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Values-based practice: topsy-turvy take-home messages from ordinary language philosophy (and a few next steps)

In K. W. M. Fulford, Martin Davies, Richard Gipps, George Graham, John Sadler, Giovanni Stanghellini & Tim Thornton, The Oxford handbook of philosophy and psychiatry. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2013)

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  1. Loneliness and absence in psychopathology.Joel Krueger, Lucy Osler & Tom Roberts - 2023 - Topoi 42 (5):1-16.
    Loneliness is a near-universal experience. It is particularly common for individuals with (so-called) psychopathological conditions or disorders. In this paper, we explore the experiential character of loneliness, with a specific emphasis on how social goods are experienced as absent in ways that involve a diminished sense of agency and recognition. We explore the role and experience of loneliness in three case studies: depression, anorexia nervosa, and autism. We demonstrate that even though experiences of loneliness might be common to many psychopathologies, (...)
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  • Mental Health Without Well-being.Sam Wren-Lewis & Anna Alexandrova - 2021 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 46 (6):684-703.
    What is it to be mentally healthy? In the ongoing movement to promote mental health, to reduce stigma, and to establish parity between mental and physical health, there is a clear enthusiasm about this concept and a recognition of its value in human life. However, it is often unclear what mental health means in all these efforts and whether there is a single concept underlying them. Sometimes, the initiatives for the sake of mental health are aimed just at reducing mental (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Values‐based practice: Fulford's dangerous idea.Kenneth W. M. Fulford - 2013 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 19 (3):537-546.
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  • Public Mental Health and Prevention.Jennifer Radden - 2018 - Public Health Ethics 11 (2):126-138.
    Although employed throughout health-related rhetoric and research today, prevention it is an ambiguous and complicated category when applied to mental and behavioral health. It is analyzed here, along with four ethical issues arising when public health preventative methods and goals involve mental health: age of intervention; resource priorities between prevention and treatment; substantive issues in preventive pedagogies and trade-offs framed by differences of approach. Illustrations include some of the most widespread and ambitious recent preventive models: those aiming to avert subsequent (...)
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  • Why Tourette syndrome research needs philosophical phenomenology.Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt & Jack Reynolds - 2020 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 20 (4):573-600.
    Despite a recent surge in publications on Tourette Syndrome, we still lack substantial insight into first-personal aspects of “what it is like” to live with this condition. This is despite the fact that developments in phenomenological psychiatry have demonstrated the scientific and clinical importance of understanding subjective experience in a range of other neuropsychiatric conditions. We argue that it is time for Tourette Syndrome research to tap into the sophisticated frameworks developed in the philosophical tradition of phenomenology for describing experience (...)
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  • Situating evaluativism in psychiatry: on the axiological dimension of phenomenological psychopathology and Fulford’s value-based practice.Alessandro Guardascione - 2025 - Philosophical Psychology 38 (1):267-303.
    Evaluativists hold that psychiatric disorders have a factual and evaluative dimension and recognize that psychiatric patients have an active role in shaping their symptoms, influencing the development of their disorders, and the outcome of psychiatric therapy. This is reflected in person-centered approaches that explicitly consider the role of values in psychiatric conceptualization, classification, and decision-making. In this respect, in light of the recent partnership between Fulford’s value-based practice (VBP), and Stanghellini’s phenomenological-hermeneutic-dynamical (P.H.D) psychotherapy method, this paper presents a comparative analysis (...)
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  • Mental disorder and its treatment as a transformative experience.Daniel Villiger - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-21.
    According to L.A. Paul, undergoing an experience is transformative if we learn something we cannot learn without having the experience and if it substantially changes our point of view. While the implications of transformative experiences have primarily been discussed in the context of rational choice, their underlying concept has also proven fruitful in the context of unchosen occurrences. The present paper examines mental disorder and its treatment from a transformative experiential perspective, using major depressive disorder as an exemplary case. It (...)
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  • Psychotherapy as Ethics.Richard G. T. Gipps - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (2):42.
    Talk of matters ethical is, in the psychotherapeutic context, typically relegated to therapy’s preconditions and setting, i.e., to its ‘frame’. What goes on within that frame, i.e., therapeutic action itself, gets theorised in psychological rather than ethical terms. An explanation for this is the frequent therapeutic imperative to extirpate self-directed moralising. Moralising, however, constitutes but a phoney pretender to the ethical life. A true ethical sensibility instead shows itself in such moments of life as involve our offering humane recognition to (...)
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  • Agency dynamics in Tourette Syndrome: What do we know?Lisa Curtis-Wendlandt - forthcoming - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences:1-20.
    This paper advances recent efforts to re-integrate Tourette Syndrome (TS) with phenomenological psychiatry by centring discussions on the ticcing person as an agent interacting with her world. To achieve this, I will draw on a concept which rarely appears in the literature on tic disorders, but which is central to phenomenological psychiatry: the self and, more specifically, the notion of agency. First, I will present emerging experimental evidence for altered agency dynamics in TS, as expressed by both heightened attributions of (...)
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  • Public Justification, Evaluative Standards, and Different Perspectives in the Attribution of Disability.Elvio Baccarini & Kristina Lekić Barunčić - 2023 - Philosophies 8 (5):87.
    This paper proposes a novel method for identifying the public evaluative standards that contribute to the classification of certain conditions as mental disabilities. Public evaluative standards could contribute to ascertaining disabilities by outlining characteristics whose presence beyond a threshold is fundamentally important for the life of a person and whose absence or reduced occurrence constitutes a disability. Additionally, they can participate in determining disabilities by delineating particularly grave difficulties, impairments, or incapacities. Our method relies on a model of public justification (...)
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  • Où va la philosophie de la psychiatrie?Elisabetta Basso - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (1):153-175.
    Résumé Cet article expose les tendances actuelles de ce nouveau domaine de recherche qu’est la « philosophie de la psychiatrie » à travers son évolution dans la dernière décade. La première partie se concentre sur le passage d’une approche strictement conceptuelle des thèses issues du savoir psychiatrique à une approche qui prend en compte également les dimensions sociales, pratiques et cliniques de cette discipline. La seconde partie de l’article montre comment l’exigence d’un engagement mutuel de la philosophie et de la (...)
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  • À propos d’un cours inédit de Michel Foucault sur l’analyse existentielle de Ludwig Binswanger (Lille 1953–54)On Michel Foucault’s unpublished lectures on Ludwig Binswanger’s existential analysis (Lille 1953–54)Über Michel Foucaults Unveröffentlichte Vorlesungen Zur Daseinsanalyse Ludwig Binswangers. [REVIEW]Elisabetta Basso - 2016 - Revue de Synthèse 137 (1):35-59.
    RésuméCet article examine la manière dont Michel Foucault se rapporte à la psychologie et à la psychopathologie phénoménologiques dans les années 1950, à la lumière des nouvelles sources documentaires que nous avons aujourd’hui à notre disposition. Notre contribution se concentre en particulier sur le manuscrit inédit de l’un des cours donnés par Foucault à l’université de Lille entre 1952 et 1954 : le cours sur « Binswanger et la phénoménologie ». L’analyse de ce cours, conçu par Foucault dans le contexte (...)
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