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  1. Objectivism in hermeneutics? Gadamer, Habermas, Dilthey.Austin Harrington - 2000 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 30 (4):491-507.
    Gadamer and Habermas both argue that some earlier theorists of interpretation in the human sciences, despite recognizing the meaningful character of social reality, still succumb to objectivism because they fail to conceive the relation of interpreters to their subjects in terms of cross-cultural normative “dialogue.” In particular, Gadamer and Habermas claim that the most prominent nineteenth-century philosopher of the human sciences, Wilhelm Dilthey, fell prey to a misleading Cartesian outlook which sought to ground the objectivity of interpretation on complete transcendence (...)
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  • Schützova koncepce sociální intersubjektivity.Martin Ďurďovič - 2018 - Pro-Fil 19 (2):12.
    Ve svém přístupu k intersubjektivitě Schütz odhlíží od radikálně filozofické analýzy toho, jak je druhý (alter ego) konstituován v mém vědomí. Namísto toho bere existenci druhých a jejich subjektivit za zaručenou a zkoumá intersubjektivní vztahy rozumění a jednání mezi jedinci. Přiblížení fenomenologické teorie žitého světa k sociologii Schützovi umožňuje studovat sociální interakci a řád. Článek věnuje pozornost Schützově pohledu na subjektivitu, smysl a struktury relevance. Rozlišuje mezi spoluprožívanou a typizovanou intersubjektivitou, přičemž typizovaná je prezentována jako originální příspěvek k interpretativní sociologii. (...)
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  • Einfühlen und Verstehen.Verena Mayer - 2013 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 16 (1):220-243.
    How do we understand other minds? The current debate uses the iridescent term “empathy” to explain our quite different mindreading capacities. Since no alternatives seemed to be available the discussion has been mostly in a deadlock between “simulation theory” and “theory theory”. Only recently the relevance of phenomenological findings on the issue has been brought forward. In this paper Husserl’s two concepts of “Einfühlung”, as developed in the second volume of his Ideas, are set against the background of the latest (...)
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  • Liberal arts and mixing methods: Good reasons to educate citizens and poor pilgrims as free men.José Andrés-Gallego - 2019 - Arbor 195 (794):1-11.
    Mixing methods is a well-known innovative meth- odologic proposal for research in the second half of the 20th century social sciences. Reading literature about it, I observed the aspect that justifies this paper: Authors of theoretical contributions on mixing methods recognized that this was known to be a practice already in use many centuries ago. Some of them even have re-examined the whole history of the scientific method to search precedents. They are however individual and theoretical precedents. I add in (...)
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  • Ricoeur’s Transcendental Concern: A Hermeneutics of Discourse.William D. Melaney - 1971 - In Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka (ed.), Analecta Husserliana. Dordrecht,: Springer. pp. 495-513.
    This paper argues that Paul Ricoeur’s hermeneutical philosophy attempts to reopen the question of human transcendence in contemporary terms. While his conception of language as self-transcending is deeply Husserlian, Ricoeur also responds to the analytical challenge when he deploys a basic distinction in Fregean logic in order to clarify Heidegger’s phenomenology of world. Ricoeur’s commitment to a transcendental view is evident in his conception of narrative, which enables him to emphasize the role of the performative in literary reading. The meaning (...)
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  • Animal subjectivity: a study into philosophy and theory of animal experience.S. Lijmbach - unknown
    For many people, laypeople as well as animal scientists and philosophers, animal welfare involves animal feelings. Scientifically, however, animal feelings are problematic. In the concluding remarks of a conference about the welfare of domestic animals in 1994, for example, two questions for further research were proposed: (1) What is the nature of feelings? and (2) Why is it not possible to measure the occurrence of feelings in animals directly? This book intends to give a philosophical and scientific-theoretical answer to both (...)
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  • Vittorio Hösle: Kritik der verstehenden Vernunft: Eine Grundlegung der Geisteswissenschaften. C.H. Beck: München 2018, 503 pp., 38,00€ (hardcover), ISBN: 9783406725883. [REVIEW]Hans-Ulrich Lessing & Stefan Reiners-Selbach - 2021 - Journal for General Philosophy of Science / Zeitschrift für Allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 52 (1):191-196.
