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The Truth in Painting

Journal of Philosophy 85 (4):219-223 (1988)

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  1. The Ancient Quarrel and the Dream of Writing.Richard Smith - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (4):592-608.
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  • Varieties of Pictorial Illusion.Katherine Tullmann - 2016 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 74 (3):265-278.
    This article focuses on a potentially perplexing aspect of our interactions with pictorial representations : in some cases, it seems that visual representations can play tricks on our cognitive faculties. We may either come to believe that objects represented in pictures are real or perhaps perceive them as such. The possibility of widespread pictorial illusions has been oft discussed, and discarded, in the aesthetics literature. I support this stance. However, the nature of the illusion is more complicated than is usually (...)
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  • Cultural Materialism, Culturalism and Post-Culturalism: The Legacy of Raymond Williams.Andrew Milner - 1994 - Theory, Culture and Society 11 (1):43-73.
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  • Why bother? Defending Derrida and the significance of writing.Robyn Ferrell - 1993 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 71 (2):121 – 131.
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  • It's We, the Researchers, Who are in Need of Renovation.Zvi Bekerman - 2006 - Journal of Research Practice 2 (1):Article P1.
    I have been teaching qualitative research in education at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem for some years now. I have a sense that dealing with the issues of research methodology is of importance if we do indeed consider anthropology and qualitative methods to have something to contribute to improve the world in which we live. I write this rather short note out of a commitment to empirical research in the social sciences, emphasizing that which is observed and experienced, and recognizing (...)
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  • Politics on the Edges of Liberalism: Difference, Populism, Revolution, Agitation.Paul Bowman - 2008 - Contemporary Political Theory 7 (3):343-349.
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  • What Is a Parergon?Paul Duro - 2019 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 77 (1):23-33.
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  • The Representation of Presence: Outlining the Anti-Aesthetics of Pornography.Pasi Falk - 1993 - Theory, Culture and Society 10 (2):1-42.
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  • Kittler’s optic: Visual theory between hardware, strategy and style.Axel Fliethmann - 2011 - Thesis Eleven 107 (1):53-65.
    The article situates Kittler’s view on the question of visual technology within his general media theory and critically examines Kittler’s optical paradigm with regard to questions of (visual) technology, discourse, strategy and style. Focus is given to the link between visual technology and the Renaissance period.
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  • A nearly total affinity - the deleuzi an virtual image versus the derridean trace.Len Lawlor - 2000 - Angelaki 5 (2):59 – 71.
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  • Towards a Kantian Moral Psychology or the Practical Effects of Self-Predicating Judgements of Sublimity.Aaron Jaffe - 2015 - Critical Horizons 16 (1):88-106.
    This essay develops an account of the link between Kant's aesthetics and his ethics. It does so by articulating a Kantian account of moral psychology by way of aesthetic reflective judgements of sublimity. Since judgements of sublimity enrich the picture of a Kantian subject by forcefully revealing the unbounded power of the faculty of reason, I investigate the possibility that judgements of this kind could serve as a basis for moral motivation. The paper first shows how judgements of sublimity help (...)
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  • Opening a world: From categorial intuition to art.William Koch - unknown
    My purpose, broadly construed, is a simple one; to interpret Heidegger's "The Origin of the Work of Art" in the light of his early work on the nature of phenomenology and philosophy. My method will therefore be to present certain key elements of Heidegger's early understanding of phenomenology and philosophy, and then to trace these elements, and certain challenges which arise from them, into their development in Being and Time. Following this I will enquire into how these considerations should guide (...)
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  • X—Two Shoes and a Fountain: Ecstasis, Mimesis and Engrossment in Heidegger’s The Origin of the Work of Art.Stephen Mulhall - 2019 - Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 119 (2):201-222.
    In this essay, I argue for three interpretative claims about the philosophical strategies and examples employed in the first of Heidegger’s three lectures on ‘The Origin of the Work of Art’. I argue that his initial response to a Van Gogh painting is intended to dramatize a confusion rather than to articulate an insight; that his invocation of a poem by C. F. Meyer serves a number of functions overlooked by other commentators; and that Heidegger’s overall approach is best understood (...)
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  • Pleasures of Technology.Gunalan Nadarajan - 2006 - Theory, Culture and Society 23 (2-3):267-269.
