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  1. Daoist Onto - Un - Learning as a Radical Form of Study : Re-imagining Study and Learning from an Eastern Perspective.Weili Zhao - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 38 (3):261-273.
    Within educational philosophy and theory, there has been an international re-turn to envision study as an alternative formation to disrupt the defining learning logic. As an enrichment, this paper articulates “Daoist onto-un-learning” as an Eastern form of study, drawing upon Roger Ames’s interpretation of the ancient Chinese correlative cosmology and relational personhood thinking. This articulation is to dialogue with the conceptualizations of study shared by Giorgio Agamben, Derek Ford, and Tyson Lewis, and unfolds in three steps. First, I examine how (...)
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  • Historicizing tianrenheyi as correlative cosmology for rethinking education in modern China and beyond.Weili Zhao - 2019 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 51 (11):1106-1116.
    The Chinese tianrenheyi thesis bespeaks a correlative cosmology irreducible to the Western metaphysics. This article historicizes tianrenheyi for new implications to help rethink the given concepts of ‘person/thing,’ ‘environment/nature,’ and ‘relationality’ in contemporary ethical and environmental education in three steps. First, it turns to Yu Ying-Shih’s writing for a historical and ethical picture of tianrenheyi as an ‘Axial breakthrough’ in Confucius' time and with direct relevance to Confucian person-making education. Second, it moves on to Roger Ames’ unpacking of tianrenheyi as (...)
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  • A Global Dialogue on Learning and Studying.Weili Zhao, Derek R. Ford & Tyson E. Lewis - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (3):239-244.
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  • Studying in the Superdiverse City: System_D and the Challenge of Solidarity in Brussels.Hans Schildermans, Joke Vandenabeele, Joris Vlieghe & Piotr Zamojski - 2020 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (3):257-268.
    In recent years, the relation between studying and learning has been a topic of debate. This article is mainly interested in a concept of study practices, conceived of as practices that are strongly engaged with issues of living together in a superdiverse city. Such practices firstly require to think the relation between studying and learning in other-than-oppositional terms, and secondly, to raise questions concerning the political role of education. The aim of the article is double in that it wants to (...)
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  • Marx’s inquiry and presentation: The pedagogical constellations of the Grundrisse and Capital.Derek R. Ford - 2022 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 54 (11):1887-1897.
    This paper reads Marx’s distinction between the method of inquiry and presentation as distinct and Marxist pedagogical logics that take the form of learning and studying. After articulating the differences and their current conceptualizations in educational theory, I turn to different interpretations of the Grundrisse and Capital. While I note the differences, I maintain these result from Marx’s alternation between learning and studying, to the different weights Marx gives to both. Marx sought to understand, articulate, learn, and relay the precise (...)
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  • The Rise, Fall, and Afterlife of Learning Styles: An Essay on Megarianism and Emancipation in Educational Potentiality.Michael P. A. Murphy - 2019 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 39 (2):205-217.
    The status of learning styles theory in educational studies is uncertain as we inhabit the liminal phase between the theory’s death as proclaimed by educational psychologists who avow to have disproven it and whatever afterlife will follow. At this moment, with both past and future in view, that we have an opportunity to reflect on the foundational assumptions of the theory. Engaging in the growing community of Agambenian philosophy of education and the ongoing dialogue around educational potentiality, this article approaches (...)
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  • Re-Imagining Affect with Study: Implications from a Daoist Wind-Story and Yin–Yang Movement.Weili Zhao & Derek R. Ford - 2017 - Studies in Philosophy and Education 37 (2):109-121.
    Within educational philosophy and theory there has recently been a re-turn to the concept and practices of studying as an alternative or oppositional educational logic to push back against learning as the predominant mode of educational engagement. While promising, we believe that this research on studying has been limited in a few ways. First, while the ontological aspects of studying have been examined in a thorough manner, the affective dimension of studying has not yet been investigated. Second, while a diverse (...)
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  • Feats of Strength for Weak Utopianism: Giorgio Agamben, Educational Potentiality and the Studious Spatiality of the Active Learning Classroom.Michael P. A. Murphy - 2021 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 55 (1):204-214.
    Journal of Philosophy of Education, Volume 55, Issue 1, Page 204-214, February 2021.
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