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  • The Unity of Science in Human Action and the Alleged Segregation Between Pure and Applied Science.Klaus M. Meyer-Abich - 1981 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 1 (1-2):37-42.
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  • (1 other version)Zur bewusstseinsanalytischen Philosophie von Walther Schmied-Kowarzik.Wolfdietrich Schmied-Kowarzik - 2016 - Studia Philosophica Estonica:156-174.
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  • Generative hermeneutics: proposal for an alliance with critical realism.Martin Durdovic - 2018 - Journal of Critical Realism 17 (3):244-261.
    ABSTRACTThis article deals with the recent interest shown by critical realists in the study of generative mechanisms in sociology and proposes stronger integration of hermeneutics into this theoretical approach. There are important differences between realism and hermeneutics. While realism strives to overcome the extremes of empiricism and interpretivism with a new version of naturalism, hermeneutics bases its explanations of society on research into meanings. The question is whether underlining these differences is useful for social theory. On the one hand, underestimating (...)
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  • Reader and text in the horizon of understanding methodology: Gadamer and methodological hermeneutics. [REVIEW]Derong Pan - 2009 - Frontiers of Philosophy in China 4 (3):417-436.
    Judging Gadamer’s theoretical stance is a complicated matter, and his ontological hermeneutics is usually regarded as a text-centered theory of understanding. Through an analysis of the phenomenological premises from which his theories take off, however, we can clearly see his reader-centric stance. On the basis of this stance some cease to seek for the original intention of the author or the original meaning of the text, which ineluctably leads to the ignorance of an understanding methodology. As far as people’s intentional (...)
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  • Philosophical research on cognition.Martina Plümacher - 2011 - Synthese 179 (1):153 - 167.
    At the turn of the twentieth century, a number of philosophers introduced the idea of philosophical research on cognition that could enter into competition with psychology, which was developing into an autonomous discipline at that time. In view of the problems of the traditional but still prevailing associationist theory, Ernst Cassirer demanded a more sophisticated theory that could explain the human ability to concentrate one's thoughts on a topic, such as a problem or a task. He presented a representational theory (...)
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  • How scientific is theology really? A matter of credibility.Jaco Beyers - 2016 - HTS Theological Studies 72 (4):1-9.
    The criteria for what is considered as science have been debated for a very long time. This article assumes the scientific nature of Theology as a given. This article discusses in three concentric circles the scientific nature of Theology and the type of contribution Theology can make. The first circle addresses the nature of science. This broader look at what is considered to be science sets the context for the ensuing discussion. Secondly, Theology as science is investigated. The criteria which (...)
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  • Mesocosmological Descriptions: An Essay in the Extensional Ontology of History.Nikolay Milkov - 2006 - Essays in Philosophy 7 (2):1-17.
    The following paper advances a new argument for the thesis that scientific and historical knowledge are not different in type. This argument makes use of a formal ontology of history which dispenses with generality, laws and causality. It views the past social world as composed of Wittgenstein’s Tractarian objects: of events, ordered in ontological dependencies. Theories in history advance models of past reality which connect—in experiment—faces of past events in complexes. The events themselves are multi-grained so that we can connect (...)
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  • Geschichte zwischen Erinnerung und Phantasie/ History between Memory and Fantasy.Karl-Heinz Lembeck - 2017 - Gestalt Theory 39 (2-3):215-234.
    This article refers on a recent discussion with the question of the relationship between individual memory and collective history. It is claimed a constitutive role of memory in history. This thesis is examined on the basis of the question according to the value of the autobiography as a historical source. It is shown here that a reference to the collective history is already guaranteed in the relationship between memory and narrative. Four observations shall justify the arguments, they concern the role (...)
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  • Werner Jaeger’s Paideia and his ‘Third Humanism’.Christoph Horn - 2018 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 50 (6):682-691.
