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  1. Framing Collective Moral Responsibility for Climate Change: A Longitudinal Frame Analysis of Energy Company Climate Reporting.Melanie Feeney, Jarrod Ormiston, Wim Gijselaers, Pim Martens & Therese Grohnert - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-24.
    Responding to climate change and avoiding irreversible climate tipping points requires radical and drastic action by 2030. This urgency raises serious questions for energy companies, one of the world’s largest emitters of greenhouse gases (GHGs), in terms of how they frame, and reframe, their response to climate change. Despite the majority of energy companies releasing ambitious statements declaring net zero carbon ambitions, this ‘talk’ has not been matched with sufficient urgency or substantive climate action. To unpack the disconnect between talk (...)
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  • Food justice in community supported agriculture – differentiating charitable and emancipatory social support actions.Jocelyn Parot, Stefan Wahlen, Judith Schryro & Philipp Weckenbrock - forthcoming - Agriculture and Human Values:1-15.
    Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) seeks to address injustices in the food system by supporting small-scale farmers applying agroecological practices through a long-term partnership: a community of members covers the cost of production and receives a share of the harvest throughout the season in return. Despite an orientation towards a more just and inclusive food system, the existing literature points towards a rather homogeneous membership in CSA. A majority of CSAs tends to involve (upper) middle-class consumers with above average education and (...)
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  • Nuclear denial in Japan: the network power of an energy industrial complex.Michael C. Dreiling, Tomoyasu Nakamura & Yvonne A. Braun - 2024 - Theory and Society 53 (1):1-39.
    Given the known hazards of nuclear energy in seismically active Japan after the Fukushima meltdowns as well as the presence of viable conservation and renewable energy options, the question of Japan’s stalled energy transition warrants critical interrogation. To better understand why, after Fukushima, Japan’s energy policy trajectory maintained the nuclear status quo and an increased reliance on fossil fuels, this article employs network and historical analyses to examine the confluence of post-Fukushima political forces connected to Japan’s nuclear energy sector. Our (...)
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  • Academic Reform in Fractured Disciplines – On the Interaction of Bologna, New-Public-Management and the Dynamics of Disciplinary Development.Cathleen Grunert & Katja Ludwig - 2022 - Minerva 60 (1):57-80.
    At the intersection of science studies and higher education research, this contribution looks at the way in which the requirements of universities as organizations release development dynamics in academic disciplines and it analyses the interaction between discipline and organization. We will analyse German educational science, bearing in mind it is an example of disciplines that are fractured and consequently have little consensus in terms of fundamental theories and basic concepts. Firstly, we take on a quantitative approach and analyse the changes (...)
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  • Recombining micro/macro: The grammar of theoretical innovation.Monika Krause - 2013 - European Journal of Social Theory 16 (2):139-152.
    This article analyses the patterns underlying debates in sociological theory, using the debate surrounding the distinction between ‘micro’ and ‘macro’ as its case. Although – and indeed because – few authors have attempted explicit definition of the distinction, a number of different distinctions have been subsumed under these labels and research has been shaped by packages of assumptions that have gone largely unexamined in their contradictory nature. The article disaggregates the different distinctions that have been associated with the terms ‘micro’ (...)
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  • Integrating preparation for care trajectory management into nurse education: Competencies and pedagogical strategies.Davina Allen, Mary Ellen Purkis, Anne Marie Rafferty & Aud Obstfelder - 2019 - Nursing Inquiry 26 (3):e12289.
    Nurses make an important contribution to the organisation and coordination of patient care but receive little formal educational preparation for this work. This paper builds on Allen's care trajectory management framework to specify evidence‐based and theoretically informed competencies for this component of the nursing role and proposes how these might be incorporated into nursing curricula. This is necessary so that at the point of registration nurses have the expertise to realise their potential as both providersandorganisers of patient care and are (...)
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  • Power of Paradox: Grassroots Organizations’ Legitimacy Strategies Over Time.Marjo Siltaoja, Arno Kourula & Rashedur Chowdhury - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (2):420-453.
    Fringe stakeholders with limited resources, such as grassroots organizations (GROs), are often ignored in business and society literature. We develop a conceptual framework and a set of propositions detailing how GROs strategically gain legitimacy and influence over time. We argue that GROs encounter specific paradoxes over the emergence, development, and resolution of an issue, and they address these paradoxes using cognitive, moral, and pragmatic legitimacy strategies. While cognitive and moral strategies tend to be used consistently, the flexible and paradoxical use (...)
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  • From social control to financial economics: the linked ecologies of economics and business in twentieth century America. [REVIEW]Marion Fourcade & Rakesh Khurana - 2013 - Theory and Society 42 (2):121-159.
    This article draws on historical material to examine the co-evolution of economic science and business education over the course of the twentieth century, showing that fields evolve not only through internal struggles but also through struggles taking place in adjacent fields. More specifically, we argue that the scientific strategies of business schools played an essential—if largely invisible and poorly understood—role in major transformations in the organization and substantive direction of social-scientific knowledge, and specifically economic knowledge, in twentieth century America. We (...)
