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  1. Fichte on Summons and Self-Consciousness.Michelle Kosch - 2021 - Mind 130 (517):215-249.
    J. G. Fichte held that a form of intersubjectivity—what he called a ‘summons’—is a condition of possibility of self-consciousness. This thesis is widely taken to be one of Fichte’s most influential contributions to the European philosophy of the last two centuries. But what the thesis actually states is far from obvious; and existing interpretations either are poorly supported by the texts or else render the thesis trivial or implausible. I propose a new interpretation, on which Fichte’s claim is that reflective (...)
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  • Agency and Self‐Sufficiency in Fichte's Ethics.Michelle Kosch - 2015 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 91 (2):348-380.
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  • Suspending the World: Romantic Irony and Idealist System.Kirill Chepurin - 2020 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 53 (2):111-133.
    This paper revisits the rhetorics of system and irony in Fichte and Friedrich Schlegel in order to theorize the utopic operation and standpoint that, I argue, system and irony share. Both system and irony transport the speculative speaker to the impossible zero point preceding and suspending the construction of any binary terms or the world itself—an immanent nonplace (of the in-itself, nothingness, or chaos) that cannot be inscribed into the world's regime of comprehensibility and possibility. It is because the philosopher (...)
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  • The dynamics of reason and its elusive object in Kant, Fichte and Schelling.Joan Steigerwald - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 34 (1):111-134.
    Kant used transcendental reflection to distinguish in judgment what belongs to its form and what to its material. Regarding the form of judgment, Buchdahl’s work highlights the analogies between the different levels of judgment in Kant’s transcendental ontology. He uses the explicit contingency of judgments of the system of nature to illuminate the contingency of judgments of objects in general. In the Critique of pure reason, Kant had left much of the work of judgment to the unconscious imagination. Fichte and (...)
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  • Psychologischer Skeptizismus. Nietzsches Kritik am Deutschen Idealismus.Michael Lewin - 2017 - Coincidentia. Zeitschrift für Europäische Geistesgeschichte 8:383-406.
    Eine Untersuchung zu Nietzsches Kritik am Deutschen Idealismus im Rahmen seiner allgemeinen Idealismuskritik und seiner Lehre vom Willen zur Macht.
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  • A recepção da doutrina da ciência em Jean Paul.Federico Ferraguto - 2017 - Discurso 47 (1):307-328.
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  • Schleiermacher and the Ethics of Authenticity: The "Monologen" of 1800.Brent W. Sockness - 2004 - Journal of Religious Ethics 32 (3):477 - 517.
    Schleiermacher's "Soliloquies" not only represent a pivotal work in this classically modern theologian's development as a moral philosopher. They are also arguably the principal moral writing of the early German romantic movement and therefore a significant, if widely overlooked, contribution to the history of ethics in the West. This essay provides a comprehensive interpretation and modest retrieval of this unusual and difficult work by bringing Schleiermacher's early "ethics of individuality" into conversation with Charles Taylor's conception of "expressivist" understandings of human (...)
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  • Filosofia da arte E arte de filosofar. Arte, linguagem E religião em Fichte E Schelling.Federico Ferraguto - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (132):473-494.
    RESUMO Este trabalho desenvolve aspectos da controvérsia entre Fichte e Schelling em relação aos elementos estéticos, linguístico-filosóficos e da filosofia da religião de ambos, que é foco das "Investigações sobre a liberdade humana de Schelling", assim como das exposições da doutrina da ciência e da ética do Fichte tardio. As divergências entre Fichte e Schelling não envolvem apenas problemas especulativos, mas sim variadas implicações e consequências dos seus sistemas filosóficos, que podem ser destacadas por uma análise da função da analogia (...)
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  • Kant vergegenwärtigt. Fundamento, postulado, intuição intelectual.Federico Ferraguto - forthcoming - Kant E-Prints:10-34.
    O artigo visa mostrar como o gesto filosófico reinholdiano de construção de uma filosofia elementar e o fichteano de fundamentar toda filosofia como ciência rigorosa em uma intuição intelectual alcançada através de um postulado, mais do que uma traição da impostação fundamental da crítica da razão kantiana, refletem uma tentativa de aprofundar elementos implícitos nela, sobretudo no que diz respeito à sua dimensão metodológica. Isto permite estabelecer uma continuidade entre o criticismo de Kant e o chamado de idealismo alemão que (...)
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  • The Heuristic Power of Agapism in Peirce's Philosophy.Ivo Assad Ibri - 2013 - Nóema 4 (2).
    The first part of this essay provides an analysis of the text “The Law of Mind”, in which Peirce theorizes about the power of growth and spreading of ideas and also presents his response to the classic question about how mind can influence matter. We intended to show, from an analysis focused on the dual semantic meaning of the word “ affect ”, how the author’s rupture with the Cartesian dualism between mind and matter implies in a substantial identity between (...)
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  • The 1860s Kant revival and the Philosophical Society of Berlin.Lauri Kallio - 2021 - Kant E-Prints 15 (3):192-219.
