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  1. (1 other version)Linguagem e negação: sobre as relações entre pragmática e ontologia em Hegel.Vladimir Safatle - 2006 - Dois Pontos 3 (1).
    Trata-se de abordar o problema da teoria hegeliana da linguagem a partir do ponto onde pragmática e ontologia se articulam. Isto exige uma reflexão sobre a maneira com que Hegel organiza as dinâmicas da pragmática da linguagem levando em conta os modos de manifestação de uma negação ontológica no interior do campo de experiências lingüísticas da consciência.
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  • Introduction to Monique David-Ménard on Kant and Madness.Alison Ross - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):77-81.
    Ross examines the relation between thought and madness within the practical and theoretical wings of Kant's critical philosophy. She argues that the notion of critique is formulated as a guard against the tendency of thought to madness. She locates the significance of David'Ménard's essay on Kant's pre-critical works in the idea that Kant's own tendency to madness functions in these early works as a motivational principle for the mature, critical system.
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  • “Imperfect Discretion”: Interventions into the History of Philosophy by Twentieth-Century French Women Philosophers.Penelope Deutscher - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (2):160-180.
    How might we locate originality as emerging from within the “discrete” work of commentary? Because many women have engaged with philosophy informs that preclude their work from being seen as properly “original,” this question is a feminist issue. Via the work of selected contemporary French women philosophers, the author shows how commentary can reconfigure the philosophical tradition in innovative ways, as well as in ways that change what counts as philosophical innovation.
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  • “Imperfect Discretion”: Interventions into the History of Philosophy by Twentieth-Century French Women Philosophers.Penelope Deutscher - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (2):160-180.
    : How might we locate originality as emerging from within the "discrete" work of commentary? Because many women have engaged with philosophy in forms (including commentary) that preclude their work from being seen as properly "original," this question is a feminist issue. Via the work of selected contemporary French women philosophers, the author shows how commentary can reconfigure the philosophical tradition in innovative ways, as well as in ways that change what counts as philosophical innovation.
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  • Introduction to Monique David-Ménard on Kant and madness.Alison Ross - 2000 - Hypatia 15 (4):77-81.
    : Ross examines the relation between thought and madness within the practical and theoretical wings of Kant's critical philosophy. She argues that the notion of critique is formulated as a guard against the tendency of thought to madness. She locates the significance of David-Ménard's essay on Kant's pre-critical works in the idea that Kant's own tendency to madness functions in these early works as a motivational principle for the mature, critical system.
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  • A Kantian Sovereignty of Attention as a Therapy for Mental Illnesses.Martín Fleitas González - 2022 - Con-Textos Kantianos 15:297-310.
    The article suggests that the Kantian account of mental illnesses is part of his study of logic in an attempt to claim, above all, that they hinder the training of attention, which will later allow us to publicly pursue knowledge. To this, the author elucidates the epistemic place that Kant gives to attention (_Aufmerksamkeit_)_ _in his transcendental, metaphysical, and anthropological remarks, given the important role it plays in the public elaboration of knowledge. Addressing the place that Kant gives to mental (...)
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  • Naturaleza, conflicto y locura en Kant: el concepto de sinrazón positiva.Ricardo Teruel Díaz - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):35-65.
    Este artículo pretende indagar en la concepción de la locura desarrollada por el filósofo Immanuel Kant a lo largo de su trayectoria intelectual. Para llevar a cabo esta indagación el autor adopta una interpretación naturalizada del transcendentalismo kantiano desarrollada por Eugenio Moya Cantero en sus trabajos sobre el pensador alemán. Se pretende con ello conciliar dos planos de la investigación kantiana que han sido tradicionalmente contrapuestos: facticidad y transcendentalidad, quid facti y quid juris. Este planteamiento ofrece una razón humana situada (...)
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  • La melancolía de la razón pura.Efraín Lazos Ochoa - 2021 - Con-Textos Kantianos 1 (13):114-122.
    El texto es una reflexión dividida en 28 secciones que, a través de diversas resonancias y evocaciones entrelazadas que parten del texto “Duelo y Melancolía” de Sigmund Freud, propone concebir la razón pura como la sede de una melancolía auto-infligida, de un “yo pienso” estructuralmente “pobre y vacío”, haciendo por el camino escala en las ramificaciones y el potencial de la melancolía frente al duelo.
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  • Nietzsche’s Engagement with Kant and the Kantian Legacy.Paul Slama - 2020 - Nietzsche Studien 49 (1):353-367.
    The books I review are a series of three volumes of the same project, Nietzsche’s Engagements with Kant and the Kantian Legacy, edited in 2017 by Marco Brusotti, Herman Siemens, João Constâncio, Tom Bailey, Maria João Mayer Branco and Katia Hay who seek to situate Nietzsche’s work in relation to Kant and Kantianism and to interpret it from this perspective. This review consists of two parts: the first part reviews and discusses each of the works focusing on a selection of (...)
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  • Drugi kopernikanski obrat v Kantovi filozofiji.Rado Riha - 2016 - Filozofski Vestnik 37 (2).
    Prispevek preiskuje težavno vprašanje razmerja med umom in užitkom, kot ga lahko opredelimo iz perspektive Kantove filozofije, ki nastopa kot sinonim »čistega uma«. Temeljna teza pričujočega članka se osredinja na revolucijo v načinu mišljenja, ki je v filozofiji nastopilo s slovitim Kantovim »kopernikanskim obratom«. Slednji izhaja iz priznanja aficiranosti misli s stvarjo, ki sicer sodi k misli pripada, saj jo sili misliti, a si je ta vseeno ne more prisvojiti. Teza pričujočega članka je, da to zahteva »drugi« kopernikanski obrat. Z (...)
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  • Etika psihoanalize Encore, onstran meja spekulativnega uma.Tania Espinoza - 2015 - Filozofski Vestnik 36 (2).
    Prispevek ponuja branje Seminarja XX, Encore Jacquesa Lacana kot transcendentalne refleksije o ženski seksualrnosti, ki sooči skepticizem biologije spola z dogmatizmom idealizirane ženskosti, pre čemer odpira področje »onstran izkustva« kantovskega noumenon oziroma »onstran falosa« lacanovskega ženskega užitka kot etični »prostor za vero«, na katerega se lahko projicira horizont feminizma. To podjetje zahteva rekonstrukcijo hipotetičnega dialoga med Jacquesom Lacanom in Mary Jane Sherfey, ameriške psihiatrinje, ki je leta 1966 razvila teorijo, po kateri je civilizacija utemeljena na zatrtju ženskega nenasitnega spolnega gona. (...)
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  • Kant in vprašanje realizma.Rado Riha - 2018 - Filozofski Vestnik 39 (3).
    Kantova transcendentalna filozofija je zaradi svojega obrata k subjektivni konstituciji dejanskosti danes pogosto predstavljena kot tako rekoč paradigmatski primer korelacije subjekta in objekta in je kot takšna izpostavljena očitku, da ni zmožna misliti nekonstruiranega sveta brez ljudi, da torej odvrača mišljenje od slehernega realizma. V nasprotju s tem razumevanjem Kanta prispevek razvija in utemeljuje stališče, da nam ravno Kantova filozofija, pod pogojem, da jo razumemo in prikažemo v njeni sistematični naravnanosti, tako, kot se ta naravnanost naposled manifestira v pojmu estetske (...)
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