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  1. Contents of codes of ethics of professional business organizations in the united states.Bruce R. Gaumnitz & John C. Lere - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 35 (1):35 - 49.
    This paper reports an analysis of the content of the codes of ethics of 15 professional business organizations in the United States, representing the broad range of disciplines found in business. The analysis was conducted to identify common ethical issues faced by business professionals. It was also structured to highlight ethical issues that are either unique to or of particular importance for business professionals. No attempt is made to make value judgments about either the codes of ethics studied or of (...)
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  • A Survey of Management Educators’ Perceptions of Unethical Faculty Behavior.Tao Gao, Philip Siegel, J. S. Johar & M. Joseph Sirgy - 2008 - Journal of Academic Ethics 6 (2):129-152.
    To help academic associations in management develop, refine, and implement a code of ethics, we conducted a survey of management educators’ perception of the ethicality of 142 specific behaviors in teaching, research, and service. The results of the survey could be used to inform ethics committees of these associations regarding the level of acceptability of such conduct. The potential value of our study for the Academy of Management or similar management associations lie in our (1) systematically involving the members in (...)
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  • Fundraising Ethics: A Rights-Balancing Approach.Ian MacQuillin & Adrian Sargeant - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 160 (1):239-250.
    The topic of fundraising ethics has received remarkably little scholarly attention. In this paper, we review the circumstances that precipitated a major review of fundraising regulation in the UK in 2015 and describe the ethical codes that now underpin the advice and guidance available to fundraisers to guide them in their work. We focus particularly on the Code of Fundraising Practice. We then explore the purpose and rationale of similar codes and the process through which such codes are typically constructed. (...)
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  • The stigma of reporting wrongdoing at work: When doing right is perceived as wrong.Maciej Macko & Brita Bjørkelo - 2012 - Polish Psychological Bulletin 43 (2):70-75.
    The stigma of reporting wrongdoing at work: When doing right is perceived as wrong The act of reporting unethical, illegal and illegitimate practices at work, whistleblowing, can be associated with a stigma for the individual in question. This article presents the stigmatizing position of reporting wrongdoing at work, types of wrongdoing and individual antecedents. Since empirical studies have shown very few systematic results regarding individual differences, one way to decrease societal stigma can be to relate the act of reporting to (...)
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  • What’s in a Credo? A Critique of the Academy of Management’s Code of Ethical Conduct and Code of Ethics.Daniel Walter Skubik & Bruce W. Stening - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 85 (4):515 - 525.
    The Academy of Management formally adopted a Code of Ethical Conduct in 1990. During the subsequent 15 years, almost nothing had been published about it and its value as a formal document meant to guide professional practice. Rather surprisingly then, in December 2005 an entirely new Code of Ethics was introduced by the Academy’s Board, to take effect in February 2006. Why was a new code promulgated? More broadly, what do the contents of these codes, the processes of their promulgation, (...)
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  • Toward A Code of Ethics for Marketing Educators.M. Joseph Sirgy, J. S. Johar & Tao Gao - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 63 (1):1-20.
    This paper builds on previous work by Sirgy, M. J., Journal of Business Ethics 19, 193–206, dealing with issues of code of conduct of marketing educators. Sirgy developed a discussion document outlining a semblance of what might be construed as a code of ethics for marketing educators. The discussion document was debated and accompanied by three commentaries. One conclusion derived from the discussion document and the commentaries is the need to develop a code of ethics involving behaviors that most marketing (...)
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  • Attitudes towards business ethics: A five nation comparative study. [REVIEW]Randi L. Sims & A. Ercan Gegez - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (3):253-265.
    Increasingly the business environment is tending toward a global economy. The current study compares the results of the Attitudes Towards Business Ethics Questionnaire (ATBEQ) reported in the literature for samples from the United States of America, Israel, Western Australia, and South Africa to a new sample (n = 125) from Turkey. The results indicate that while there are some shared views towards business ethics across countries, significant differences do exist between Turkey and each of the other countries in the study. (...)
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