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  1. Varieties of Responsible Management Learning: A Review, Typology and Research Agenda.John G. Cullen - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (4):759-773.
    Over the past two decades an increasing number of research papers have signalled growing interest in more responsible, sustainable and ethical modes of management education. This systematic literature review of peer-reviewed publications on, and allied to, the concept of responsible management learning and education confirms that scholarly interest in the topic has accelerated over the last decade. Rather than assuming that RMLE is one thing, however, this review proposes that the literature on responsible management education and learning can be divided (...)
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  • Institutional pressures and the adoption of responsible management education at universities and business schools in Central and Eastern Europe.Lutz Preuss, Heather Elms, Roman Kurdyukov, Urša Golob, Rodica Milena Zaharia, Borna Jalsenjak, Ryan Burg, Peter Hardi, Julija Jacquemod, Mari Kooskora, Siarhei Manzhynski, Tetiana Mostenska, Aurelija Novelskaite, Raminta Pučėtaitė, Rasa Pušinaitė-Gelgotė, Oleksandra Ralko, Boleslaw Rok, Dominik Stanny, Marina Stefanova & Lucie Tomancová - 2023 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 32 (4):1575-1591.
    Business schools, and universities providing business education, from across the globe have increasingly engaged in responsible management education (RME), that is in embedding social, environmental and ethical topics in their teaching and research. However, we still do not fully understand the institutional pressures that have led to the adoption of RME, in particular concerning under-researched regions like Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Hence, we undertook what is to our knowledge the most comprehensive study into the adoption of RME in CEE (...)
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  • Exploring Student Perceptions of the Hidden Curriculum in Responsible Management Education.Catharina Høgdal, Andreas Rasche, Dennis Schoeneborn & Levinia Scotti - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (1):173-193.
    This exploratory study analyzes the extent of alignment between the formal and hidden curricula in responsible management education. Based on case study evidence of a school that has signed the United Nations Principles for Responsible Management Education, we found poor alignment between the school’s explicit RME claims and students’ lived experiences. While the formal curriculum signaled to students that RME was important, the school’s hidden curriculum sent a number of tacit messages that led students to question the relevance and applicability (...)
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  • The Role of Courage Within Moral Imagination: A Critique.Nisigandha Bhuyan & Arunima Chakraborty - forthcoming - Journal of Business Ethics:1-15.
    Moral imagination and moral courage are vital themes in business ethics education, yet their intimate relationship has been a subject of little conceptual study. This paper argues, following Kant as well as the insights of social psychology, that moral courage provides the key constitutive condition for moral imagination to work, particularly in business settings. On the other hand, while thinkers of moral imagination such as Patricia Werhane write admiringly of moral courage from time to time, they spend little time on (...)
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  • The Symbolic Imagination: Plato and Contemporary Business Ethics.Paul T. Harper - 2019 - Journal of Business Ethics 168 (1):5-21.
    The business ethics field contains a number of explanations for the imagination’s influence on decision-making. This has benefited moral theorizing because approaches that utilize the imagination tend to acknowledge important biological and psychological forces that influence the way we understand situations, develop strategies for problem-solving, and choose courses of action. But, I argue, the broad range of approaches has also served as an obstacle to theory development in the field. Given the variety of theoretical and disciplinary approaches, coupled with the (...)
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  • Understanding Responsible Management: Emerging Themes and Variations from European Business School Programs.Guénola Nonet, Kerul Kassel & Lucas Meijs - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 139 (4):717-736.
    Our literature review reveals a call for changes in business education to encourage responsible management. The Principles for Responsible Management Education were developed in 2007 under the coordination of the United Nations Global Compact, AACSB International, and other leading academic institutions for the purpose of promoting responsible management in education. Literature review shows that responsible management as such remains undefined. This gap in literature leads potentially to an absence of clarity in research, education, and management, regarding responsible management among scholars (...)
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  • The Business School’s Right to Operate: Responsibilization and Resistance.David Murillo & Steen Vallentin - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (4):743-757.
    The current crisis has come at a cost not only for big business but also for business schools. Business schools have been deemed largely responsible for developing and teaching socially dysfunctional curricula that, if anything, has served to promote and accelerate the kind of ruthless behavior and lack of self-restraint and social irresponsibility among top executives that have been seen as causing the crisis. As a result, many calls have been made for business schools to accept their responsibilities as social (...)
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  • Leadership, the American Academy of Management, and President Trump’s Travel Ban: A Case Study in Moral Imagination.Haridimos Tsoukas - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 163 (1):1-10.
    In this essay, I focus on the initial reaction of the then leadership of the Academy of Management to President Trump’s travel ban issued in January 2017. By viewing the travel ban in purely administrative terms, AOM leadership framed it as an example of “political speech”, on which they were organizationally barred to take a public stand. I subject this view to critical assessment, arguing that the travel ban had a distinct moral character, which was antithetical to scholarly values. Τhe (...)
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  • A Multi-level Perspective for the Integration of Ethics, Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability (ECSRS) in Management Education.Dolors Setó-Pamies & Eleni Papaoikonomou - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 136 (3):523-538.
    In recent years, much discussion has taken place regarding the social role of firms and their responsibilities to society. In this context, the role of universities is crucial, as it may shape management students’ attitudes and provide them with the necessary knowledge, skills and critical analysis to make decisions as consumers and future professionals. We emphasise that universities are multi-level learning environments, so there is a need to look beyond formal curricular content and pay more attention to implicit dimensions of (...)
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  • Achieving Responsible Management Learning Through Enriched Reciprocal Learning: Service-Learning Projects and the Role of Boundary Spanners.Martin Fougère, Nikodemus Solitander & Sanchi Maheshwari - 2020 - Journal of Business Ethics 162 (4):795-812.
    Through its focus on deep and experiential learning, service-learning has become increasingly popular within the business school curriculum. While a reciprocal dimension has been foundational to SL, the reciprocality that is emphasized in business ethics literature is often on the relationship between the service experience and the academic content, rather than reciprocal learning of the service providers and the recipients, let alone other stakeholders. Drawing on the notion of enriched reciprocal learning and on Aristotle’s typology of modes of knowing, we (...)
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