    Werner Jaeger (1888–1961) was at his time the most brilliant and the most influential German classicist. His most important project was a tripartite study that he finally published under the title of Paideia. Die Formung des griechischen Menschen (1933–1947). Paideia was much more than a detailed scholarly book on pedagogy in the ancient world. It was an attempt to interpret the history of ancient thought—from Homeric epics to Attic tragedy and Platonic philosophy—as rooted in the intention to educate (or rather (...)
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  • ‘Bildung’ in German human sciences: the discursive transformation of a concept.Julian Hamann - 2011 - History of the Human Sciences 24 (5):48-72.
    This article analyses the transformation of the notion of Bildung that is constructed in the German human sciences. From a perspective of field theory and discourse analysis, the article reveals how the notion evolves and stabilizes during a first stage (1810–60), how it comes under pressure because of the contextual changes in a second stage (1860–1960) and how the tension increases before it is resolved by a fundamental change of the traditional notion of Bildung in a third stage (1960–99).
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  • Zur geschichtlichen Wende der genetischen Phänomenologie. Eine Interpretation der Beilage III der Krisis.Christian Ferencz-Flatz - 2017 - Husserl Studies 33 (2):99-126.
    The paper addresses the methodological tensions between Husserl’s phenomenology and history by reinterpreting the Addendum III of the Krisis-work in view of genetic phenomenology. Thus, the paper starts out by retracing the traditional criticism against the unhistorical character of Husserl’s phenomenology as voiced by Heidegger, Adorno and others. Afterwards, it moves on to analyse the troubled relationship between static and genetic phenomenology, on the one hand, and between genetic phenomenology and empirical genesis, on the other hand. Finally, it arrives at (...)
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  • Phenomenology and the experience of the historical: David Carr: Experience and history: phenomenological perspectives on the historical world. Oxford University Press, 2014.Maxime Doyon - 2016 - Continental Philosophy Review 49 (3):383-392.
    This is a critical review of David Carr's Experience and history: phenomenological perspectives on the historical world. Oxford University Press, 2014.
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  • Experience, Temporality and History.David Carr - 2009 - Journal of the Philosophy of History 3 (4):335-354.
    Philosophers' reflections on history have been dominated for decades by two themes: representation and memory. On both of these accounts, historical inquiry is divided by a certain gap from what it seeks to find or wants to know, and its activity is seen by philosophers as that of bridging this gap. Against this background, the concept of experience, in spite of its apparent rootedness in the present, can be revived as a means of thinking about our connection to the past. (...)
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  • Ilmiölähtöisen oppimiskokonaisuuden suunnitteluun ohjaavan mallin kehittäminen ILO-suunnitteluprosessin malliksi opettajaopiskelijoiden opetusharjoittelussa.Sirkku Lähdesmäki - 2021 - Dissertation, University of Jyväskylä
    The purpose of this educational development study was to use qualitative methods to model the principles of guidance for the design of a Phenomenon-Based Learning (PhenoBL) entity and to produce a model for teacher education that guides the design of the PhenoBL entity. The theoretical approach to research is hermeneutic-pragmatic and encapsulates an experience-based learning perception. In this study, learning was understood as a communal process of active study of the real phenomena of everyday life and the experiences formed through (...)
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  • Understanding. The Mutual Regulation of Cognition and Culture.G. Rusch - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 2 (2-3):118-128.
    Purpose: Demonstrate that cognitive and social approaches towards understanding do not at all oppose but rather they complement each other. Constructivist concepts of understanding paved the way to conceive of understanding as a cognitive-social "mechanism" which mutually regulates processes of social structuration and, at the same time, cognitive constructions and processing. Findings: Constructivist approaches bridge the gap between the cognitive and the social faces of understanding. They demonstrate how comprehension and cultivation, cognition and cultural reproduction are mutually linked to each (...)
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  • (1 other version)On Ernst von Glasersfeld's contribution to education: One interpretation, one example.Marie Larochelle & Jacques Désautels - 2007 - Constructivist Foundations 2 (2-3):90-97.
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