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  1. Principled Conscientious Provision: Referral Symmetry and Its Implications for Protecting Secular Conscience.Abram L. Brummett, Tanner Hafen & Mark C. Navin - 2024 - Hastings Center Report 54 (4):3-10.
    Abstract“Conscientious provision” refers to situations in which clinicians wish to provide legal and professionally accepted treatments prohibited within their (usually Catholic) health care institutions. It mirrors “conscientious objection,” which refers to situations in which clinicians refuse to provide legal and professionally accepted treatments offered within their (usually secular) health care institutions. Conscientious provision is not protected by law, but conscientious objection is. In practice, this asymmetry privileges conservative religious or moral values (usually associated with objection) over secular moral values (usually (...)
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  • What Makes Conscientious Refusals Concerning Abortion Different.Jason T. Eberl - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):62-64.
    Fritz argues that there is an “unjustified asymmetry” in legislation that allows physicians and health care institutions to refuse to provide elective abortions and other morally contested l...
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  • Justified Asymmetries: Positive and Negative Claims to Conscience in Reproductive Health Care.Carolyn McLeod - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):60-62.
    A peer commentary on an AJOB article by Kyle Fritz called "Unjustified Asymmetry: Positive Claims of Conscience and Heartbeat Bills.".
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  • Medical Disobedience and the Conscientious Provision of Prohibited Care.Dov Fox - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):72-74.
    Should doctors ever be allowed to offer care that their state or employer forbids? What if their deeply held personal values or beliefs demand they treat patients in need? We’re used to hearing abo...
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  • Does Medicine Need to Accommodate Positive Conscientious Objections to Morally Self-Correct?Kyle Ferguson & Eric J. Kim - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):74-76.
    The controversy around the accommodation of conscientious objections in medicine persists, especially for such contentious services as abortions. COs are typically considered in their negativ...
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  • Putting the Asymmetry Debate in Its Place.Abram L. Brummett - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):68-69.
    The target article by Kyle Fritz draws attention to the asymmetry debate, an under-analyzed issue within the broader debate over the proper role of physician conscience in healthcare. The as...
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  • Conscience Claims and Cost: Tribunals and the Asymmetry Debate.Lisa Campo-Engelstein & David Michael Vaughan - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):70-72.
    We appreciate Fritz’s thoughtful analysis of the asymmetry between legal protections for negative and positive conscience claims and are particularly interested in further exploring the conc...
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  • The Wrong Argument for a Bad Law.Eric Mathison - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):77-79.
    Kyle Fritz argues for the following conditional statement: if healthcare providers should be allowed to conscientiously object to providing abortions in jurisdictions where abortions...
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  • The Moral Asymmetry of Conscientious Provision and Conscientious Refusal: Insights from Oppression and Allyship.Richard Matthews - 2024 - International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics 17 (1):49-72.
    Conscientious refusal involves decisions by healthcare workers, on grounds of their conscience, to refuse to provide legal, professionally permissible and safe health interventions to patients. Conscientious provision involves decisions by healthcare workers, also on grounds of conscience, to provide safe and beneficial healthcare to patients that is prohibited by law or policy. Some bioethicists believe that the moral issues governing both are identical, and that if one permits conscientious refusals, one should also permit conscientious provisions. This article argues that this (...)
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  • Conscience Clauses and Ideological Bias.Mark Wicclair - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):65-67.
    Conscience clauses typically protect health care providers who cannot in good conscience provide a legal, professionally accepted, and clinically appropriate medical service (negative appeals to co...
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  • Justifying Positive Appeals to Conscience: The Debate We Can’t Avoid.Daniel J. Miller - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):79-81.
    Protecting claims of conscience can function to fairly balance burdens among relevant parties without first having to resolve an underlying and intractable moral disagreement. Recently, a number of theorists have argued that the relevant criteria for protecting negative appeals to conscience in health care can (suitably modified) be equally well-satisfied in cases of positive appeals. I argue that, when it comes to certain practices, the justification of positive appeals to conscience does in fact depend upon contested claims in the debate (...)
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