    Neo-Kantianism emerged over the course of the 1860s and it occupied a leading position in the German universities from the 1870s until the First World War. Demands for getting "back to Kant" had become common since the early 1860s, and these demands were discussed in the meetings of the Philosophical Society of Berlin (Philosophische Gesellschaft zu Berlin; PGB), which was the international organization of Hegelians. In this paper I address some reactions among the PGB members to the 1860s Kant revival. (...)
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  • Sensibility and Organic Unity: Kant, Goethe, and the Plasticity of Cognition.Dalia Nassar - 2015 - Intellectual History Review 25 (3):311-326.
    In this paper, I trace a ‘leading thread’ from Kant’s Critique of Judgment to Goethe that involves a shift from a conceptual framework, in which a priori concepts furnish necessity and thereby science, to a framework in which sensible experience plays a far more significant and determining role in the formation of knowledge. Although this shift was not enacted by Kant himself, his elaboration of organic unity or organisms paved the way for this transformation. By considering both the methodological difficulties (...)
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  • A "recensão a aenesidemus" E a génese da doutrina da ciência de Fichte.Fernando Manuel Ferreira da Silva - 2015 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 56 (132):335-353.
    RESUMO O presente ensaio aborda o período anterior às obras tidas como as diferentes reescrições da Doutrina da Ciência, de J. G. Fichte, e aí tenta não só perceber a origem da necessidade de um princípio da identidade, como ela surge aquando das primeiras ocorrências do mesmo, mas também discernir os primeiros passos de todo o problema da possibilidade de um princípio absoluto de toda a filosofia, que sempre animaria a empresa. O foco em questão é a «Aenesidemus-Rezension», onde Fichte (...)
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  • The being outside of being, within being”. The question of human consciousness in novalis’ “fichte-studien.Fernando M. F. Silva - 2020 - Kriterion: Journal of Philosophy 61 (146):403-425.
    ABSTRACT The question of human consciousness is a crucial part of Novalis’ aim of construing a self-critique of the I, or critique of human identity, as it is proposed in his “Fichte-Studien”. Namely, this question is an intermediary stage in said critique, serving as proof for Novalis’ theory of the opposites, the fundamental stage, and his position on philosophizing, the final stage of this endeavor, which will be at the basis of his whole philosophical system; and as such, it is (...)
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  • Schleiermacher and the Ethics of Authenticity.Brent W. Sockness - 2004 - Journal of Religious Ethics 32 (3):477-517.
    Schleiermacher's Soliloquies not only represent a pivotal work in this classically modern theologian's development as a moral philosopher. They are also arguably the principal moral writing of the early German romantic movement and therefore a significant, if widely overlooked, contribution to the history of ethics in the West. This essay provides a comprehensive interpretation and modest retrieval of this unusual and difficult work by bringing Schleiermacher's early “ethics of individuality” into conversation with Charles Taylor's conception of “expressivist” understandings of human (...)
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  • Einführung in die Ethik.Micha H. Werner - 2020 - Heidelberg, Germany: J.B. Metzler / Springer Nature.
    Open access-introduction into moral philosophy in German language that contains chapters on the concept of morality, on the development and the main positions of normative ethics, on meta-ethics, and on the various fields of applied ethics. One of its distinctive features is that it explicitly reflects on the role of morality and ethics in modern society and that it analyses the import of alternative conceptual and normative positions for determining this role. The book can be freely downloaded from the publisher's (...)
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  • Lo sublime y la pintura en el primer esbozo del Sistema de Fichte en comparación con Kant.Giorgia Cecchinato - 2017 - Tópicos: Revista de Filosofía 54:201-214.
    Este artículo tiene un objetivo doble: se presenta en primer lugar la primera doctrina fichteana de las formas y los colores en la pintura, formulada en el escrito póstumo titulado Filosofia práctica. En segundo lugar, se traza un paralelo entre esta doctrina y la expuesta por Kant en la Crítica de la capacidad de juzgar. Al mismo tiempo que se señala la cercanía entre ambos sistemas, este artículo muestra la peculiaridad y originalidad de la doctrina fichteana.
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  • Maimon's Post-Kantian Skepticism.Emily Fitton - 2017 - Dissertation, University of Essex
    There is little doubt that Salomon Maimon was both highly respected by, and highly influential upon, his contemporaries; indeed, Kant himself referred to Maimon as the best of his critics. The appraisal and reformulation of the Kantian project detailed in Maimon’s Essay on Transcendental Philosophy played a significant role in determining the criteria of success for post-Kantian philosophy, and was thus crucial to the early development of German Idealism. Key aspects of Maimon’s transcendental philosophy remain, however, relatively obscure. In particular, (...)
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  • La identificación entre la razón práctica y la idea de Dios en el Opus Postumum de Kant.Ruth Calvo Portela - 2015 - Agora 34 (2).
    El teísmo moral que defiende Kant es un eje crucial de su filosofía. Pero las ideas de Dios y de la inmortalidad del alma como postulados de la razón práctica conllevan una serie de problemas, como, por ejemplo, la cosificación de lo noúmeno, el antropomorfismo de la noción de Dios y la relación entre inmanencia y transcendencia. El intento por parte de Kant de dar una respuesta a estas cuestiones le lleva en las últimas obras a replantearse el papel de (...)
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