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  1. Indexical Realism by Inter-Agentic Reference.Daihyun Chung - 2017 - Journal of Philosophical Ideas (Seoul National University):3-33.
    I happen to believe that though human experiences are to be characterized as pluralistic they are all rooted in the one reality. I would assume the thesis of pluralism but how could I maintain my belief in the realism? There are various discussions in favor of realism but they appear to stay within a particular paradigm so to be called “internal realism”. In this paper I would try to justify my belief in the reality by discussing a special use of (...)
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  • Kvantifikácia v prirodzenom jazyku (VII).Marián Zouhar - 2007 - Organon F: Medzinárodný Časopis Pre Analytickú Filozofiu 14 (4):379-398.
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  • La langue d'une population: le lien entre la sémantique et la pragmatique.Daniel Laurier - 1986 - Dialectica 40 (4):251-272.
    RésuméCet article vise à préciser la nature et le contenu des conventions qui lient les membres d'une communauté linguistique et par ce biais à caractériser les relations entre le sens intentionnel et le sens conventionnel d'une énonciation. Je formule, à l'aide d'une version modifiée de la définition de la notion de convention proposée par Lewis , une hypothèse concernant les conditions dans lesquelles on peut dire qu'une langue comprenant des expressions déictiques, des phrases ambiguës et des indicateurs de force illocutoire (...)
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  • Against Direct Reference.Michael Devitt - 1989 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 14 (1):206-240.
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  • Russell's theory of definite descriptions.Stephen Schiffer - 2005 - Mind 114 (456):1135-1183.
    The proper statement and assessment of Russell's theory depends on one's semantic presuppositions. A semantic framework is provided, and Russell's theory formulated in terms of it. Referential uses of descriptions raise familiar problems for the theory, to which there are, at the most general level of abstraction, two possible Russellian responses. Both are considered, and both found wanting. The paper ends with a brief consideration of what the correct positive theory of definite descriptions might be, if it is not the (...)
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  • Recent Work on God and Freedom.John Martin Fischer - 1992 - American Philosophical Quarterly 29 (2):91 - 109.
    This is a survey of recent work on God and human freedom. A version of the "basic" argument for the incompatibility of God's omniscience and human freedom is presented. Various possible responses are developed and discussed.
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  • Sensational sentences switched.Georges Rey - 1992 - Philosophical Studies 68 (3):289 - 319.
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  • Realism vs. conceptualism in linguistics.Jerrold J. Katz & Paul M. Postal - 1991 - Linguistics and Philosophy 14 (5):515 - 554.
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  • The Epistemological Argument Against Descriptivism.Robin Jeshion - 2002 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 64 (2):325-345.
    The epistemological argument against descriptivism about proper names is extremely simple. Fora proper name ‘N’ and definite description ‘F’, the proposition expressed by “If N exists, then N is F is not normally known a priori. But descriptivism about proper names entails otherwise. So descriptivism is false. The argument is widely regarded as sound. This paper aims to establish that the epistemological argument is highly unstable. The problem with the argument is that there seems to be no convincing rationale for (...)
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  • A Defense of Russellian Descriptivism.Brandt H. van der Gaast - unknown
    In this dissertation, I defend a Russellian form of descriptivism. The main supporting argument invokes a relation between meaning and thought. I argue that the meanings of sentences are the thoughts people use them to express. This is part of a Gricean outlook on meaning according to which psychological intentionality is prior to, and determinative of, linguistic intentionality. The right approach to thought, I argue in Chapter 1, is a type of functionalism on which thoughts have narrow contents. On this (...)
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  • Donnellan’s distinction.Michael Devitt - 1981 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 6 (1):511-526.
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  • Referencia y realismo científico.Jesús Baceta - 2019 - Apuntes Filosóficos 28 (55):21-40.
    The elements of the referential proposal of Kripke and Putnam are presented. The consequences of such semantics in regard to the theory of truth and epistemology are examined. Some critical arguments are commented and, finally, it concludes with a general evaluation of the proposal of Kripke and Putnam.
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  • Skeptic Semiotics.David Glidden - 1983 - Phronesis 28 (3):213-255.
    This article presents a detailed exploration of what Sextus and Pyrrhonists regarded as mnemonic signs, where one experience reminds us of another, such as seeing smoke reminds us of a fire that is not yet evident to our present observations. For the skeptic the use of mnemonic signs obviates the need for reasoned, theoretical interpretations or elaborated belief formation. It allows the skeptic or the theory-free physician, for that matter, to live a life or practice symptomatic medicine without the need (...)
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  • Anatra all'arancia: il tema del contesto nella filosofia analitica.Carlo Penco - 2005 - Teoria (1):3-21.
    Questa conferenza offre una presentazione semplificata del concetto di contesto nella filosofia analitica,in particolare nella filosofia del linguaggio. E' semplificata perché tralascia una serie di discussioni rilevanti per fermarsi alle grandi linee che segnano l'emergenza del concetto di contesto in filosofia del linguaggio. Inoltre mi concentro su un aspetto particolare del dibattito: la linea di confine tra pragmatia e semantica e il ruolo che il concetto di contesto ha in questo dibattito, cercando di evidenziare i punti di disaccordo tra le (...)
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  • Realism and Reference.D. H. M. Brooks - 1985 - Philosophical Papers 14 (1):36-42.
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  • Thoughts.David Woodruff Smith - 1990 - Philosophical Papers 19 (November):163-189.
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  • Tarski, Davidson et la signification.Daniel Laurier - 1983 - Dialogue 22 (4):595-620.
    Depuis 1967, Donald Davidson defend l'idée qu'une théorie de la signification pour une langue naturelle doit prendre la forme d'une théorie tarskienne de la vérité. Je me propose ici d'exposer les grandes lignes de l a conception davidsonienne de la sémantique des langues naturelles et de chercher à préciser en quel sens une theorie tarskienne de la vérité pour une langue L constitue, selon Davidson, une théorié de la signification pour L. Je ferai pour cela abstraction des obstacles qu'il pourrait (...)
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  • Donnellan's distinctions.Rod Bertolet - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64 (4):477 – 487.
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