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  1. The Thinker and the Truth. Bringing Søren Kierkegaard in Discussion with Reformational Philosophy.Gerrit Glas - 2012 - Philosophia Reformata 77 (2):155.
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  • الوجه کآلية للتواصل عند إيمانويل ليفيناس.Asmaa Arief - 2020 - سلسلة أبحاث المؤتمر السنوي الدولي Andquot;كيف نقرأ الفلسفة" 5 (10):917-938.
    "نحن" أسبق على الأنا والآخر. تتجلى في ضوء هذه العبارة فلسفة إیمانویل كفلسفة أنطولوجیة تعبر عن وحدة خلقیة، غایتها تقدیم الخطوط العریضة للتعامل لیفیناس بین الأنا والآخر. فقد انعطف لیفیناس بالفكر الفلسفي من التمحور حول فكرة الوجود إلى التركیز على الأخلاق وجعلها الفلسفة الأولى. إن الفلسفة الأخلاقیة كما یذهب لیفیناس هي فلسفة اجتماعیة، لأنها تباشر كل ما یخص الإنسانیة، وفلسفته على وجه الخصوص تدعو للتجاوز لا للتناحر، وقد كان (الوجه) هو حجر الأساس الذي بنى علیه الفیلسوف فلسفته الأخلاقیة، وجعله المحك (...)
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  • Critical remarks on Religion in the public sphere' – Habermas between Kant and Kierkegaard.Roe Fremstedal - 2009 - Etikk I Praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics 1 (1):27-47.
    This article provides a critical assessment of Habermas’s recent work on religion and its role in the public sphere by comparing it to Kant’s phi-losophy of religion on the one hand and that of Kierkegaard on the other. It is argued that although Habermas is in many ways a Kantian, he diverges from Kant when it comes to religion, by taking a position which comes closer to the Kierkegaardian view that religiousness belongs to private faith rather than philosophy. This has (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Role of Reason in Faith in St. Thomas Aquinas and Kierkegaard.Rebecca Skaggs - 2016 - Heythrop Journal 57 (5):n/a-n/a.
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  • Could a Divine-Command Theory of Moral Obligations Justify Horrible Acts? Some Kierkegaardian Reflections.C. Stephen Evans - 2022 - The Monist 105 (3):388-407.
    This paper considers whether a divine-command theory of moral obligation could justify morally horrible acts, partly by examining Kierkegaard’s writings. It argues that only the commands of a God who is essentially good could be morally justified, and thus no defensible version of a DCT could actually justify horrible acts. In Works of Love Kierkegaard defends such a DCT, and thus is committed to the claim that any actual commands of God must be aimed at the good. This is consistent (...)
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  • Kierkegaard e a prioridade do existente pessoal.Paulo Barroso - 2020 - Investigação Filosófica 11 (3):77.
    O tema deste artigo é o imperativo existencial de Kierkegaard, o existente pessoal que se impõe ao existente social. Este tema é transversal na obra deste autor e é pertinente, pois é sempre necessário e profícuo refletir sobre a condição humana e os estádios da existência atemporais que se tem de seguir. Qual é o cabimento dos três estádios da existência de Kierkegaard para a condição do indivíduo enquanto simples existente pessoal? A resposta a esta pergunta é o objetivo deste (...)
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  • انسان متعالی و رابطه عقل و ایمان از منظر کرکگور.متین السادات عرب زاده & ابوالقاسم فنائی - 2021 - پژوهشنامه فلسفه دین 19 (1):93-115.
    مسئله ایمان و سازگاری یا عدم سازگاری آن با عقل و همچنین توجیه باورهای دینی بر پایه عقلانیت از دیرباز به عنوان یکی از چالش‌برانگیزترین مسائل فلسفه دین محسوب شده است. فیلسوفان و اندیشمندان بسیاری به بررسی این موضوع غامض و نقد دیدگاه‌های یکدیگر پرداخته‌اند. سورن کرکگور، متفکر برجسته دانمارکی، که به پدر اگزیستانسیالیسم معروف است، یکی از ایده‌پردازان مهم دربارۀ رابطۀ ایمان و عقل است. او عقلانی کردن ایمان را امری متناقض می‌داند و قائل به تفکیک قلمرو ایمان از (...)
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  • How Kierkegaard can help us understand covering in Analects 13.18.Andrew James Komasinski - 2016 - Asian Philosophy 26 (2):133-148.
    ABSTRACTI suggest that Kierkegaard proves a helpful interlocutor in the debate about Analects 13.18 and the meaning of yin 隱. After surveying the contemporary debate, I argue that Kierkegaard and the Confucians agree on three important points. First, they both present relational selves. Second, both believe certain relationships are integral for moral knowledge. Third, both present a differentiated account of love where our obligations are highest to those with whom we are closest. Moreover, Kierkegaard’s ‘covering’ in the deliberation ‘Love covers (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Role of Reason in Faith in St. Thomas Aquinas and Kierkegaard.Rebecca Skaggs - 2017 - Heythrop Journal 58 (4):612-625.
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