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  1. (1 other version)“What is the difference between your response to Marilyn Strathern on feminist anthropology and Patricia Uberoi’s response?”.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    Patricia Uberoi extracts an argument from Marilyn Strathern: that feminist research cannot bring about a paradigm shift in social anthropology, because any feminist framework can be easily contained. I contrast Uberoi’s interpretation of Strathern with my own, and then draw attention to two possibilities that this containment argument overlooks.
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  • “What is the difference between your objection to Marilyn Strathern on feminist anthropology and Kamala Visweswaran’s objection?”.Terence Rajivan Edward - manuscript
    I respond to the charge that one of my objections to Marilyn Strathern’s rejection of feminist anthropology is the same as an objection made by Kamala Visweswaran. They may seem very similar to begin with, but I argue that there is both a difference in focus - in which premises we are concentrating on - and in method.
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