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  1. Axiomatising the Prior Future in Predicate Logic.Max Cresswell - 2013 - Logica Universalis 7 (1):87-101.
    Prior investigated a tense logic with an operator for ‘historical necessity’, where a proposition is necessary at a time iff it is true at that time in all worlds ‘accessible’ from that time. Axiomatisations of this logic all seem to require non-standard axioms or rules. The present paper presents an axiomatisation of a first-order version of Prior’s logic by using a predicate which enables any time to be picked out by an individual in the domain of interpretation.
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  • A Modal-tense Sortal Logic with Variable-Domain Second-order Quantification.Max Alberto Freund - 2015 - Australasian Journal of Logic 12 (1).
    We propose a new intensional semantics for modal-tense second-order languages with sortal predicates. The semantics provides a variable-domain interpretation of the second-order quantifiers. A formal logical system is characterized and proved to be sound and complete with respect to the semantics. A contemporary variant of conceptualism as a theory of universals is the philosophical background of the semantics. Justification for the variable-domain interpretation of the second-order quantifiers presupposes such a conceptualist framework.
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