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Being Oneself in Another: Recognition and the Culturalist Deformation of Identity.Radu Neculau - 2012 - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy 55 (2):148-170.details
The Varieties of Cultural Perception: Multiculturalism after Recognition.Derek Edyvane - 2011 - The European Legacy 16 (6):735 - 750.details
Recognition, redistribution, and democracy: Dilemmas of Honneth's critical social theory.Christopher F. Zurn - 2005 - European Journal of Philosophy 13 (1):89–126.details
The limits of recognition.Marijn Knieriem - forthcoming - Inquiry: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Philosophy.details
Recognition and the Human Life-Form: Beyond Identity and Difference.Heikki Ikaheimo - 2022 - New York, Yhdysvallat: Routledge.details
Ethical Complexity of Social Change: Negotiated Actions of a Social Enterprise.Babita Bhatt - 2022 - Journal of Business Ethics 177 (4):743-762.details
Symmetry and interpretation: a deliberative framework for judging recognition claims.Diana Elena Popescu - 2024 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 27 (7):1204-1227.details
Contempt, Respect, and Recognition.Bryan Lueck - 2022 - Critical Horizons 23 (3):211-226.details
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From Political Philosophy to Messy Empirical Reality.Miklos Zala, Simon Rippon, Tom Theuns, Sem de Maagt & Bert van den Brink - 2020 - In Trudie Knijn & Dorota Lepianka (eds.), Justice and Vulnerability in Europe: An Interdisciplinary Approach. Northampton: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. pp. 37-53.details
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An egalitarian politics of care: young female carers and the intersectional inequalities of gender, class and age.Başak Akkan - 2020 - Feminist Theory 21 (1):47-64.details
L’icône et le foulard. Identité culturelle, dignité morale et reconnaissance réciproque.Radu Neculau - 2009 - Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy 1 (2):212-248.details
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Normative Issues in Global Environmental Governance: Connecting Climate Change, Water and Forests.Joyeeta Gupta - 2015 - Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics 28 (3):413-433.details
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Celebrity Politics and Democratic Elitism.Alfred Archer & Amanda Cawston - 2021 - Topoi 41 (1):33-43.details
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Cultural Uniqueness and Aesthetic Cosmopolitanism.Motti Regev - 2007 - European Journal of Social Theory 10 (1):123-138.details
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Open Climate Equity and Justice Scholarship Needs Feminism.Sonja Klinsky - 2018 - Feminist Review 118 (1):103-111.details
Reconocimiento, justicia y democracia. Ensayos sobre John Rawls.Pablo Aguayo Westwood - 2018 - Madrid, España: Cenaltes.details