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  1. Education, epistemic virtues, and the power of toleration.Johannes Drerup - 2021 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 24 (1):108-131.
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  • From the point where I stand to the place where I can be found: The critique of perspectival reason as philosophy for education.Gert Biesta - forthcoming - Educational Philosophy and Theory.
    In this paper I provide a critique of what I refer to as ‘perspectival reason’, which is the idea that the fundamental setup of human beings in relation to the world is in terms of individuals having perspectives on the world. I argue that the idea of the world as something to view and have a perspective on is not a neutral, trans-historical category but a configuration that emerged in modern times when the world became ‘view’ of ‘picture’, as Heidegger (...)
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  • Shaping New Aims and Practices of Teaching Controversial Issues in Response to Conservative Critics.Sarah M. Stitzlein - forthcoming - Studies in Philosophy and Education:1-23.
    While the teaching of controversial issues has generally been supported by schools and education scholars, new laws and public outcry have impacted whether and how controversial issues are taught. Calls to ban or limit teaching of controversial issues have largely been spurred by conservative parents, policymakers, and political groups. Some teachers and many education scholars are deeply concerned and want to preserve teaching about controversial issues. This situation suggests that inquiry is needed into changes in the educational aims held and (...)
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  • A direct approach to civic formation that preserves the spirit of pure liberal education.Christopher William Love - forthcoming - Journal of Philosophy of Education.
    According to one historic view of liberal education, such education is incompatible with the express pursuit of civic goods. Call that view ‘pure liberal education’. Students engaged in pure liberal education are set free, temporarily, from utilitarian concerns, for a course of study aimed at intrinsic goods—most notably knowledge but also the formation of a virtuous mind. Proponents claim that a direct pursuit of civic goods would compromise the mode, matter, and/or integrity of pure liberal education—that is, its freedom from (...)
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  • Epistemic injustice? Banning ‘critical race theory’, ‘divisive topics’, and ‘embedded racism’ in the classroom.Henry Lara-Steidel & Winston C. Thompson - 2024 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 57 (4-5):862-879.
    In more than half of its states, the USA has recently passed or proposed legislation to limit or ban public educational curricular reference to race, gender, sexuality, or other identity topics. The stated justifications for these legislative moves are myriad, but they share a foundational claim; namely, these topics are asserted to be politically and socially divisive such that they ought not to be included within state-controlled schools. In this paper, we consider the claims of divisiveness regarding these topics and (...)
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  • Can Our Schools Help Us Preserve Democracy? Special Challenges at a Time of Shifting Norms.Meira Levinson & Mildred Z. Solomon - 2021 - Hastings Center Report 51 (S1):15-22.
    Civic education that prepares students for principled civic participation is vital to democracy. Schools face significant challenges, however, as they attempt to educate for democracy in a democracy in crisis. Parents, educators, and policy‐makers disagree about what America's civic future should look like, and hence about what schools should teach. Likewise, hyperpartisanship, mutual mistrust, and the breakdown of democratic norms are perverting the kinds of civic relationships and values that schools want to model and achieve. Nonetheless, there is strong evidence (...)
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  • A Systematic Review of the 2016 National Academy of Engineering Exemplary Ethics Programs: Revisions to a Coding Framework.Justin L. Hess, Alison J. Kerr, Athena Lin & Andrew Chung - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (6):1-35.
    Engineering ethics is a required aspect of accredited ABET programs, but there is widespread variation in how ethics is taught, to what ends, and how those ends are assessed. This variation makes it challenging to identify practices for teaching ethics to engineers aligned with extant practices in the field. In this study, we revise a recent coding framework by reviewing exemplary engineering ethics programs recognized by the National Academy of Engineering in 2016, or what we refer to as “exemplars.” We (...)
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  • The non-political classroom: The (dis)missed opportunities of an Israeli multicultural-bilingual high school civics course.Aviv Cohen & Zvi Bekerman - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (2):111-122.
    The body of research on civic education points to the importance of teachers creating open democratic environments, leading to what has been termed the political classroom. This yearlong study of an Israeli multicultural and bilingual high school civics course, in which students from different citizenship status participated, presents a case in which teachers were unsuccessful in achieving this goal, raising the question of what limited this class's potential to create an educational environment where democratic discourses could have taken place? The (...)
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  • Positioning students for political discussions: Attending to the mode of address.Joseph McAnulty & H. James Garrett - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (2):101-110.
    Social studies teachers are often reported as remaining reluctant to engage their students in discussions of contemporary social and political issues. It is therefore critically important to investigate instances of such discussions when they do occur. This paper, part of a larger qualitative study that included six middle and high school classrooms and 24 observed discussions, considers how students are positioned in classroom discussions of social and political issues. By thinking in terms of positions and Ellsworth's (1997) notion of “modes (...)
