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  1. Philosophical Investigation Series: Selected Texts on Political Philosophy / Série Investigação Filosófica: Textos Selecionados de Filosofia Política.Everton Maciel (ed.) - 2021 - Pelotas: Editora da UFPel / NEPFIL Online.
    Nossa seleção de verbetes parte do interesse de cada pesquisador e os dispomos de maneira histórico-cronológica e, ao mesmo tempo, temática. O verbete de Melissa Lane, “Filosofia Política Antiga” vai da abrangência da política entre os gregos até a república e o império, às portas da cristianização. A “Filosofia Política Medieval”, de John Kilcullen e Jonathan Robinson, é o tópico que mais demanda espaço na nossa seleção em virtude das disputas intrínsecas ao período, da recepção de Aristóteles pelo medievo e (...)
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  • Why feminist technoscience and feminist phenomenology should engage with each other: on subjectification/subjectivity.Kristin Zeiler - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (3):367-390.
    Feminist technoscience and feminist phenomenology have seldom been brought into dialogue with each other, despite them sharing concerns with subjectivity and normativity, and despite both of them moving away from sharp subject-object distinctions. This is unfortunate. This article argues that, while differences between these strands need to be acknowledged, such differences should be put to productive use. The article discusses a case of school bullying, and suggests that bringing these analytic perspectives together enables and sharpens examinations of the role of (...)
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  • Intersex Activists in Israel: Their Achievements and the Obstacles They Face.Limor Meoded Danon - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (4):569-578.
    This article focuses on the dynamic between the medical policy on intersex bodies and intersex activists in Israel. Recently, in many countries changes have taken place in medical guidelines regarding intersex patients and laws that regulate medical practices and prohibit irreversible surgeries for intersex babies for cosmetic reasons and without the patient’s consent. In Israel, intersex activists are limited by several factors. On the one hand, they are influenced by the achievements of intersex activism around the world but on the (...)
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  • Renewing Medicine’s basic concepts: on ambiguity.Joel Michael Reynolds - 2018 - Philosophy, Ethics, and Humanities in Medicine 13 (1):8.
    In this paper, I argue that the concept of normality in medical research and clinical practice is inextricable from the concept of ambiguity. I make this argument in the context of Edmund Pellegrino's call for a renewed reflection on medicine’s basic concepts and by drawing on work in critical disability studies concerning Deafness and body integrity identity disorder. If medical practitioners and philosophers of medicine wish to improve their understanding of the meaning of medicine as well as its concrete practice, (...)
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  • Feminist perspectives on the self.Diana Tietjens Meyers - 2010 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
    The topic of the self has long been salient in feminist philosophy, for it is pivotal to questions about personhood, identity, the body, and agency that feminism must address. In some respects, Simone de Beauvoir's trenchant observation, "He is the Subject, he is the Absolute — she is the Other," sums up why the self is such an important issue for feminism. To be the Other is to be the non-subject, the non-person, the non-agent — in short, the mere body. (...)
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  • The Epistemic Injustice Expressed in “Normalizing” Surgery on Children with Intersex Traits.Renata Ziemińska - 2020 - Diametros 17 (66):52-65.
    I present the notion of epistemic injustice coined by Miranda Fricker and apply it to the situation of people with intersex traits, especially intersex children who are the subjects of “normalizing” surgery. Several studies from Polish hospitals show that both early “normalizing” surgery and the decision to postpone such surgery can result in harm to an intersex child. For this reason, I claim that “normalizing” surgery is only an expression of the epistemic hermeneutical injustice existing before the surgery and that (...)
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  • (1 other version)Institutional Evils, Culpable Complicity, and Duties to Engage in Moral Repair.Eliana Peck & Ellen K. Feder - 2018-04-18 - In Claudia Card (ed.), Criticism and Compassion. Oxford, UK: Wiley. pp. 171–192.
    Apology is arguably the central act of the reparative work required after wrongdoing. Claudia Card’s (1940-2015) analysis of complicity in collectively perpetrated evils moves one to ask whether apology ought to be requested of persons culpably complicit in institutional evils. To better appreciate the benefits of and barriers to apologies offered by culpably complicit wrongdoers, this article examines doctors’ complicity in a practice that meets Card’s definition of an evil, namely, the non-medically necessary, nonconsensual “normalizing” interventions performed on babies born (...)
