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  1. Minimal Temporal Epistemic Logic.Joeri Engelfriet - 1996 - Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 37 (2):233-259.
    In the study of nonmonotonic reasoning the main emphasis has been on static (declarative) aspects. Only recently has there been interest in the dynamic aspects of reasoning processes, particularly in artificial intelligence. We study the dynamics of reasoning processes by using a temporal logic to specify them and to reason about their properties, just as is common in theoretical computer science. This logic is composed of a base temporal epistemic logic with a preference relation on models, and an associated nonmonotonic (...)
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  • Compositional verification of multi-agent systems in temporal multi-epistemic logic.Joeri Engelfriet, Catholijn M. Jonker & Jan Treur - 2002 - Journal of Logic, Language and Information 11 (2):195-225.
    Compositional verification aims at managing the complexity of theverification process by exploiting compositionality of the systemarchitecture. In this paper we explore the use of a temporal epistemiclogic to formalize the process of verification of compositionalmulti-agent systems. The specification of a system, its properties andtheir proofs are of a compositional nature, and are formalized within acompositional temporal logic: Temporal Multi-Epistemic Logic. It isshown that compositional proofs are valid under certain conditions.Moreover, the possibility of incorporating default persistence ofinformation in a system, is (...)
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