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  1. Hauerwas among the virtues.Jennifer A. Herdt - 2012 - Journal of Religious Ethics 40 (2):202-227.
    Despite the fact that Stanley Hauerwas has not taken up many of the topics normally associated with virtue ethics, has explicitly distanced himself from the enterprise known as “virtue ethics,” and throughout his career has preferred other categories of analysis, ranging from character and agency to practices and liturgy, it is nevertheless clear that his work has had a deep and transformative impact on the recovery of virtue within Christian ethics, and that this impact has largely to do with the (...)
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  • Disciplining relativism and truth.Philip Clayton - 1989 - Zygon 24 (3):315-334.
    . Imre Lakatos's philosophy of science can provide helpful leads for theological methodology, but only when mediated by the disciplines that lie between the natural sciences and theology. The questions of relativism and truth are used as indices for comparing disciplines, and Lakatos's theory of natural science is taken as the starting point. Major modifications of Lakatos's work are demanded as one moves from the natural sciences, through economics, the interpretive social sciences, literary theory, and into theology. Although theology may (...)
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  • (1 other version)Truth or Meaning: Ricoeur versus Frei on Biblical Narrative.Gary Comstock - 1986 - Journal of Religion 66 (2):117-140.
    Of the theologians and philosophers now writing on biblical narrative, Hans Frei and Paul Ricoeur are probably the most prominent. It is significant that their views converge on important issues. Both are uncomfortable with hermeneutic theories that convert the text into an abstract philosophical system, an ideal typological structure, or a mere occasion for existential decision. Frei and Ricoeur seem knit together in a common enterprise; they appear to be building a single narrative theology. I argue that the appearance of (...)
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  • Flowing and framing: Language ideology, circulation, and authority in a Pentecostal Bible school.Bruno Reinhardt - 2015 - Pragmatics and Society 6 (2):261-287.
    Experiential and mediatized, Pentecostal Christianity is one of the most successful cases of contemporary religious globalization. However, it has often grown and expanded transnationally without clear authoritative contours. That is the case in contemporary Ghana, where Pentecostal claims about charismatic empowerment have fed public anxieties concerning the fake and the occult. This article examines how Pentecostalism’s dysfunctional circulation is countered within seminaries, or Bible schools, by specific strategies of pastoral training. First, I revisit recent debates on Protestant language ideology in (...)
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  • Kant and the Enlightenment's Contribution to Social Epistemology.Axel Gelfert - 2010 - Episteme 7 (1):79-99.
    The present paper argues for the relevance of Immanuel Kant and the German Enlightenment to contemporary social epistemology. Rather than distancing themselves from the alleged ‘individualism’ of Enlightenment philosophers, social epistemologists would be well-advised to look at the substantive discussion of social-epistemological questions in the works of Kant and other Enlightenment figures. After a brief rebuttal of the received view of the Enlightenment as an intrinsically individualist enterprise, this paper charts the historical trajectory of philosophical discussions of testimony as a (...)
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  • The lost worlds of German orientalism: George S. Williamson.George S. Williamson - 2012 - Modern Intellectual History 9 (3):699-711.
    The opening lines of Franz Delitzsch's Babel und Bibel offer an unusually frank confession of the personal and psychological motives that animated German orientalism in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. For Delitzsch and countless others like him, orientalist scholarship provided an opportunity not just to expand their knowledge of the Near East and India, but also to explore the world of the Bible and, in doing so, effect a reckoning with the religious beliefs of their childhoods. In German Orientalism (...)
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  • Narrative as Philosophy: Methodological Issues in Abstracting from Hebrew Scripture.Jessica Wilson - 2014 - Journal of Analytic Theology 2:271-281.
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  • Noch einmal: Hermeneutik und Kritik.Daniel Weidner - 2007 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 81 (1):21-46.
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  • From divine oracles to the higher criticism: Andrew D. white and the warfare of science with theology in christendom.James C. Ungureanu - 2021 - Zygon 56 (1):209-233.
    Historians of science and religion have given little attention to how historical‐critical scholarship influenced perceptions of the relationship between science and religion in the nineteenth century. However, the so‐called “cofounders” of the “conflict thesis,” the idea that science and religion are fundamentally and irrevocable at odds, were greatly affected by this literature. Indeed, in his two‐volume magnum opus, A History of the Warfare of Science with Theology in Christendom (1896), Andrew D. White, in his longest and final chapter of his (...)
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  • Young-Earth Creationists in Early Nineteenth-Century Britain? Towards a Reassessment of ‘Scriptural Geology’.Ralph O'Connor - 2007 - History of Science 45 (4):357-403.
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  • Die gestaltes van Philipp Melanchthon se Spreukekommentaar.James Alfred Loader - 2017 - HTS Theological Studies 73 (4):1-9.
    This article argues the following thesis: The distinctive characteristics of Philipp Melanchthon's Explicatio Proverbiorum Salomonis and the differences between the several editions or versions of it can only partly be explained by the origins of the book in Melanchthon's teaching activities during the ferment at German universities in the course of the sixteenth century Reformation. Both the peculiarities of the commentary itself and the way several differing versions of it were tolerated alongside one another only become explicable when a theological (...)
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  • Between example and doctrine contract law and common morality.M. Cathleen Kaveny - 2005 - Journal of Religious Ethics 33 (4):669-695.