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  • Temporal sociomedical approaches to intersex* bodies.Limor Meoded Danon - 2022 - History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 44 (2):1-28.
    The history of the field of intersex bodies/bodies with variations of sex development reflects the ongoing tension between sociomedical attempts to control uncertainty and reduce the duration of corporeal uncertainty by means of early diagnosis and treatment, and the embodied subjects who resist or challenge these attempts, which ultimately increase uncertainty. Based on various qualitative studies in the field of intersex, this article describes three temporal sociomedical approaches that have evolved over the last decade and aims to address the uncertainty (...)
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  • The harms of medicalisation: intersex, loneliness and abandonment.Charlotte Jones - 2022 - Feminist Theory 23 (1):39-60.
    This article develops loneliness as a political and social justice issue by illustrating the harmful personal and social consequences of the medical jurisdiction over and constitution of variations in sex characteristics. Whilst connections between loneliness, health and illness have been well established, this work customarily identifies the ways illness can lead to, or be caused by, loneliness. Instead, I provide an account of the central role of medicalisation and medical management in producing loneliness. By doing so, I underline the imperative (...)
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  • Dislocation and Self-Certainty. [REVIEW]Cressida J. Heyes - 2018 - Feminist Philosophy Quarterly 4 (2).
    A short critical engagement as part of a symposium on Ami Harbin's book Disorientation and Moral Life.
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  • Intersexual Births: The Epistemology of Sex and Ethics of Sex Assignment.Matteo Cresti, Elena Nave & Roberto Lala - 2018 - Journal of Bioethical Inquiry 15 (4):557-568.
    This article aims to analyse a possible manner of approaching the birth of intersexual children. We start out by summing up what intersexuality is and how it is faced in the dominant clinical practice. We then argue against this paradigm, in favour of a postponement of genital surgery. In the second part of this paper, we take into consideration the general question of whether only two existing sexes are to be recognized, arguing in favour of an expansion of sex categories. (...)
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  • Renegotiating Aquinas.Lisa Sowle Cahill - 2015 - Journal of Religious Ethics 43 (2):193-217.
    While Roman Catholic feminist ethicists typically endorse moral realism and crosscultural standards of justice, they also have been influenced by the postmodern interrogation of abstract reason and moral universalism. As theologians writing after the Second Vatican Council, they are increasingly sensitive to the communal and ecclesial dimensions of morality and of Christian ethics, and to the integral relation of Christian faith and ethics. This essay will consider two approaches to Catholic feminist ethics that differ in the relative weight they give (...)
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  • Feminist bioethics.Anne Donchin - 2008 - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
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  • Trans- ja intersukupuolisuus queer-bioeettisinä kysymyksinä.Tiia Sudenkaarne - 2018 - Ajatus 75 (1):203-246.
    Tämä artikkeli on ensimmäinen suomenkielinen, vertaisarvioitu artikkeli queer-bioetiikasta.[1] Sen on tarkoitus johdattaa queer-bioeettiseen ajatteluun ja innostaa queer-bioeettiseen tutkimukseen. Sen yleisfilosofisempi päämäärä on herättää kysymyksiä sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden bioetiikan normatiivis-moraalisista perusteista ja seurauksista. Miten queer-bioetiikan avulla voidaan kyseenalaistaa cis- ja heteronormatiivisuus hyvän elämän välttämättömänä ehtona sekä medikalisoituna merkitysjärjestelmänä? Artikkeli lähestyy tätä kysymystä polkuja raivaten ja mahdollisuuksia kartoittaen. Artikkelissa pohditaan lisäksi queer-bioetiikan suhdetta muuhun tutkimuskenttään sekä sukupuolen ja seksuaalisuuden moninaisuuden kysymysten asemaa bioetiikassa. Kansainvälisesti tarkasteltuna homo-, lesbo- ja queer-tutkimus sekä trans- ja intersukupuolentutkimus (...)
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