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  1. ‘Ownness created a new freedom’: Max Stirner’s alternative concept of liberty.Saul Newman - 2019 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 22 (2):155-175.
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  • Individualidade, liberdade e educação (Bildung) em Max Stirner.Alexandre Alves - 2018 - Pro-Posições 29 (3):281-304.
    This paper aims to discuss how the themes of individuality, freedom and education are articulated in Stirner's thought. It begins with a brief history of Stirner's reception. Next, the paper analyzes the subversion of Hegelian dialectics and the critique of Feuerbach's and Marx's atheistic humanism, which remain linked to Christian theology by deifying an abstract human essence. Then, the focus shifts to Stirnerian nominalism and its criticism of God, State, humanity and society as ideological constructs that dominate the concrete individual. (...)
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  • Egoism and Class Consciousness, or: Why Marx and Engels Wrote So Much About Stirner.Tom Whyman - 2023 - Hegel Bulletin 44 (3):422-445.
    Interest inThe German Ideologyhas largely focused on the ‘chapter’ on Feuerbach—invariably the focus of the various abridgements in which the work is usually read. But this does not reflect the weighting of the text itself, which is dominated by Marx and Engels's critique of the radical egoist philosopher Max Stirner. Which begs the question: just why did they spend so much time and effort writing about Stirner? In this paper, I will provide an answer—which comes down to three related points. (...)
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  • (1 other version)Criticism of Feuerbach’s thought by Marx and Engels through the reflection on the text of The German Ideology.Baohong Yang - 2024 - Trans/Form/Ação 47 (1):e0240002.
    Resumen: Feuerbach es uno de los representantes Del joven hegeliano. En el libro la ideología alemana, Marx analizó el estado de la ideología alemana en ese momento a través de la comparación entre materialismo e idealismo, y lo criticó. Marx criticó la concepción de Feuerbach de la “naturaleza humana”, las limitaciones del materialismo, su concepción de la “realidad” y su comprensión de las relaciones históricas, partiendo de las personas reales y su producción. Esta crítica sentó las bases para el desarrollo (...)
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  • The Philosophy and Politics of Bruno Bauer Krise und Kritik bei Bruno Bauer: Kategorien des Politischen im nachhegelschen Denken.Widukind De Ridder - 2011 - Historical Materialism 19 (2):160-174.
    Scholarly research on Bruno Bauer (1809-1882) tends to focus on the continuity in Bauer’s writings throughout the 1840s, or situates the older Bauer’s conservatism well before the revolutions of 1848. This review article does not intend to settle this debate, but tries to enrich it by referring to the criticism of two of Bauer’s contemporaries: Karl Marx, and, in particular, Max Stirner. Stirner's critique of Bruno Bauer helps to illuminate the extent to which a creative rendering of Hegelian philosophy was (...)
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  • Max Stirner.David Leopold - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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