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  • The Moral Efficacy of Aesthetic Experience: Figures of Meaning in the Moral Field.Alison Ross - 2010 - Critical Horizons 11 (3):397-417.
    This paper proposes to analyse the process that makes paths of action meaningful. It argues that this process is one of ‘figuration’. The term ‘figuration’ intends to outline how the experience of moral meaning is one that already positively marks out a field and to identify and analyse the mechanisms used for such marking and selection. It is my contention that these mechanisms predate the persuasion to a moral path; they are the process through which this path is constructed as (...)
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  • Disastrologies.John Schad - 2017 - Derrida Today 10 (2):180-196.
    ‘Disastrologies’ explores Derrida's fascination with dates and how that fascination reveals a secret correspondence, in every sense of the word, with Walter Benjamin – a man who has the same birth-date as Derrida. It is, though, the date of Benjamin's death and indeed its infamous mise-en-scène, the cheap hotel on the Franco-Spanish border, that dominates this text which takes the form of a dramatic monologue delivered by the hotel manager, Juan Suñer, a man known to be both a manipulator of (...)
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  • Rethinking the Notion of a ‘Higher Law’: Heidegger and Derrida on the Anaximander Fragment.Jacques de Ville - 2009 - Law and Critique 20 (1):59-78.
    The Anaximander fragment, in the readings of both Heidegger and Derrida, speaks of that which exceeds positive law. In this article, the author provides a detailed reading of Heidegger’s Der Spruch des Anaximander, showing how Heidegger relates this fragment to his thinking of Being, the latter having been ‘forgotten’ by metaphysics. Heidegger’s reading at the same time involves a contemplation of technology and of the ontological relation of beings to each other. Derrida’s reading of Heidegger’s Der Spruch highlights specifically those (...)
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  • Danto, Derrida and the Artworld Frame.Denise Thwaites - 2017 - Derrida Today 10 (1):67-88.
    This paper examines the hitherto neglected resonance between Danto's and Derrida's concepts of the Artworld and the Frame. In doing so, I challenge prevalent understandings of Danto's theoretical framework, highlighting the necessary instability that he integrates into his definition of the art object. Equally, I emphasise the applicability of Derrida's deconstructive concept to the concrete conditions of contemporary artistic practice. I begin by examining the tensions present in Danto's definitional approach, as it demands a complex vision of Artworld relations. I (...)
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  • Sublimity & the Image: A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Exploration.Erika Goble - 2013 - Phenomenology and Practice 7 (1):82-110.
    For over 2000 years, the sublime has been a source of fascination for philosophers, artists, and even the general public at times. We have written hundreds of treatises on the subject, put forth innumerable definitions and explanations, and even tried to reproduce it in art and literature. But, despite our efforts, our understanding of the sublime remains elusive. In this paper, the sublime is explored as a potential human experience that can be evoked by an image. Drawing upon concrete experiences, (...)
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  • (Un)concealing the Hedgehog. Modernist and Postmodernist American Poetry and Contemporary Critical Theories.Paulina Ambroży - unknown
    The book is an attempt to explore the affinities between contemporary critical theories and modernist and postmodernist American poetry. The analysis focuses on poststructuralist theories, notorious for their tendency to destabilize generic boundaries between literary, philosophical and critical discourses. The main argument and the structure of the book derive from Jacques Derrida’s essay “Che cos’è la poesia” [What is poetry?] in which the philosopher postulates the impossibility of defining poetry by comparing a poem to a hedgehog – prickly, solitary, untamed, (...)
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  • ‘The look that gropes the objects’: Derrida's Photographs.Julian Wolfreys - 2017 - Derrida Today 10 (1):21-37.
    In his introduction to Copy-Archive-Signature: A Conversation on Photography published in 2009, Gerhard Richter observes that while photography is concerned, ‘like deconstruction’, with ‘questions of presentation, translation, techné, substitution, deferral, dissemination, repetition, iteration, memory, inscription, death, and mourning’, relatively little attention has been given to those texts of Derrida's that specifically address photography and the work and thought of the photograph: ‘Aletheia’, Rights of Inspection, Athens, Remains, to name the most obvious. Things have changed a little since 2009, but it (...)
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