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  1. Instead of Particles and Fields: A Micro Realistic Quantum "Smearon" Theory.Nicholas Maxwell - 1982 - Foundatioins of Physics 12 (6):607-631.
    A fully micro realistic, propensity version of quantum theory is proposed, according to which fundamental physical entities - neither particles nor fields - have physical characteristics which determine probabilistically how they interact with one another . The version of quantum "smearon" theory proposed here does not modify the equations of orthodox quantum theory: rather, it gives a radically new interpretation to these equations. It is argued that there are strong general reasons for preferring quantum "smearon" theory to orthodox quantum theory; (...)
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  • Explicit mathematical construction of relativistic nonlinear de Broglie waves described by three-dimensional (wave and electromagnetic) solitons “piloted” (controlled) by corresponding solutions of associated linear Klein-Gordon and Schrödinger equations.Jean-Pierre Vigier - 1991 - Foundations of Physics 21 (2):125-148.
    Starting from a nonlinear relativistic Klein-Gordon equation derived from the stochastic interpretation of quantum mechanics (proposed by Bohm-Vigier, (1) Nelson, (2) de Broglie, (3) Guerra et al. (4) ), one can construct joint wave and particle, soliton-like solutions, which follow the average de Broglie-Bohm (5) real trajectories associated with linear solutions of the usual Schrödinger and Klein-Gordon equations.
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  • Quantum statistical determinism.Eftichios Bitsakis - 1988 - Foundations of Physics 18 (3):331-355.
    This paper attempts to analyze the concept of quantum statistical determinism. This is done after we have clarified the epistemic difference between causality and determinism and discussed the content of classical forms of determinism—mechanical and dynamical. Quantum statistical determinism transcends the classical forms, for it expresses the multiple potentialities of quantum systems. The whole argument is consistent with a statistical interpretation of quantum mechanics.
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  • The Meaning of “Epistemology” Science, Common Sense and Philosophy according to Émile Meyerson.Frédéric Fruteau de Laclos - 2017 - Kairos 19 (1):36-67.
    Émile Meyerson (1859–1933) is an epistemologist, in the French meaning of the term: he himself introduced the word in French as a synonymous for “philo- sophy of science” in his major book of 1908 Identity and Reality. First educated as a chemist, Meyerson discovered philosophy while reading Auguste Comte’s Cours de philosophie positive. However, he strongly rejected Comte’s positivism: metaphysics, he said, penetrates science and even common sense; men, whether they are scien- tists or not, are interested in finding a (...)
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  • De Broglian probabilities in the double-slit experiment.M. Božić, Z. Marić & J. P. Vigier - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (11):1325-1344.
    A new probability interpretation of interference phenomena in the double-slit experiment is proposed. It differs from the standard interpretation (based on elementary events happening in complementary, mutually exclusive setups—arrivals of waves to the screen when one of the slits is closed) which encounters the “paradox” that the law of total probability is violated. This new interpretation is free of such difficulties and paradoxes since it is based on compatible elementary events (events happening in the same setup in which happenall events (...)
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  • Potential, propensity, and categorical realism.Chuang Liu - 1996 - Erkenntnis 45 (1):45 - 68.
    I argue that categorical realism, contrary to what most believe today, holds for quantum (and indeed for all) objects and substances. The main argument consists of two steps: (i) the recent experimental verification of the AB effect gives strong empirical evidence for taking quantum potentials as physically real (or substantival), which suggests a change of the data upon which any viable interpretation of quantum theory must rely, and (ii) quantum potentials may be consistently taken as the categorical properties of quantum (...)
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  • Quantum Interference, Quantum Theory of Measurement, and (In)completeness of Quantum Mechanics.Mirjana Božić & Zvonko Marić - 1998 - Foundations of Physics 28 (3):415-427.
    The new techniques and ideas in quantum interferometry with neutrons, photons, atoms, electrons, and Bose condensates that fluorished in the last two decades have influenced in a decisive way the thinking and the research in the foundations and interpretation of quantum mechanics. The controversies existing among different schools on the reality of matter waves of quantum theory, the postulates of quantum measurement theory, and the (in)completeness of quantum mechanics have to be approached now in a new way. Our argumentation follows (...)
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  • On the contribution of Louis de Broglie to the quantum theory of measurement.J. Andrade E. Silva - 1982 - Foundations of Physics 12 (10):977-987.
    An account of the contributions of Louis de Broglie to the quantum theory of measurement processes is presented. It being impracticable to cover all research work done by de Broglie and his School about this matter, stress is put on the refutation of von Neumann's theorem, on the alternative description arising from the double solution theory, and on some critical analysis of the usually accepted formalism.
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  • Embedding of Particle Waves in a Schwarzschild Metric Background.David Zareski - 2000 - Foundations of Physics 30 (2):253-285.
    The special and general relativity theories are used to demonstrate that the velocity of an unradiative particle in a Schwarzschild metric background, and in an electrostatic field, is the group velocity of a wave that we call a “particle wave,” which is a monochromatic solution of a standard equation of wave motion and possesses the following properties. It generalizes the de Broglie wave. The rays of a particle wave are the possible particle trajectories, and the motion equation of a particle (...)
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  • Observer Effects on Quantum Randomness: Testing Micro-psychokinetic Effects of Smokers on Addiction-related Stimuli.Markus Andreas Maier & Moritz Christopher Dechamps - 2018 - Journal of Scientific Exploration 32 (2).
    A vivid discussion revolves around the role of the human mind in the quantum measurement process. While some authors argue that conscious observation is a necessary element to achieve the transition from quantum to classical states during measurement (Wigner, 1963), some go even further and propose a more active influence of the human mind on the probabilities of quantum measurement outcomes (e.g. Atmanspacher, Römer, & Walach, 2002; Penrose & Hameroff, 2011). This proposition was tested in micro-psychokinesis (micro-Pk) research were intentional (...)
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  • Mind-matter interactions and their reproducibility.Moritz Dechamps - 2019 - Dissertation, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München
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  • The wave-particle dualism in 1992: A summary. [REVIEW]Marie-Christine Combourieu & Helmut Rauch - 1992 - Foundations of Physics 22 (12):1403-1434.
    We review the past and present theoretical and experimental situations relating to wave-particle dualism. New tests aimed at enlightening the individual behavior as awave, then as aparticle, of asingle quantum mechanical system in the same experimental run are presented. The related epistemological, philosophical, and historical backgrounds are presented in a twofold exposition taking into account thepositivistic standard Copenhagen interpretation as well as therealist de Broglian point of view.
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