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  • Beyond federated data: a data commoning proposition for the EU’s citizen-centric digital strategy.Stefano Calzati & Bastiaan van Loenen - forthcoming - AI and Society:1-13.
    In various official documents, the European Union has declared its goal to pursue a citizen-centric governance of digital transformation. Through a critical review of several of these documents, here we show how “citizen-centric” is more a glamouring than a driving concept. De facto, the EU is enabling a federated data system that is corporate-driven, economic-oriented, and GDPR-compliant; in other words, a Digital Single Market (DSM). This leaves out societal and collective-level dimensions of digital transformation—such as social inclusion, digital sovereignty, and (...)
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  • Governance Settlements and Transitions in Indigenous Areas of Limited Statehood: The Case of Coalmining in Meghalaya.Jacob Vakkayil - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (7):1643-1674.
    This article explores governance issues in an area of limited statehood characterized by the combination of state and indigenous institutions. This is done by adopting an institutional lens focusing on three factors—field structures, institutional logics, and actor agency—to analyze governance settlements. The results point to how complex governance settlements in areas of limited statehood hold together with a certain degree of alignment between institutional elements. However, as the field evolves, contestations and misalignments lead to changes in governance settlements. Analyzing these (...)
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  • Negotiating Authorship in Chinese Universities: How Organizations Shape Cycles of Credit in Science.Subrina Xirong Shen - 2016 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 41 (4):660-685.
    Authorship, as a form of professional recognition, is an important topic in the study of reward systems in science. Empirical studies have shown that reward systems in science vary by historical periods and institutional contexts. Yet existing theoretical perspectives prove inadequate in explaining these variations. This study extends existing literature by investigating organizational mechanisms that shape “cycles of credit” in science and local institutional logics of authorship practices. Qualitative analysis is primarily based on in-depth interviews with thirty-one life scientists from (...)
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  • How Scandals Act as Catalysts of Fringe Stakeholders’ Contentious Actions Against Multinational Corporations.Bertrand Valiorgue, Thomas Roulet & Thibault Daudigeos - 2020 - Business and Society 59 (3):387-418.
    In this article, we build on the stakeholder-politics literature to investigate how corporate scandals transform political contexts and give impetus to the contentious movements of fringe stakeholders against multinational corporations (MNCs). Based on Adut’s scandal theory, we flesh out three scandal-related processes that directly affect political-opportunity structures (POSs) and the generation of social movements against MNCs: convergence of contention toward a single target, publicization of deviant practices, and contagion to other organizations. These processes reduce the obstacles to collective actions by (...)
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  • The role of agency in sociocultural evolution.Seth Abrutyn & Justin Van Ness - 2015 - Thesis Eleven 127 (1):52-77.
    Inspired by Weber’s charismatic carrier groups, Eisenstadt coined the term institutional entrepreneur to capture the rare but epochal collective capable of reorienting a group’s value-orientations and transferring charisma, while making them an evolutionary force of structural and cultural change. As a corrective to Parsons’ abstract, ‘top-down’ theory of change, Eisenstadt’s theory provided historical context and agency to moments in which societies experienced qualitative transformation. The concept has become central to new institutionalism, neo-functionalism, and evolutionary-institutionalism. Drawing from the former two, a (...)
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  • Antagonism to Protagonism: Tracing the Historical Contours of Legalization in an Emerging Industry.Shalini Bhawal & Manjula S. Salimath - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):783-801.
    We explore the legalization of the cannabis industry in the US, and point at the conflicted path through which this emerging industry has traversed. In particular, we highlight how this industry has navigated controversy to become one of the fastest growing industries in the world. The paper also offers a theoretical model that explains the role played by social movements to propel and shape early antagonism towards increasing protagonism. Evidence of the latter is seen in the form of cannabis laws (...)
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  • The cultural environment: measuring culture with big data.Christopher A. Bail - 2014 - Theory and Society 43 (3-4):465-482.
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  • Struggles at the Summits: Discourse Coalitions, Field Boundaries, and the Shifting Role of Business in Sustainable Development.Kenneth Amaeshi & George Ferns - 2019 - Business and Society 58 (8):1533-1571.
    This research explores the field dynamics that facilitated the emergence of a dominant understanding of business’ role in sustainable development (SD). Based on a study of the U.N. Earth Summits, we examine how actors meet every decade to battle for definitional control of what SD means for business, and what business means for SD. Through a discourse analysis of texts from business, policy, and civil society actors during each Summit, we illustrate how an ensuing discursive struggle shifts the role of (...)
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  • Deliberating Our Frames: How Members of Multi-Stakeholder Initiatives Use Shared Frames to Tackle Within-Frame Conflicts Over Sustainability Issues.Angelika Zimmermann, Nora Albers & Jasper O. Kenter - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 178 (3):757-782.