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  • “We didn't have to go through those barriers”: Culturally affirming learning in a high school affinity group.Ryan Oto & Anita Chikkatur - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (2):145-157.
    Using data from interviews, student work, and classroom observations in a “History of Race” course at a private predominantly White high school, this article examines the racialized tensions that led the teacher (first author) to create an unofficial affinity group for students of color that met outside of class. The authors argue that the teacher's attempt to implement a curriculum that was culturally affirming for students of color by de-centering Whiteness led to White students’ resistance that necessitated the creation of (...)
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  • Using inquiry-based dialogues to explore controversial climate change issues with secondary students: An example from Norway.Lisa Steffensen, Marit Johnsen-Høines & Kjellrun Hiis Hauge - 2023 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 55 (10):1181-1192.
    Young people around the world show considerable engagement with climate change. How can education draw on this engagement in order to benefit students and society? In this article, we discuss how inquiry-based dialogues can support students’ development in their societal engagement. We argue that such dialogues should include real-world problems involving disagreement, which promote students’ agency. We elaborate on qualities of dialogues, such as developing argumentation and perspectives together through respect, attentive listening and recognition of others’ viewpoints. Central theoretical perspectives (...)
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  • Critical Democratic Education in Practice: Evidence from An Experienced Teacher's Classroom.Lisa Sibbett - 2022 - Journal of Social Studies Research 46 (1):35-52.
    Ever-increasing numbers of teachers are expressing commitments to social justice education today, but few experienced critical or democratic education in their own schooling or in their teaching practicum. Thus, teachers’ critical democratic commitments can be difficult to put into practice, especially in classrooms where students with diverse and unequal positionalities are engaged in learning together – what I call “heterogeneous” classrooms. Education that is “democratic” (that includes a range of warranted perspectives) can seem to come into conflict with education that (...)
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  • Anxiety as a Positive Epistemic Emotion in Politics.Antonia Rosati, Florencia Guglielmetti & Leandro De Brasi - 2021 - Critical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society 33 (1):1-24.
    ABSTRACT People suffer from a variety of cognitive shortcomings when forming and updating their political beliefs. Three pervasive shortcomings are confirmation bias, disconfirmation bias, and motivated reasoning. The emotional state of anxiety can help us overcome these biases given the open-minded, information-rich, reflective deliberation with diverse people it may promote—although mass and social media may hinder this type of deliberation.
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  • The Appeal of a Controversial Text: Who Uses A People's History of the United States in the U.S. History Classroom and Why.Katy Swalwell & Kristin Sinclair - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (2):84-100.
    Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States is a polarizing historical survey that has become a common subject of social studies curricular battles. This mixed methods study uses survey data and interviews with teachers who frequently assign the book to understand who uses this text and why. Findings reveal that the text has functional, pedagogical, and political appeal for teachers who are committed to including multiple perspectives and critiquing historical narratives. That these teachers are not primarily animated by (...)
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  • Thinking Controversially: The Psychological Condition for Teaching Controversial Issues.Douglas Yacek - 2018 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 52 (1):71-86.
    How should we teach controversial issues? And which issues should we teach as controversies? In this paper, I argue that educators should heed what I call a ‘psychological condition’ in their practical efforts to address these questions. In defending this claim, I engage with the various decision criteria that have been advanced in the controversial issues literature: the epistemic criterion, behavioral criterion, political criterion and politically authentic criterion. My argument is that the supporters of these various criteria have focused too (...)
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  • Divisive Concepts in Classrooms: A Call to Inquiry.Sarah M. Stitzlein - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (6):595-612.
    In this article, I will begin by describing recent divisive concepts legislation, which bans teaching about aspects of racism, sexism, and equity, speculating briefly on the motivations behind it and the implications resulting from it. I will then describe how discussing divisive concepts in classrooms may be a helpful way for students to better understand the particular concepts and for students to take a stand on them. While I will briefly argue for the importance of classroom discussion of divisive concepts, (...)
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  • Learning in Democracy: Deliberation and Activism as Forms of Education.Rachel Wahl - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (5):517-536.
    The press and scholars alike often bemoan the failure of civil public deliberation. Yet this insistence on civility excludes people who engage in adversarial tactics, limiting the ideas that are heard within deliberation. Drawing on a deliberative dialogue that occurred in Charlottesville, Virginia, in the aftermath of the deadly White Supremacist rally of 2017, this article reveals how the capacity of deliberation to be inclusive of diverse voices depends upon deliberators’ orientation to learn from people who do not participate in (...)
