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  1. Knowing by likeness in empedocles.Rachana Kamtekar - 2009 - Phronesis 54 (3):215-238.
    Contrary to the Aristotelian interpretation of Empedocles' views about cognition, according to which all cognition, like perception, is due to the compositional likeness between subject and object of cognition, this paper argues that when Empedocles says that we know one thing 'by' another (e.g. earth by earth or love by love), he is characterizing analogical reasoning, an intellectual activity quite different from perception (which is explained by the fit between effluences and pores). The paper also explores the idea that strife (...)
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  • Empedocles on Sensation, Perception, and Thought.Patricia Curd - 2016 - History of Philosophy & Logical Analysis 19 (1):38-57.
    Aristotle claims that Empedocles took perception and knowledge to be the same; Theophrastus follows Aristotle. The paper begins by examining why Aristotle and Theophrastus identify thought/knowing with perception in Empedocles. I maintain that the extant fragments do not support the assertion that Empedocles identifies or conflates sensation with thought or cognition. Indeed, the evidence of the texts shows that Empedocles is careful to distinguish them, and argues that to have genuine understanding one must not be misled into supposing that sense (...)
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  • Empedocles.Richard Parry - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Pythagoras.Carl Huffman - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • La estructura topográfica del pensamiento presocrático.David Hernández Castro - 2019 - Araucaria 21 (41).
    Desde principios del siglo XX, muchos autores han intentado relacionar el origen del pensamiento griego con las transformaciones sociales o políticas que se produjeron con la irrupción de la polis antigua. Cornford veía una proyección de la estructura del comportamiento social, Jaeger, una analogía, y Vernant, una analogía de estructura del proceso de geometrización del espacio urbano. En este artículo, abordaré los problemas de analizar esta relación bajo el concepto de analogía, y propondré un enfoque alternativo basado en la distinción (...)
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  • The Problem of Substantial Generation in Aristotle's Physical Writings.Michael Ivins - 2008 - Dissertation, Duquesne University
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  • Aristotle on the Essence of Human Thought.Klaus Corcilius, Andrea Falcon & Robert Roreitner - 2024 - Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.
    This book is concerned with Aristotle’s definition of the human capacity for rational thinking (nous) offered in De anima. For Aristotle, nous is the principle, and ultimate explanans, of all the phenomena of human thinking. The book presents an in-depth interpretation of De anima III 4–8 as a single and coherent philosophical argument. More specifically, the book argues for the following views: (i) Rationalism. Humans come to know the world via two fundamentally different cognitive powers: nous and perception. They are (...)
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  • Euhemerus in Context.Franco Angelis de Angelides & Benjamin Garstad - 2006 - Classical Antiquity 25 (2):211-242.
    Euhemerus, the famous theorist on the nature of the gods who lived around 300 BC, has usually been discussed as a disembodied intellectual figure, with scholars focusing on his literary and philosophical sources and influence. Although he is called “Euhemerus of Messene,” there is uncertainty as to where he was born, lived, and worked, in particular whether he came from Sicilian or Peloponnesian Messene. Until now, the conquests of Alexander the Great and the establishment of the Successor Kingdoms have been (...)
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  • Euhemerus in Context.Franco De Angelis De Angelis & Benjamin Garstad - 2006 - Classical Antiquity 25 (2):211-242.
    Euhemerus, the famous theorist on the nature of the gods who lived around 300 BC, has usually been discussed as a disembodied intellectual figure, with scholars focusing on his literary and philosophical sources and influence. Although he is called “Euhemerus of Messene,” there is uncertainty as to where he was born, lived, and worked, in particular whether he came from Sicilian or Peloponnesian Messene. Until now, the conquests of Alexander the Great and the establishment of the Successor Kingdoms have been (...)
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  • The Zoogonies of Empedocles Reconsidered.Chiara Ferella - 2021 - Rhizomata 9 (1):1-26.
    The studies of Empedocles have made headway in showing that Empedocles postulated a double zoogony. Whereas this has been traditionally related to the hypothesis of two worlds per cycle, some Empedoclean fragments provide evidence for a double zoogony in a cosmic cycle with one world. How can we reconcile the hypothesis of two zoogonies with the assumption of a unique world? Whereas there have been attempts to address this question by retaining the traditional idea of two opposite zoogonic periods or (...)
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  • El fr. 139 DK de Empédocles y el Ensemble D del Papiro de Estrasburgo.: A propósito de una nueva edición.Gustavo Veneciano - 2012 - Argos (Universidad Simón Bolívar) 35 (2):00-00.
    El presente artículo aborda las connotaciones y los fundamentos de la paráfrasis cum canere vellem en Serv. Ecl. 6. 3. El análisis del sentido del verbo volo en este contexto y la confrontación del pasaje con Serv. Ecl. 6. 5 revelan que Servio interpreta la frase cum canerem reges et proelia como referencia a un temprano empeño de Virgilio en componer poesía épica, del que pronto desistió. Esta interpretación está condicionada por la idea de que la secuencia cronológica Églogas - (...)
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  • Philosophy in Verse: Competition and Early Greek Philosophical Thought.Nicolo Benzi - unknown
    This thesis is a study of Archaic and Early Classical philosophical poetry within the competitive context which characterized the poetic production of that period. In particular, I evaluate the ideas and arguments of Xenophanes, Parmenides, Epicharmus and Empedocles in the context of the social and cultural aspects of Archaic poetic performance in order to evaluate their response to traditional agonism. As I argue, these figures entered the poetic contest not only to defeat their poetic adversaries, but also to transform and (...)
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