    In "Democracy and Tradition," Jeffrey Stout contends that American constitutional democracy constitutes a well-functioning moral and political tradition that is not hostile to religion, although it does not depend on any specifically religious claims. I argue that Stout's contention is supported by a consideration of the great common law subject of contracts, as taught to first-year law students across the United States. First, I demonstrate how contract law can fruitfully be understood as a Maclntyrean tradition. Second, I illustrate the moral (...)
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  • Explanatory genealogies and historical testimony.Nick Jardine - 2008 - Episteme 5 (2):pp. 160-179.
    This article proposes that a general theory of assessment of historical testimony should do justice to the long tradition of adjudication in accordance with maxims of reliability and competence. I argue that an explanatory genealogical theory (along lines first adumbrated by Charles Seignobos) satisfies this condition, and that it has further notable virtues: respect for the strengths of rival theories, regard for the links between adjudication of testimony and other basic procedures of historical inquiry, and the promise of profitable lines (...)
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  • Lessing: die Sprache der Toleranz.David Hill - 1990 - Deutsche Vierteljahrsschrift für Literaturwissenschaft Und Geistesgeschichte 64 (2):218-246.
    Die Untersuchung verschiedener Spätwcrkc Lessmgs zeigt seine Tendenz, innerhalb des Textes von argumentativ-diskursiven, abstrakten Redeformen in fiktionale Erzählungen hinüberzuleiten. Diese Tendenz reflektiert das Problem der Erkenntnis und der Vermittlung transzendenter Wahrheiten.
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  • Religious literalism and science-related issues in contemporary Islam.Nidhal Guessoum - 2010 - Zygon 45 (4):817-840.
    The complex relations between Islam and modern science have so far mostly been examined by thinkers at the conceptual level. The wider interaction of religious scholars and preachers with the general public on science issues is an unexplored area that is worthy of examination, for it often is characterized by a literalistic approach. I first briefly review literalism in its various forms. The classical Islamic jurisprudential school of Zahirism, widely regarded as bearing the flag of juristic literalism, is also briefly (...)
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  • Re‐Reading the Post‐Kantian Tradition with Milbank.Gordon E. Michalson - 2004 - Journal of Religious Ethics 32 (2):357-383.
    The essay explores the meaning and implications of Milbank's claim that the post‐Kantian presuppositions of modern theology must be eradicated. After defining and locating the post‐Kantian element in the context of Milbank's broader concerns, the essay employs a comparison between Milbank and Barth to draw out the differences between radical orthodoxy and neo‐orthodoxy with respect to the Kantian ideal of “mediation” between theology and culture. The essay concludes with comparisons of Milbank's metanarrative concerning “modern” thought with those offered by Hans (...)
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  • (3 other versions)The DNA of prophetic speech.Friedrich W. De Wet - 2014 - HTS Theological Studies 70 (2):01-08.
    Having to speak words that can potentially abuse the divine connotation of prophetic speech for giving authority to the own manipulative intent poses a daunting challenge to preachers. The metaphorical images triggered by 'DNA' and 'genetic engineering' are deployed in illustrating the ambivalent position in which a prophetic preacher finds himself or herself; ambivalence between anticipation of regeneration at the deepest level of humanity on the one hand, and disquiet about the possibility of forcing a human being against his or (...)
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  • (1 other version)Irony and Argument in Dialogues, XII.Scott Davis - 1991 - Religious Studies 27 (2):239-257.
    Toward the end of Hume's Dialogues concerning Natural Religion , Philo catalogues the ‘frivolous observances’, ‘rapturous ecstasies’ and ‘bigotted credulity’ of ‘vulgar superstition’, concluding that ‘true religion, I allow, has no such pernicious consequences: But we must treat of religion, as it has com monly been found in the world’ . This would be a mild enough sort of caveat were it not nigh on impossible to determine exactly what counts as true religion, and how it figures in Hume's argument. (...)
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  • The Strange New World in the Church:. A Review Essay of With the Grain of the Universe by Stanley Hauerwas. [REVIEW]Brad J. Kallenberg - 2004 - Journal of Religious Ethics 32 (1):197 - 217.
    Hauerwas's refusal to translate the argument displayed in "With the Grain of the Universe" (his recent Gifford Lectures) into language that "anyone" can understand is itself part of the argument. Consequently, readers will not understand what Hauerwas is up to until they have attained fluency in the peculiar language that has epitomized three decades of Hauerwas's scholarship. Such fluency is not easily gained. Nevertheless, in this review essay, I situate Hauerwas's baffling language against the backdrop of his corpus to show (...)
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  • Narrativity as a Locus Hermeneuticus for Ecumenical Theology: Culture, Koinonia and Transformation.Pavol Bargár - 2018 - Transformation: An International Journal of Holistic Mission Studies 35 (1):30-43.
    This article argues that narrativity has the potential to be a key hermeneutical concept in ecumenical theology. Instead of pursuing a complex elaboration of the notion, it will seek to explore various aspects of narrativity. The thesis will be explicated in three major steps, consecutively discussing culture as the general setting of narrativity, explicating narrativity as a concept that can helpfully address some of the major issues in ecumenical theology and proposing transformation as the ultimate horizon of the faith and (...)
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