2):159-177.
    In this article I engage with Foucault’s reading of the Platonic dialogue Alcibiades in his Hermeneutics of the Subject, developing his view that this text offers a model of the self-constitution of the subject. Foucault’s reading is part of his larger aim to find alternative conceptualizations of subjectivity besides the Cartesian ones that he thinks have dominated modern thought. His reading has been contested; but I argue that the Alcibiades does indeed develop a notion of subjectivity as reflexive and self-constituting. (...)
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  • Strong Will in a Messy World. Ethics and the Government of Technoscience.Luigi Pellizzoni - 2012 - NanoEthics 6 (3):257-272.
    Two features characterize new and emerging technosciences. The first one is the production of peculiar ontologies. The human agent is confronted with a biophysical world the contingent, indeterminate character of which does not hamper but expands the scope of purposeful action. Uncertainty is increasingly regarded as a resource for an expanding will rather than a drawback for a disoriented agent. The second feature is that ethics is increasingly considered as the core regulatory means of this messy, ever-changing world. The ambivalences (...)
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  • "Trust" and Professional Power: Towards a Social Theory of Self.Jason Powell & Tony Gilbert - 2007 - Human Affairs 17 (2):220-229.
    "Trust" and Professional Power: Towards a Social Theory of Self This paper sets out to delve into the relationship trust and professional authority in the context of health care. Understood in its micro-political terms and conceived as impacting on individualorganisational levels and the socio-political; this relationship stands at the interface of competingpressures working to produce the increasing complexity of social life. “Trust” is inextricably linked withuncertainty and complexity while professional authority rests on the specialist knowledge claimed bythe range of experts (...)
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  • Foucault’s Critique of the Science of Sexuality: The Function of Science within Bio-power.Sokthan Yeng - 2010 - Journal of French and Francophone Philosophy 18 (1):9-26.
    Foucault’s critique of the science of sexuality takes aim at both Freud and science. Foucault does not, as is common, seek to undermine psychoanalysis by claiming that it does not meet the rigors of science. Instead, he shows that scientific and psychoanalytic theories intersect because they are mechanisms of modern politics—biopolitics. Foucault suggests that politics determines the value of life and these sciences help to disseminate and promote knowledge about the privileged lives and lifestyles. Psychoanalytic, biological, and anatomical readings of (...)
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  • Inequality as meritocracy: a critical discourse analysis of the metaphors of flexibility, diversity, and choice, and the value of truth in Singapore’s education policies, 1979 - 2012.Nadira Abu Talib - unknown
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  • The politics of victimage:: Power and subjection in a US anti-gay campaign.Michael Blain - 2005 - Critical Discourse Studies 2 (1):31-50.
    This paper articulates a genealogical approach to critical discourse analysis derived from Michel Foucault and Kenneth Burke. The possibilities of this approach are displayed through a case study of the discourses produced by the 1994 anti-gay, ‘no special rights’ initiative in Idaho. Proponents of the initiative represented themselves as conservative Idaho citizens fighting a culture war to preserve traditional family values against a powerful, sexually perverse subject with a militant gay agenda. The analysis traces the emergence and dynamic interplay of (...)
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  • Intentional communities: ethics as praxis.Ruth Rewa Bohill - unknown
    Intentional communities are formed by a group of people who have voluntarily chosen to live together for a range of reasons in the creation of a shared lifestyle. They concern practical forms of living that may reflect diverse structures and distinct philosophies. The intentional community literature is both broad and unique in its representation of intentional community living. Intentional communities may also be considered sites that form the basis for resisting mainstream forms of living and representations of subjectivity. Through an (...)
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  • The policing of race mixing: The place of biopower within the history of racisms. [REVIEW]Robert Bernasconi - 2010 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 7 (2):205-216.
    In this paper I investigate a largely untold chapter in the history of race thinking in Northern Europe and North America: the transition from the form of racism that was used to justify a race-based system of slavery to the medicalising racism which called for segregation, apartheid, eugenics, and, eventually, sterilization and the holocaust. In constructing this history I will employ the notion of biopower introduced by Michel Foucault. Foucault’s account of biopower has received a great deal of attention recently, (...)
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  • The politics of emancipation: From self to society. [REVIEW]A. T. Nuyen - 1998 - Human Studies 21 (1):27-43.
    Emancipation is a legitimate human interest. It may be said that Foucault in his last works is concerned with putting forward a strategy for emancipation. The strategy consists in an aesthetic construction of the self. It is argued that this strategy ultimately fails and that, instead of retreating to the self, we need to return to the community level and to examine the rules of discourse that operate there. Contrary to Foucault's strategy, Habermas argues that what we need is a (...)
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  • Doing Justice to Foucault: Legal Theory and the Later Ethics. [REVIEW]Charles Barbour - 2013 - International Journal for the Semiotics of Law - Revue Internationale de Sémiotique Juridique 26 (1):73-88.
    This article provides a critical evaluation of Ben Golder’s and Peter Fitzpatrick’s recent Foucault’s Law, which it characterizes as a decisive intervention into both legal theory and Foucault scholarship. It argues in favour of Golder’s and Fitzpatrick’s effort to affirm the multiplicity of Foucault’s work, rather than treat that work as either unified by a consistent position or broken into a series of relatively stable periods. But it also argues against Golder’s and Fitzpatrick’s analysis of Foucault’s understanding of the law (...)
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