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  1. (Re-)Redefining Neuroethics to Meet the Challenges of the Future.Noa Cohen - 2023 - American Journal of Bioethics Neuroscience 14 (4):421-424.
    Today, nearly two years after Wexler and Sullivan’s (2023) article was first published, the crucial questions discussed therein are all the more pertinent and troubling. The advent of novel interve...
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  • Foucault and Critique.Mark Bevir - 1999 - Political Theory 27 (1):65-84.
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  • John Dewey and the question of artful criticism.Scott R. Stroud - 2011 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 44 (1):27-51.
    Defining “criticism” is a simple—but bedeviling—task. No less a critic and theorist than Edwin Black begins with the simple statement that “criticism is what critics do.” While he admits that this seems like an empty definition, Black does note that it has one redeeming feature—“It compels us to focus on the critic” (1978, 4). Criticism and those who engage in it are integrally connected, and any account of critical activity must deal with both the activity and its actor. In this (...)
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  • Making Policy Debate Matter: Practical Reason, Political Dialogue, and Transformative Learning.Paul Healy - 2004 - History of the Human Sciences 17 (1):77-106.
    In a provocative recent study, Bent Flyvbjerg makes a sustained case for the need for a revitalized conception of social inquiry with direct input into the policy-making and planning process, contending that it is only in this way that social science can be made to matter again. Flyvbjerg further contends that to do justice to the reality of contemporary policy forums, we need to embrace a thoroughgoing dialogical conception of the policy-making process itself. To vindicate this contention and theoretically ground (...)
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  • Michel Foucault's archaeology, enlightenment, and critique.Michael Mahon - 1993 - Human Studies 16 (1-2):129 - 141.
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  • The Discontented Epoch.Tim May - 1998 - Theory, Culture and Society 15 (1):117-130.
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  • A 'limit attitude': Foucault, autonomy, critique.Paul Healy - 2001 - History of the Human Sciences 14 (1):49-68.
    On Foucault’s own telling, his distinctive approach to critique is to be characterized as a ‘limit attitude’. Definitive of this limit attitude is a problematizing, transgressive style of thinking oriented toward challenging existing ways of being and doing, with a view to liberating new possibilities for advancing ‘the undefined work of freedom’. From the outset, however, the efficacy of this problematizing approach to critique has been beset by doubts about the adequacy of its normative resources. In the present article, it (...)
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  • Neoliberal Ideologies, Governmentality and the Academy: An examination of accountability through assessment and transparency.Natasha Jankowski & Staci Provezis - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (5):475-487.
    Colleges and universities exist within a political arena where external demands for accountability materialize within a market-driven environment. As a result, government agencies pressure colleges and universities to rely on assessment and transparent reporting to become more market-driven assuming that the competition within the market, led by public choice and institutional selection, will drive improvements in learning and will also self-govern the institutions. This article explores how Foucault informs our conception of neoliberal governmentality through political rationality and technologies of self-governance (...)
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  • Nursing and the political.Brenda Cameron, Christine Ceci & Anna Santos Salas - 2011 - Nursing Philosophy 12 (3):153-155.
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  • ‘What she says she needs doesn’t make a lot of sense’: seeing and knowing in a field study of home‐care case management.Christine Ceci - 2006 - Nursing Philosophy 7 (2):90-99.
    Foucault's preoccupation with the visual, specifically his positing of a sort of ‘positive unconscious of vision’, offers an entry point for examining data generated through a field study of home‐care case management practice. In Foucault's work, our attention is directed not so much to what is seen but to what can be seen and to the effects of practices of knowledge and power in constituting these particular realities. Knowledge emerges as a matter of what it is possible for knowers, for (...)
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  • Nursing with care: a meditation in three voices.Christine Ceci, Mary Ellen Purkis & Francine Wynn - 2017 - Nursing Philosophy 18 (1):e12147.
    This paper is a written version of a talk given at the 19th International Philosophy of Nursing conference to honour the contributions of Dr. John S. Drummond, nurse and philosopher, to an ongoing and collective project we could call ‘thinking nursing’. Over the course of his career, John Drummond published a series of essays, building on his reading of the works of continental philosophers such as Nietzsche, Lyotard or Deleuze, that draw us to nursing as a matter of concern, and (...)
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  • Intentional communities: ethics as praxis.Ruth Rewa Bohill - unknown
    Intentional communities are formed by a group of people who have voluntarily chosen to live together for a range of reasons in the creation of a shared lifestyle. They concern practical forms of living that may reflect diverse structures and distinct philosophies. The intentional community literature is both broad and unique in its representation of intentional community living. Intentional communities may also be considered sites that form the basis for resisting mainstream forms of living and representations of subjectivity. Through an (...)
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