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  • Critically Civic Teacher Perception, Posture and Pedagogy: Negating Civic Archetypes.Kevin Russel Magill - 2019 - Journal of Social Studies Research 43 (2):159-176.
    Critical pedagogy is an optimistic approach for achieving transformative agency, which remains an elusive and vital aspect of civic education. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to examine the pedagogical approach of three critically identifying teachers. Specifically, this study was interested in understanding participant teacher critically civic ontological postures. The posture implies an understanding of the power inherent to civic relation and pedagogy. Participant teachers uniquely demonstrated postures that allowed them to address conceptual, personal, and material aspects of civics (...)
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  • Reacting to Black Lives Matter on Social Media: Pedagogical Implications for Social Studies Education.Joseph McAnulty - forthcoming - Journal of Social Studies Research.
    This Q methodological study explored the ways preservice and in-service social studies teachers engaged with a collection of social media posts about the Black Lives Matter movement. The study asked participants to share their reactions to the posts as well as how they would determine which posts they might present to their students in the classroom. The analysis of the Q sorts identified three subject positions available to these social studies teachers—labeled the Context Provider, the Data Debater, and the Critical (...)
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  • Critical Affective Civic Literacy: A Framework for Attending to Political Emotion in the Social Studies Classroom.Patrick Keegan - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (1):15-24.
    Heightened political polarization challenges civic educators seeking to prepare youth as citizens who can navigate affective boundaries. Current approaches to civic education do not yet account for the emotional basis of citizenship. This paper presents an argument for critical affective literacy in civic education classrooms. Drawing from concepts and theories in critical emotion studies, affective citizenship, and agonistic political theory, critical affective civic literacy challenges the rationalistic bent of civic education, and offers instructional strategies for educating the political emotions of (...)
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  • Agency: The constraint of instrumentality.Rachel Wahl - 2022 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 56 (4):505-522.
    Enhancing agency—or in a more colloquial term, promoting empowerment—is typically viewed as an unquestioned good. International organisations promote the empowerment of girls and other vulnerable groups around the world. Domestically, democracies rely for their legitimacy on the idea that citizens have agency; hence, civic educators aim to strengthen student ‘voice’ and their inclination to participate. This is all for good reason, as justice does depend in part on the agency of individuals and oppressed groups. But a focus on individual or (...)
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  • Perceptions of democracy among Islamic education teachers in Israeli Arab high schools.Najwan Saada - 2020 - Journal of Social Studies Research 44 (3):271-280.
    This qualitative study explores the perceptions of democracy and citizenship among 14 teachers of Islamic religious education in the Israeli Arab and secondary schools in Israel. It expands the knowledge on how religious (Muslim) teachers conceptualize the meaning of democracy and citizenship education. The first theme addresses three critiques of democracy: the ethnopolitical (the failure of democratic regimes, including Israel, to protect the rights of religious minorities); epistemological (the shortcoming of the rule of majority in ensuring a decent and just (...)
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  • Homophily, echo chambers, & selective exposure in social networks: What should civic educators do?Jeff Passe, Corey Drake & Linda Mayger - 2018 - Journal of Social Studies Research 42 (3):261-271.
    Experts in civic education and social media used the “Delphi Method” to address countering social media's “echo chamber” effect. Analyses revealed relative agreement, with required civics courses emerging as the most recommended solution. The need for well-prepared teachers, a coordinated curriculum, and appropriate materials and methods were major considerations.
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  • Inquiry into the Educational Implications of Voting Practices of Young Adults in U.S. Mid-Term Elections*,.Matthew Knoester & Wangari P. Gichiru - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (4):267-276.
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  • Prolegomena to the Discussion on Teaching Controversial Issues.Eran Gusacov - 2022 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 41 (4):425-444.
    Numerous articles and books focus on questions about teaching controversial issues in the classroom, and these controversial issues are on the educational agenda in many countries. The modest goal of this essay is to lay the necessary groundwork for a discussion and study of the goals for teaching controversial issues in schools, in order to examine the practicability of achieving them in the educational reality, and to study possible ways for raising such subjects in the classroom. It refines and adds (...)
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  • “No One Should See What They Have to Do”: Military Children and Media Representations of War.Brian Gibbs & Jeremy Hilburn - 2021 - Journal of Social Studies Research 45 (2):130-149.
    The primary objective of this article is to describe how the children of soldiers critiqued and examined media representations of war. Taken from a more extensive qualitative case study involving eight teachers, this article examines one social studies teacher and her students’ perspectives on media coverage of war through two Socratic Seminar discussions focused on two wars: the American Civil War and Gulf War. Data was collected through interviews, focus groups, and classroom observations. Students leveled a specific set of critiques (...)
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