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Aristotle and Economic Analysis

[The Past and Present Society] (1970)

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  1. On Aristotle's Natural Limit.C. Tyler DesRoches - forthcoming - History of Political Economy.
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  • Aristotle’s Difficult Relationship With Modern Economic Theory.Spencer J. Pack - 2008 - Foundations of Science 13 (3-4):265-280.
    This paper reviews Aristotle’s problematic relationship with modern economic theory. It argues that in terms of value and income distribution theory, Aristotle should probably be seen as a precursor to neither classical nor neoclassical economic thought. Indeed, there are strong arguments to be made that Aristotle’s views are completely at odds with all modern economic theory, since, among other things, he was not necessarily concerned with flexible market prices, opposed the use of money to acquire more money, and did not (...)
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  • Aristotle’s Political Economy: Three Waves of Interpretation.Nathan Dinneen - 2015 - Polis 32 (1):96-142.
    Aristotle’s thoughts on economic matters are included in his inquiry into the nature of politics. They are certainly ancillary to his thoughts on the education requisite for excellence. Yet this ranking should not cause one to overlook Aristotle’s contributions to the field of normative political economy. To appreciate these contributions, it is helpful to look to the scholarship on Aristotle’s political economy. In this essay such an inquiry is approached through categorizing the scholarship into three stages or waves of interpretation: (...)
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  • Introduction.Dario Martinelli - 2009 - Sign Systems Studies 37 (3/4):353-368.
    Realism has been a central object of attention among analytical philosophers for some decades. Starting from analytical philosophy, the return of realism has spread into other contemporary philosophical traditions and given birth to new trends in current discussions, as for example in the debates about “new realism.” Discussions about realism focused on linguistic meaning, epistemology, metaphysics, theory of action and ethics. The implications for politics of discussion about realism in action theory and in ethics, however, are not much discussed.
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  • Recontextualising Aristotelian Perspectives on the Purpose of the Business Corporation.David Shaw - 2022 - Philosophy of Management 21 (3):289-300.
    Business ethicists draw extensively on Aristotle’s work in defining the purpose of the business corporation. Insights from ancient authors can be valuable in illuminating contemporary issues, but we should be wary of enlisting their authority for our views without paying careful attention to what they might have intended by what they said in their own social and economic context. Business ethicists have argued that the business corporation should be a community within which its members can live a good life; that (...)
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  • Aristotle’s Natural Wealth: The Role of Limitation in Thwarting Misordered Concupiscence.Skip Worden - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 84 (2):209-219.
    I argue that Aristotle's approach to the proper type of acquisition, use-value, want, and accumulation/storage of wealth is oriented less to excluding commercial activity, such as that of Aristotle's Athens, than to forestalling misordered concupiscence – the taking of an inherendy limited good for the unlimited, or highest, good. That is, his moral aversion to taking a means for an end lies behind his rendering of the sort of wealth that is natural. By stressing the limited nature of natural wealth, (...)
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  • Valuing Goods: The Development of Commensurability in Archaic Greece.Mark Peacock - 2021 - AKROPOLIS: Journal of Hellenic Studies 5:89-104.
    To be monetised, a society requires a unit which measures the values of a wide range of goods. Being thus measurable, the values of goods are mutually commensurable, a point which Aristotle theorised in the _Nicomachean Ethics_ (Book V). But whereas Aristotle gives rise to the impression that the stipulation of a currency unit suffices to make goods commensurable, societies themselves must undergo a process of commensurabilisation whereby people become habituated to valuing goods in terms of a unit of value. (...)
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  • Augustine on Administration: The Politics of Social Institutions in The City of God.Anthony Burns - 2021 - The European Legacy 26 (1):22-38.
    This article considers what St. Augustine has to say about administration in The City of God, as well as in The Rule of St. Augustine and in Of the Work of Monks. Rather than focusin...
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  • Incommensurability in Aristotle's Theory of Reciprocal Justice.Robert L. Gallagher - 2012 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20 (4):667 - 701.
    In just proportional exchange, under Aristotle's theory of reciprocal justice, superior sharers in a community materially assist the weaker, and receive honour as a reward. Aristotle's economic thought is represented with a system of 18 formulae. Explained are: (1) What Aristotle means when he says that it is impossible for two sharers or their erga to be commensurable; (2) The extent to which the variables in Aristotle's proportions can be quantified. (3) What diagonal pairing ( ?ατ δ? ??τ?o? σ ??????) (...)
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  • The just price and the gains from exchange.Pietro Maffettone - 2022 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 48 (8):1057-1074.
    The paper explores a general framework for thinking about the idea of the just price. The approach is grounded in a basic aspect of the nature of exchange, namely, that the latter usually occurs when both parties believe they will be better off as a result. Put differently, an exchange is normally performed because both parties stand to gain something from it. The distributive question that arises from this observation is how one ought to divide such gains. The connection with (...)
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  • Vliv filosofického myšlení na rozvoj společnosti ve starověku a středověku.Pavel Procházka - 2014 - E-Logos 21 (1):1-20.
    Práce si klade za cíl porovnat vliv filosofického učení na pokrok společnosti a hospodářství s ohledem na vliv náboženství. Vliv filosofie je studován na historickém vývoji společnosti ve starověku a středověku. Jde o období, které bylo nejvíc ovlivněno náboženskými změnami, které vedly k různému společenskému vývoji v závislosti na volnosti v rozhodování. Tato teze je postupně doložena na vývoji antického Řecka, starověké Číny, arabského světa a středověké katolické Evropy. Tyto regiony procházely obdobími hospodářského vzestupu a úpadku podle toho, nakolik se (...)
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  • From Ponêêros to Pharmakos: Theater, Social Drama, and Revolution in Athens, 428-404 BCE.David Rosenbloom - 2002 - Classical Antiquity 21 (2):283-346.
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  • Aristotle as Mediterranean Economist.Louis Baeck - 1987 - Diogenes 35 (138):81-104.
    The second half of the Fourth Century B.C. was a time of crisis for Greek city states. Aristotle lived through this crisis. He began to reflect on the ideal organization of the polis. In his analyses of ethics (Nicomachean Ethics: NE) and of politics (Politics: P), can be found the conceptual framework for the socio-economic organization of the polis in light of its “development crisis”. In these texts Aristotle distinguishes himself from practitioners of political economics (as, for example, Isocrates and (...)
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  • Aristotle on Eidei Diapherontoi.Robert L. Gallagher - 2011 - British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19 (3):363 - 384.
    Aristotle holds that there must be multiple forms of human being and those forms constitute a genos, this paper argues. Aristotle advances his claim by arguing that the strength of a polis rests on the existence of a spectrum of useful essential differences among its citizens. The paper rejects the notion that eîdos is a homonym, and argues that it signifies `form,' not `species.' Its theses are based on analysis of passages in the Ethics, Metaphysics, Politics and other works. The (...)
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  • Génesis del pensamiento económico: dos visiones en pugna / Economic thought origins: two visions contending.Germán Roberto Scalzo Molina - 2014 - Cauriensia 9:341-374.
    A finales del siglo XVIII, tras la publicación de La Riqueza de las Naciones, se consolida un cambio de paradigma en el modo de concebir la economía, caracterizado por una progresiva “naturalización” o “despersonalización”, que es comúnmente aceptado como la génesis de la ciencia económica. Desde esta perspectiva, la economía se considera un proceso necesario que responde a leyes tan objetivas como las de la física; “descubrirlas” sería la tarea propia del economista. El presente trabajo cuestiona esta visión apodíctica a (...)
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