    Multi-stakeholder initiatives have been praised as vehicles for tackling complex sustainability issues, but their success relies on the reconciliation of stakeholders’ divergent perspectives. We yet lack a thorough understanding of the micro-level mechanisms by which stakeholders can deal with these differences. To develop such understanding, we examine what frames—i.e., mental schemata for making sense of the world—members of MSIs use during their discussions on sustainability questions and how these frames are deliberated through social interactions. Whilst prior framing research has focussed (...)
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  • Book Review. [REVIEW]Philipp Neudert, Mareike Smolka, Britta Acksel & Yana Boeva - 2024 - Journal of Responsible Technology 20 (C):100092.
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  • Organizations as Actors: Microfoundations of Organizational Intentionality.Daniel Little - 2020 - Philosophy of the Social Sciences 50 (3):260-279.
    The article addresses the topic of “group agency” with respect to large organizations. It undertakes to analyze some of the concrete micro- and meso-level processes (microfoundations) through which large organizations arrive at collective “knowledge” and “action.” The article makes use of the theory of strategic action fields to analyze processes of knowledge and the implementation of organizational intentions. The article describes some of the dysfunctions and disunities that should be expected from these individual-level processes, including principal–agent problems, conflicts of interests (...)
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  • Institutional-Political Scenarios for Anthropocene Society.P. Devereaux Jennings & Andrew J. Hoffman - 2021 - Business and Society 60 (1):57-94.
    Natural scientists have proposed that humankind has entered a new geologic epoch. Termed the “Anthropocene,” this new reality revolves around the central role of human activity in multiple Earth ecosystems. That challenge requires a rethinking of social science explanations of organization and environment relationships. In this article, we discuss the need to politicize institutional theory as a means understanding “Anthropocene Society,” and in turn what that resultant society means for the Anthropocene in the natural environment. We modify the constitutive elements (...)
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  • Situated political innovation: explaining the historical emergence of new modes of political practice.Robert S. Jansen - 2016 - Theory and Society 45 (4):319-360.
    Scholars have recognized that contentious political action typically draws on relatively stable scripts for the enactment of claims making. But if such repertoires of political practice are generally reproduced over time, why and how do new modes of practice emerge? Employing a pragmatist perspective on social action, this article argues that change in political repertoires can be usefully understood as a result of situated political innovation—i.e., of the creative recombination of existing practices, through experimentation over time, by interacting political agents (...)
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  • Institutional Hegemony of a Logic Within a Cross-Sector Partnership.Barbara Harsman - 2024 - Business and Society 63 (1):108-144.
    Although some scholars propagate cross-sector partnerships (CSPs) as a panacea for addressing the grand challenges of the 21st century, scholars also acknowledge that this type of collaboration faces significant barriers since the institutional logics of partners such as business, civil society, and government potentially have contradicting interests and future visions. This inductive longitudinal case study on integrating skilled migrants into the German labor market examines the institutional work by which CSP members, particularly government actors, deliberately rein in contradictory logics to (...)
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  • Change in Rhetoric but not in Action? Framing of the Ethical Issue of Modern Slavery in a UK Sector at High Risk of Labor Exploitation.Gabriela Gutierrez-Huerter O., Stefan Gold & Alexander Trautrims - 2021 - Journal of Business Ethics 182 (1):35-58.
    This article shows how the ethical framing of the contemporary issue of modern slavery has evolved in UK construction, a sector in which there is a high risk of labor exploitation. It also examines how these framing dynamics have inhibited the emergence of a common framework of action to deal with the issue. We draw on both framing theory and the literature on the discursive construction of moral legitimacy. Our longitudinal analysis reveals that actors seeking to shape the debate bring (...)
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  • A Sociological Perspective on the Experience of Contention.Johan Gøtzsche-Astrup - 2022 - Sociological Theory 40 (3):224-248.
    Contention in the form of protests, riots, and direct action is a central political practice in contemporary democracies. It is also a staple of sociological analysis, after slowly crystallizing as a distinct object of analysis from the 1970s onward. Lately, however, it has become unclear what this distinctiveness consists of and how it may help guide studies of contention: What distinguishes contention from other practices? I argue that contention can be seen as an ontologically distinctive experience. What sets this experience (...)
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  • The power to convene: making sense of the power of food movement organizations in governance processes in the Global North.Jill K. Clark, Kristen Lowitt, Charles Z. Levkoe & Peter Andrée - 2021 - Agriculture and Human Values 38 (1):175-191.
    Dominant food systems, based on industrial methods and corporate control, are in a state of flux. To enable the transition towards more sustainable and just food systems, food movements are claiming new roles in governance. These movements, and the initiatives they spearhead, are associated with a range of labels (e.g., food sovereignty, food justice, and community food security) and use a variety of strategies to enact change. In this paper, we use the concept of relational fields to conduct a post-hoc (...)
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