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The New Interventionism

Metaphilosophy 32 (1-2):212-235 (2001)

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  1. Global justice: an anti-collectivist and pro-causal ethic.James Franklin - 2012 - Solidarity 2 (1).
    Both philosophical and practical analyses of global justice issues have been vitiated by two errors: a too-high emphasis on the supposed duties of collectives to act, and a too-low emphasis on the analysis of causes and risks. Concentrating instead on the duties of individual actors and analysing what they can really achieve reconfigures the field. It diverts attention from individual problems such as poverty or refugees or questions on what states should do. Instead it shows that there are different duties (...)
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  • Commonsense morality and the consequentialist ethics of humanitarian intervention.Eric A. Heinze - 2005 - Journal of Military Ethics 4 (3):168-182.
    Abstract Finding a moral justification for humanitarian intervention has been the objective of a great deal of academic inquiry in recent years. Most of these treatments, however, make certain arguments or assumptions about the morality of humanitarian intervention without fully exploring their precise philosophical underpinnings, which has led to an increasingly disjointed body of literature. The purpose of this essay, therefore, is to suggest that the conventional arguments and assumptions made about the morality of humanitarian intervention can be encompassed in (...)
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  • « L'aptitude à la liberté » de John Stuart Mill à Michael Walzer.Aurélie Knüfer - 2011 - Philosophie 110 (3):72-90.
    La parution, en 1977, de l’ouvrage de Michael Walzer, Guerres justes et injustes, dans le contexte de la guerre du Vietnam, a signé le retour des théories de la guerre, et a entraîné de nombreuses polémiques au sein de la philosophie anglo-saxonne. Or, c’est la question de l’intervention militaire qui a polarisé les débats, et qui continue de les alimenter. Ceci résulte sans doute d’un contexte politique...
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  • El humanitarismo va a la guerra. Tensiones entre violencias, derechos humanos y humanismo militar en la posguerra fría.Luis Felipe Piedrahita-Ramírez & Sara María Restrepo-Arboleda - 2022 - Co-herencia 19 (36):39-69.
    Este artículo reconstruye y problematiza el debate sobre la relación entre humanitarismo y uso de la fuerza. Para ello analiza los giros históricos en la familia humanitaria y la consolidación del nuevo humanitarismo político. A continuación, se revisa la convergencia entre las agendas del nuevo humanitarismo y el proyecto de un orden internacional liberal intervencionista en cuyo núcleo se sitúa un discurso transformador, maximalista y utópico de los derechos humanos. Luego, se recogen algunas perspectivas críticas de ese humanismo militar de (...)
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  • Why a Charter of Fundamental Human Rights in the EU?Erik Oddvar Eriksen - 2003 - Ratio Juris 16 (3):352-373.
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